[R] Uncle (Tommy & Fundy)

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(A/N: request as a pic. mhhh guess i kinda strayed from this a lil but it follows it other than that so!! yeah!!)

Fundy stormed to his room, barely listening to whatever shitty excuses his father would try to give him next. He'd heard enough.

Everyday, his resolve to run away from this kingdom grew more and more. It wasn't like anyone would miss him; he'd only met Philza twice, and both times the so-called 'kind king' showed disdain for him. Technoblade didn't give a shit about his well-being. His father... Fundy had tried at the start to please him so badly, but his father never seemed to care about him, only the kingdom he was planning to found.

It was fucking stupid.

He slammed the door shut and threw himself onto his bed, sniffling. He wasn't crying, but he was damn close to doing so.

"It's not fair," he hissed to himself. "Why don't- I just- they don't even care about me."

Technoblade doesnt desevr to be called uncle
bad dad wilbur pog??
where the fuck is philza minecraft oh my god??
it's ok fundy were here for you!!
sad fox boi TwT

"Shut up, chat," Fundy muttered. One more reason to hate his family more: nobody ever taught him how to handle 'chat'. He had to learn everything by himself.

He hated this. He hated Philza, he hated Technoblade, he hated his father, he...

...he didn't hate Uncle, did he?

Fundy gripped the pillow tighter. Sure, he did have a few less-than-happy memories of Uncle, but nothing compared to the other members of his family. And if he decided to run away, he would probably tell Uncle where he would be going first.

As he thought more, he realised that Uncle was the only person who even tried to hug him. He was the one who he first came out to, and he took care of him when nobody else was around, or would do so. For most of his childhood, Uncle was in most, if not practically all of his memories.

There was a knock on the door, startling him from his thoughts. It didn't sound like his father's light but quick taps, and the only other person who knocked on his door other than the servants and maids was... Uncle.

"Yeah?" he called out, just loud enough that Uncle — if the person on the other side was actually Uncle — could hear him. "What do you want?"

"Are you okay?" Uncle asked him worriedly, opening the door. He was dressed in a light blue capelet, with the same attire he wore practically everyday beneath it. He stepped into the room hesitantly, as Fundy continued to stare at him with teary wide eyes. "Okay, stupid question. But, uh, do you want to talk about it now?"

Fundy grimaced and shook his head. "No, I just..."

"Bad time, huh," Uncle sighed, and walked in. Fundy let him sit on his bed and ruffle his hair, feeling warm inside. "I get it. I tried talkin' to Wil, you know, but he just doesn't seem to listen nowadays."

Fundy scowled. 'Yeah, no shit,' he thought.

"Still," Uncle continued awkwardly. "If you ever need me, I'll be here for you, alright? Tubbo too, if he's visiting at that time. If you ever have like... troubles or shit, just come to me and I'll give advice the best I can."

Fundy nodded. He took a shuddery breath, and closed his eyes.

Uncleinnit pogchamp??
this is so cute my heart TwT

"Oh no, don't cry," he distantly heard Uncle panic, but his vision was getting blurry, so he furiously wiped his face on his pillows, making a pained, muffled noise.

"Shit, are you hurt?" Uncle asked. "That sounded kinda rough."

"No, I- I'm fine," Fundy coughed, turning his face up to look at Uncle. "You don't... I'm fine, really."

"If you say so," Uncle responded reluctantly. "But if you got any problems, you can always come to me. Honest."

"Yeah, I know. Thanks, uncle," he whispered, feeling all 'warm and fuzzy and shit' inside, as Uncle himself had put it once. Uncle only gave him a grin, and patted his back in clear fondness.

"It's no problem, Fundy. We're family, after all." Uncle stood up. "I have to go now to do Big Man Shit, but if you need me, you could probably find me in my room, alright? See ya."

"Bye," Fundy replied, a smile overtaking his face as he watched Uncle leave the room.

Sure, maybe he might not have his father's understanding, nor Philza or Techno's love, but at least he had Uncle and his friend, and for now, that would be enough.

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