[R] r/Architecture (Sam-centric)

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(A/N: request as a pic. decided to go for a less plot-heavy route! also pretty short but uhh yeah?)

r/Architecture from u/theWardenofPV- How can I improve the design of this prison without adding more to the exterior?

[Attachments: The first picture is of a blueprint, extensively labelled and marked, but with a few sentences here and there marked out with black. The second and third pictures are continuations of the first picture, going into depth about the security measures and overall layout of the prison, also with several sentences hidden with black. The fourth picture is a collage of a bunch of pictures taken of the pictures.]

I've been hesitating to post everything on their subreddit for a while, but seeing as certain measures have made sure that the prisoner or any future prisoners will not be able to see this, I've decided to post it. However, I'll be removing the blueprints in a few days, to lessen the risk of anyone from r/thedreamsmpchronicles discovering this.

To lessen questions, here's a bit of background, for anyone wondering why the prison is so extensive: not only do I have to make sure that the prisoner has absolutely no chance escaping, I have to also protect the visitors from the prisoner. The prison's name is called Pandora's Vault for a reason, and for all the harm that the prisoner has caused, he's also useful, and we can't get rid of him just yet, for everyone's safety.

But I have come to this subreddit today for advice on how to improve the security measures that I currently already have in place, and to see if there are any flaws in this that I was previously unaware of. This whole thing was first planned out by my former boss, who is also the prisoner in question, and I built everything mainly around his desires. After his imprisonment, I worked on adding extra measures and countermeasures, but it would mean a lot of you all could offer me some tips from your own expertise.

I am also open to answering questions, although I may not get to them quickly.

Once again, I am open to any advice or even opinions on this, except for anything related to releasing the prisoner or giving the prisoner any sort of advantage. There is a very good reason as to why he's currently locked up and so heavily guarded against any escape attempts, and if I was allowed to reveal the full extent (as far as I know of — keep that part in mind) of the prisoner's crimes, it would violate several Geneva Conventions, and other modern-day moralities.

u/dwdisAnWjoji: dude what the fuck is this. who is this prisoner. why is this related
                           to the dsmp chronicles. who ARE you. and where the hell is this
                           "pandora's vault" holy fucking shit
         u/theWardenofPV: I cannot answer those questions. But you can refer to me as the Warden.

u/LovnyW12CE: I don't know who the prisoner is, but surely he's not that dangerous
                           to warrant multiple security measures and such harsh conditions.
          u/theWardenofPV: I have a list. It's alphabetised, numbered, and ranked on a pyramid scale.
                                        His crimes includes abuse, gaslighting, arson, murder, and more. That's
                                        barely a quarter of it.
                     u/LovnyW12CE: What the actual fuck.

u/buzzingit: Just keep him far far awy and keep him loced up. Maybe chain up
                   his legs too
          u/theWardenofPV: I'll keep that in mind.

u/MysteriousCasinoPenis: check dms, i can help you ;)
          u/theWardenofPV: And you couldn't have told me this directly?
                    u/chriniclaor: new convo new person r/thedreamsmpchronicles

u/kqwAss9: all of this seem rather interesting actually! I spent several days think
                   about this! i couldn't fit all of my thoughts into a reddit posts, so i have
                   decided to make a word document for my thoughts and advice! hope
                   this helps!
          u/theWardenofPV: Thank you. I've only been able to get a cursory glance at it so far,
                                        but it definitely looks promising.

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