[R] The Parent Trap, But Not Really (Tommy & Tubbo & Schlatt & Wilbur)

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(A/N: request as a pic. I genuinely had to search up a vague synopsis of the movie to get this lmao,,, anyways everything in here is 100% platonic don't get me wrong. this whole thing is a lil weird but shrug)

"So," Tubbo started off, swinging his legs back and forth as he sat on the top bunk bed. "Tomorrow's the last day, huh?"

"Sure is," Tommy responded, looking down. "Is your dad gonna pick you up?"

"Yeah, you?"

"Nah. Wilbur's coming. Dad is- he's on a trip with Techno."

"That sucks," Tubbo sighed. "...hey, do you think your brother will let us keep in contact?"

"Probably," Tommy shrugged. "Wilbur would be happy that I've made a friend. What about your dad?"

"Oh, my dad will definitely be fine. He always told me to make some friends at camp before I came, and now I have you!"

"Gross, you're so clingy," Tommy wrinkled his nose, but his cheeks were flushed pink. "Relax, Tubbo. It'll be fine. You have that worried look on your face."

"But what if something goes wrong?" Tubbo bit his lip. "I mean, you know what the counsellors told us. We should always have a backup plan and all!"

"Half the things they say are bullshit," Tommy scoffed, falling over to lay on the bed on his back. "But just this once, you're right. But only about this."

"Okay, Tommy," Tubbo responded, knowing full well that Tommy was lying. "But seriously though..."

"Okay, fine, fine," the younger groaned. "Well we can't like, kidnap each other or some shit. We can't try and stay in the same place either because that won't work out, and threats aren't pogchamp..."

"So we just have to make them not want to separate," Tubbo concluded. At those words, Tommy bolted up and Tubbo gasped, the same idea appearing in both of their minds.

"Tubbo," Tommy started.

"Tommy," Tubbo said, the two of them looking at each other.

"You thinkin' what I'm thinkin'...?"

"I think I'm thinking what you're thinking."

"Let's get them together!"

stupid child: hey wilbyyyy

stupid teen: what do u want

stupid child: Why do you always think that I wast something hu bitch

stupid teen: tommy

stupid teen: u ligrally only use wilby when u want sumthn from me

stupid child: ok fair nough

stupid teen: ha.


stupid child: can you do me a favour???

stupid teen: Nope. nyada. No. Nuh uh. Whatever varaition there is

stupid child: RUDE

stupid child: but srsly when you come pick me up tmr can you wait a while longer??

stupid teen: why

stupid child: I have a friend

stupid teen: say no more ill be there

stupid child: POGCHAMO

stupid teen: to share embarrassing stories abt u

stupid child: OH FUCK YOU WILBUR

bee: dad

baa: yes

bee: when you pick me up can you

bee: wait at the praking lot

bee: i made a friend now :D

bee: and i want you to meet him!!

baa: okay kiddo

baa: but not too long okay?

bee: ok!

bee: love you dad

baa: love you too

baa: see you soon

"Sorry to have to dump this on-" Schlatt started, but Wilbur just waved him off with a hand, as Schlatt got into his car.

"Nah, it's fine," he said easily. "We're going to the same place anyways. Bit of a coincidence, isn't it?"

"Wilbur, I already told you that I sent my son to the same camp as your son."


"Same difference, dear ol' dad's gone anyways."

Wilbur made no move to refute the statement, and Schlatt didn't apologise for it. Instead, they switched topics, and soon they were laughing together as the car rolled up to the camp's entrance, where a bunch of kids were already waiting. Wilbur parked the car in a free spot, and stepped out, while Schlatt tried to make himself look more presentable.

"Mr Soot, glad to see you again," a camp helper greeted. "And you must be Mr Underscore?"

Schlatt nodded. "Where is my kid?"

"Oh, just over at that cabin," they pointed towards a cabin close by. "Your brother should be somewhere there too, Mr Soot."

Wilbur thanked the camp helper as Schlatt made his way to the cabin. He pushed open the door, already calling out, "Tubbo?"

"Up here, dad!" he heard his son say, and looked up to see Tubbo waving at him cheerfully. Another kid sat up besides him, with a shock of blond hair on his head, and a small frown.

"'S that your dad, Tubbo?" the kid asked. Tubbo nodded, hopping down, and running up to hug him. Schlatt relaxed, as he was prone to do whenever Tubbo was around.

"Tommy? Come out, come out!" Wilbur arrived, also calling out to his brother, who was in the room. Schlatt was slightly startled when he saw the blond kid — who he now knew as Tommy — jump down and immediately tackle Wilbur.

"Wilbur!" he yelled out, breaking away from the quick and surprised hug Wilbur gave him, before Schlatt was forced to drop his own son as Tubbo ran up to Tommy.

"This is my friend!" the two chorused, and glanced at each other in surprise, before at them, then back at each other. "Huh?"

Wilbur and Schlatt shared a look at the sheer confusion Tommy and Tubbo exuded. Then, both of them burst out into laughter yet again.

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