[R] BlueJayz's 7, Part One (Multiple)

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(A/N: request as a pic. I'm,,,,, gonna split this one into two, so I'll be doing the first three requests today, and the next four tmr :3)

The Beloved Family
"Hello," Eret knelt down and smiled at Michael, who stared at her with wide eyes. Or, perhaps more specifically, her golden crown, resting lightly on top of her head.

Michael made grabby hands for it, and Ranboo tried to step forward, to prevent Michael from taking it, but stopped and fell silent when Eret willingly gave her crown over, her smile growing wider at the sight of Michael delightedly playing with it, turning around in his tiny, tiny hands as his eyes never strayed from it.

"Th'nk you!" Michael said excitedly, not looking up from the crown. Eret chuckled, and stood back up, smoothing down her dress as she did so.

"I have an extra gift for him as well," Eret added, giving over the bag she held at her side to Tubbo, who thanked her and put it on a small table nearby, where several other presents for Michael's fifth birthday were on.

"Do you, ah, need that crown back anytime soon? Because Michael isn't the type to let go of shiny things so easily; piglin heritage and all." Ranboo told her, an awkward smile on his face as he led her to the dining to sit, where Niki, Technoblade, Philza, and Tommy were sitting at as well. It had made for a slightly hostile atmosphere, but things must've resolved from when Eret had left the table to go offer her gift to Michael, because Tommy looked to at least be holding a casual conversation with Technoblade now.

"It's fine," Eret responded to Ranboo. Her eyes strayed to the cake in the middle of the dining table, which was... surprisingly big, especially for someone of Michael's size.

"Tommy and Niki made it," Ranboo whispered to her quietly, a chuckle following after his words. "After Techno and Phil banded together to get Michael the most golden toys for his gift, Niki and Tommy decided to band together to 'outdo' them, by making the biggest cake. We might have to give the slices out to everyone else later."

Eret hummed. A certain banquet would be starting sometime this week, and since it was a banquet, nobody would be concerned by someone bringing extra food, right?

Maybe she could slip some poison for the Eggpire in the slices...

Tailors In The Making

This was the seventh time Ranboo had stabbed himself with the needle. Niki didn't understand why her brother was so stubborn in learning how to embroider, especially since simply trimming the clothes would be much easier for him and on his hands, but she wasn't going dissuade Ranboo from doing this, especially not when he looked so concentrated on doing it.

When she and Eret had decided to teach Tommy, Tubbo and Ranboo to sew their own clothes, they never thought that it would be this... easy. Sure, there were complications, and there were some injuries here and there, but for the most part, all three of the boys were fully invested in learning to make their own clothes, along with a few extra lessons.

Since Tommy already knew how to sew clothes, Eret was teaching him to make ones that were longer and more complicated than simple shirts and pants. Currently, Tommy was hovering over a table, making sure all the measurements were exact, and watching Eret as they showed him little tricks and tips on making the process easier.

Tubbo also knew how to sew clothes, though he was a lot clumsier and less experienced with it than Tommy. He seemed to find plotting out clothes fun, though, soo Niki and Eret showed him how to make measurements for clothes and plan them out. Right now, he was surrounded by paper, all with different designs for clothes, as well as some yarn and silk.

Ranboo knew nothing about sewing, so Niki took it upon herself to teach her brother how to do so. Once they got over the basics and made sure Ranboo really knew how to do them, Niki let Ranboo choose what he wanted to focus on, which was surprisingly embroidery. Niki didn't have much experience in it either, but she was the designated teacher, so she tried her best to teach Ranboo.

By the end of today, they would have many more small injuries than when they first arrived at Eret's castle, but it would all be worth it.

"You should be more careful."

"Yeah, I kind of figured that out by now," Karl laughed sheepishly. He was sitting around a campfire, with a zombie piglin who was surprisingly human-like, and who had saved him from the mob of piglins. Karl didn't know why or how said zombie piglin had gotten the title of 'Bloodhound', but frankly, he didn't want to know.

Bloodhound snorted. "At least you're not completely stupid. Where did you come from, anyways? I've never seen you around before."

"Whoa, whoa, I didn't know we were getting so comfortable," Karl raised his hands, laughter spilling from him. "How about we exchange questions?"

"That's fine."

"Right! 21 Questions sort of thing, alright! Uh, what's your name?"

"You already know my Nether-name," Bloodhound shrugged. "But most overworld people just know me by Michael."

"Michael?" the name sounded familiar to him, but he couldn't quite place how just yet. "Uh, okay! My name is Karl."

"Karl," Bloodhound — who he now knew as 'Michael', which was a surprisingly tame name — repeated. He reached back, turning around slightly to dig around in his bag, and Karl got a glimpse of the bee pin strapped to his sleeve.

'Bee, bee pin... Tubbo's bee pin?'

"Tubbo?" Karl unconsciously said out loud. He was startled when Michael whirled around, a wide-eyed look on his face.

"Where did you hear that name?" Michael breathed out. He seemed a mixture of angry and confused, and Karl quickly wracked his mind for answers before Michael decided that saving him was a mistake.

"Uh, uh..." a vague, blurry memory of an enderman and a ram introducing him to a tiny, little zombie piglin in their arms appeared in his mind. Something clicked. "Wait, Michael Underscore-Beloved?"

"Wh- how did you know my name?"

Oh. This was Ranboo and Tubbo's son.

"Are your parents, by any chance, Ranboo Beloved and Tubbo Underscore?"

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