Dump of WIPS #2 (Multiple)

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(A/N: dump of wips except they're not actually wips ksjdkds
no titles for them! they'll all be separated by three paragraph spaces. none of these are related either!)

A few months later, he'll catch Tommy in the patch of land behind the house, digging out weeds with a spade.

"What are you doing?" Wilbur will inquire, peeking at him from the patio.

"I'm planting!" Tommy will declare, a bright smile on his face as he gestures to the bags of soil and seeds beside his crouching form. "This place sucks, so I'm making it better!"

At that declaration, Wilbur will smile, and offer to help. Tommy will scrutinise him and ask why he looks 'like that'. Wilbur will only shrug, not giving an answer, and help Tommy make the land alive again.

And when all is said and done, and Tommy is resting fitfully in the afternoon, Wilbur will smile again, because he'll have been right from the very beginning.

Tommy really does make this place feel like home.

Tommy glanced up at him, eyes shining as he furiously nodded.

"Yes, sir!" he exclaimed. "I'll do my best to make you proud!"

Techno nodded impassively. "I expect nothing less but the best from all of my students, and you are no exception. Do your best, and you will see your due rewards."

Tommy's heart swelled at the inspiring words from his teacher. "Yes, sir! I'll make you proud!"

With those words, he thanked Techno again, before practically sprinting out in excitement and determination.

Techno sat serenely in his place until he was sure that there was nobody around. Then, his head banged onto the table, as he made a frustrated dying voice. If anyone had come in at that very moment, they would definitely think that he was possessed. Which, well, wasn't exactly far from the truth, but it wasn't like Techno could just tell them that.

But he had more to worry about before his reputation and face. Namely, about the protagonist and his behaviour.

Wasn't Tommy supposed to be the protagonist?! Where was the brashness or the rudeness or the disrespect?! Why did the student seem to eager to please?

Techno may have been one of the smartest people in his schools, but the dilemma of the protagonist's behaviour towards him frustrated him, since he couldn't exactly figure out what was happening.

[+10 points towards the user! +100 points towards the user!] the annoying System chirped up, deciding that it was absolutely the perfect time to do so. [There has been no changes in the plot line! Congratulations on finishing quest line (The Protagonist's Start)! 100 points have been rewarded! Wishing this user to continue a successful run!]

Techno's head hit the table again. If there were no changes in the plot line, then what the hell was Tommy trying to do?!

"He'd always wanted to see the stars," he says, wistfully. "There... there weren't any stars in there, and I told so many stories about it to him, that..."

He glances at the gravestone again. Techno suspects — no, knows — that its placement — besides the old ash tree, below the sky, below the stars — is intentional.

"I think," the words are spoken haltingly, but still clear enough for him to hear, even as tears fall from Phil's face. "That letting him see the stars- even only for a moment, even while he was dying- I think, to him, that was the greatest gift I had ever given him."

They stand in silence for a long time. Phil doesn't move, not even when the clouds above start to darken, and rain starts to pour, light but steady. Techno doesn't leave his side, either.

Eventually, though, Phil sighs, and leaves. Techno trails behind him, just to make sure that he actually heads back to their camp and not anywhere else. As he follows quietly, his mind drifts to the gravestone besides the old ash tree.

He's never gotten to know who 'Wilbur Craft' was, but he hopes that the boy, that the son of his closest friend, had known that he was — is — loved above all else.

Michael wanted to sleep, but he couldn't.

Dad and Papa weren't home yet. They promised they would be home today, because today was storytime night and they never missed storytime night.

Except this time, apparently.

Michael was worried. Too worried. Dad and Papa never stayed out this late, and especially not during storytime night. He wanted to go search for them, but Dad and Papa always told him to stay at home and follow the rules set in place to keep him safe, and his parents were always right.

So, Michael quietly laid on his bed, staring at the ceiling, counting all the stars that Dad had helped him pin up a few days ago.

He had counted all of them seven times already in different patterns when, suddenly, he heard yelling.

"Michael? Michael?!"

Michael perked up, as he rushed to the window, because he couldn't open the door.

That was his Uncle Mee's voice!

...but Uncle Mee was supposed to be missing.

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