Mooblooms (Tommy & Tubbo & Ranboo)

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(A/N: i miss the funky cows,,,,, i want the funky cows,,,, i write the funky cows,,,,)

"I am going to adopt so many of them," Ranboo stated fiercely.

When Tubbo had decided to go on an outing with Michael, Ranboo and Tommy, never would he have guessed that he would be stumbling across a secret sanctuary, with cows with flowers and plants sprouting from their backs wandering around. There weren't many of them, but there did seem to be a cow for each type to plant. Most of them, at least.

He just wanted to find a good place to have a picnic. Although, he wasn't complaining against the current situation. Not when Ranboo and Tommy looked so happy.

Also, he'd get to be one of the first people to discover these cows. What if they dropped different items compared to normal cows?

"Cows!" Michael crowed, staring at the cows in wonder. "F'owa! F'owa cows!"

"They sure are flower cows," Tubbo bounced Michael lightly, smiling at his son's giggles while Ranboo and Tommy headed forward to explore everything.

While Tommy immediately made a beeline towards a cow with alliums blooming from its back, Ranboo moved towards the stand, where a thin book rested. He picked it up, flipping through it.

"Check this out," he exclaimed. "This looks like an... encyclopaedia!"

"What does it say?" Tubbo questioned, moving closer.

Ranboo started reading out the words on the book, "Mooblooms resemble ordinary cows in size and shape. There are several variations to a mooblooms' colours, based on the flowers they have. Mooblooms' eyes are completely black, unlike regular cows."

He flipped a page, cleared his throat, and continued as Tommy wandered closer, now with several cows following him. "There are thirteen variations to mooblooms, and they all spawn in different biomes. In the Flower Forests, the mooblooms that can be found are: the dandelion moobloom, the poppy moobloom, the blue orchid moobloom, the allium moobloom, the oxeye daisy moobloom, and the cornflower moobloom. Additional variants are the wither rose moobloom, found in the Nether; the suncower, found in sunflower plains; the bambmoo, found in the bamboo jungles; the cowctus, found in the badlands; the chorus moobloom, found in the end islands; the crimson mooshroom, found in the crimson forests; the warped mooshroom, found in the warped forests."

By the end of his explanation, Ranboo was panting. Still, there was one page left, so while Ranboo got his breath back, Tubbo helped Michael sit on one of the mooblooms: the poppy moobloom, if he remembered correctly. Michael was absolutely delighted.

Tommy, on the other hand, had somehow gotten most of the mooblooms to follow him around, and was resting on them, surrounded by mooblooms like they were pillows and he was in a pillow nest. The pure bliss on his face was so new and an expression that Tubbo hadn't seen in years.

It was... nice.

"All of the mooblooms you see here have been collected from their habitats in order to keep them safe, as their species is slowly dwindling. Whoever finds this in the future, I hope that you will take care of these rare species well." Ranboo frowned at the end of it. "That's it. No name or any extra information."

"That's fine, we can always fuck around and find out," Tubbo shrugged. Ranboo put the book down, before immediately swooping Michael up, taking out some wheat that he had kept on him, and made his way towards the mooblooms that weren't hanging around Tommy.

In the end, they had their picnic surrounded by mooblooms. Tubbo was having the time of his life; his family was happy, the mooblooms were happy, he was happy. All was well, in this quiet time in the little place they'd discovered.

However, all things had to end eventually.

They had to head back; they didn't have the materials needed to stay here for too long, and if they did, someone might come looking for them, and discover the mooblooms. And depending on who found them, who knew what would happen to the mooblooms? Plus, even if the person who found them wasn't malicious, the more people that knew about this place, the easier the news of it would spread to everyone else, and they would lose yet another thing that made them happy.

Tubbo would not let that happen.

"We should keep this a secret," he said.

"Yes, we are telling no one about this," Tommy said solemnly.

"Definitely," Ranboo nodded. "Absolutely. Nobody else needs to know about this."

"Let's just keep them here for now," Tubbo suggested. "Cover up our tracks and all. We'll grab whatever we need, and then we'll come back."

The three of them agreed, and together, they set back home. Michael rested against Tubbo's shoulder, snoring, while Tommy and Ranboo bickered lightheartedly.

Tubbo hummed a light tune.

He'd bring some of his experimenting tools next time; the mooblooms were a new species, after all, and like any good scientist, Tubbo would compare their differences to actual cows.

Maybe he could somehow breed a pink moobloom for Michael...?

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