[R] Impromptu Sleepover (Niki & SBI)

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(A/N: req as a pic :3
also BridgeSpider if you're out there what did you mean by '6 & 17' bc im p sure you sent this req b4 my break and since then I've added a chapter and I'm not sure if you're referring to it through the actual story chapters (in which case it would be one year later & your worth) or the general numbering system (in which case it would be something very different) so uh yeah please like,,, leave a comment ok thx)

"Are you gonna be okay?" five year old Tommy asked, glancing with a small frown at Niki, who was lying down on his house's guest room's bed. He stood on his tiptoes, leaning his head on Niki's leg as he pouted.

Fourteen year old Niki only chuckled, though it came out weak, and was followed almost immediately by a cough. "I'll be fine," she assured, when Tommy's frown deepened. "I'll just have to stay here for a while, until I recover."

"Aww," Tommy whined. "Wilby told me you couldn't play with me until you got- you got less sick. Can you get less sick quicker?"

Niki smiled, knowing that this was Tommy's awkward way of telling her to get better. "Sure, I'll try."

"Tommy, stop bothering Niki," the door opened, and Niki waved at Wilbur, who stood at the doorway with a glass of water in his hand. Behind him, she could see Techno, the older twin peeking out from the doorway.

"It's alright, he's not bothering-" Niki coughed again, cutting off a sentence. That one simple cough led to more, and soon enough, she was having a coughing fit.

A glass of water was handed to her, and Niki gratefully accepted and drank it as a hand rubbed her back.

"Are you better now?" she heard Techno ask her awkwardly. The teen was carrying Tommy, with the latter fidgeting with a Rubin cube in his arms, fascinated by it.

"I'm good now," Niki offered a smile to both him and Wilbur, who had taken the glass of water from her hands. "Thank you, Wilbur."

"It's no problem," Wilbur responded. "I mean, I did get you sick."

Not for the first time since she became sick, Niki sighed. "It's not your fault, Wilbur."

Wilbur pursed his lips, but said nothing.

It actually wasn't Wilbur's fault. After all, he couldn't have predicted that it would rain — and heavily, at that — while Niki was trying to make her way to his house for a group project. He couldn't have predicted that Niki had forgotten to bring an umbrella just in case. And he definitely couldn't have predicted her becoming sick from staying in the rain for too long.

All of that led to where she was now; lying in the Pandel's spare guest room, resting her sickness away. Mr Pandel — or Phil, as he had insisted on being called — had already called her parents about her staying over until she got better, as her parents were out of state for a business meeting, and her siblings Tubbo, Eret and Fundy were staying at a friend's house.

"I'd stay with you and chat, but someone distracted me from my homework yesterday," Wilbur paused to glare at Tommy, who only stuck out his tongue back. Techno looked vaguely uncomfortable. "So I have to go do that now before Mr Teedem scolds me for it."

"It's fine, you should go do that quick," Niki smiled.

"She's right, Wilbur," Phil appeared at the door, holding a covered bowl in his hands. "Techno, Tommy, go check if you have any other homework you need to do."

All three

All of the Pandel siblings left the room, with Wilbur promising to spend time with her later, if he finished his homework quick enough. Phil came into the room and sat down on the bed, placing the bowl on the bedside table, before taking out a plastic-wrapped plastic spoon and placing it on top of the bowl.

"That's some medicinal soup for you," Phil explained to her. "You can drink it whenever you're ready."

"Thank you," Niki replied with a soft smile. "I appreciate it."

"How's your head?" Phil inquired.

"Oh, it's- my headache's gone for now."

"Alright, but if it comes back and starts to hurt more than it should, call me, alright?"

"I will."

"And if you need anything else, feel free to just spam Wilbur until he calls for me."

At those words, Niki chuckled lightly. "Will do, Mr Phil."

"Please, just call me Phil," Phil stood up from the bed, smiling as he walked towards the door. "Have a good rest, Niki. Recover soon."

And with those parting words, he closed the door behind him, leaving Niki alone.

With a hum, Niki took out her phone, and opened up a search browser. At the very least, she could get a head start on her part of the group project before her headache returned full-force, and she was forced to take a break.

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