[R] Brother Dearest (Dream & Tommy)

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(A/N: request as a pic. mhhhhh here have some canon!dream but a little to the right,,,, jk he's literally the same unreliable narrator
if u try to make this romantic, don't.)

From the very first time Dream laid eyes on TommyInnit, he knew that he had found his lost brother.

It wasn't that hard to connect the dots. A few days of digging later, and Dream found out that: Tommy was adopted, he had no records before two years old, and his appearance was completely natural.

Dream had a younger brother before all of this; Thomas shared his blond hair, but took after their mother with his baby blue eyes. He also disappeared when he was barely a year old, leaving Dream behind to take care of a sickly father and a guilt-stricken mother. The disappearance of the light of their family had taken a toll on them, and Dream spent the years after that desperately trying to find Thomas again.

And now, almost sixteen years later, he finally found him. He finally found Thomas. He finally found Tommy.

Except... Tommy didn't remember anything. Dream was heartbroken, of course, but he tries to get into his brother's good graces. Perhaps, they could become friends, and when they were close enough, Dream would tell him the truth.

But that didn't happen. Because Wilbur fucking Soot had the grand idea to start a revolution, effectively turning his brother against him, portraying Dream as the villain, and gaining more of Tommy's admiration in the process.

It was a genius play on his part. Dream never took Wilbur to be so perspective about his attentiveness on Tommy.

But Tommy was Dream's brother. Not Wilbur's. And he definitely wasn't Philza's son or Technoblade's brother either.

He'd heard the rumours. He'd heard the stories from Wilbur himself, back when he had been spying on L'manburg, watching after his brother.

They didn't deserve his brother.

But it wasn't like Tommy knew that. They'd corrupted his mind, making false bonds in place of Dream and his' relationship as brothers. Philza and Technoblade never seemed to care for the boy that much, so the biggest threat to Dream was Wilbur.

Destroying L'manburg would be destroying Wilbur and Tommy's bond.

Dream was practically a god at this point, he could do this.

Dream had to admit, he'd always been envious of Wilbur. Not jealous, of course not, but he envied the way he got to make Tommy smile, envied how Tommy was always so open around Wilbur. It set off a fire in his heart; that should've been him making his baby brother happy, that should've been him that Tommy would come to with his troubles.

Which was why it made it all the sweeter when Wilbur finally fell. Really, it was pathetically easy.

Dream knew Wilbur didn't have the best of mental states. It's why he had secretly rigged the votes to have Schlatt win — and only by one percent. It would send Wilbur spiralling even more. Then, Dream saddled in, whispering thoughts into his mind, and providing him with the means, until Wilbur was fully onboard with destroying L'manburg, destroying his and Tommy's relationship.

It pained him to watch as Wilbur kept yelling at Tommy. Tommy never deserved any of this, he never deserved to have such a horrid family. Dream would save him.

Seeing Technoblade publicly turn against Tommy was sickening, in a delightful way. Philza always took Technoblade's side, after all, and after what happened with Wilbur and his death, it was highly unlikely the Angel of Death would continue supporting L'manburg, would continue supporting Tommy.

Of course, plans like these took time. Dream plotted and planned, carefully thought out his every move, with his only motive being to get his baby brother back in the end, to get his Tommy back. There were always costs to these sort of things, but it would all be worth it in the end.

So for now, Dream would shove his hurt from Tommy's accusations and threats away, and focus on getting his baby brother back at his side. He would bide his time, planting seeds of doubt in everyone's mind, turning everyone against his brother no matter how much it hurt him to see Tommy suffering; it was for the best, it was to get his brother back.

Tommy didn't understand now, but he would understand soon. Once Dream managed to get his baby brother back again, he'd explain it to him properly. He'd make sure Tommy knew how much Dream loved him, how much he cared for him, and then he would finally have his baby brother back again, safe and sound.

In the meantime... Tubbo needed to be taken care of, first. And once all of Tommy's attachments were fully broken, once Dream managed to get Tommy fully dependent on him and his love and care?

Dream would finally have his Thomas back.

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