Chapter 5

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"Oh my God...they found me. I don't know how, but they found me--" The Doc said in a panic, his eyes widening. "Who, who?!" Marty questioned, his heart starting to race. Who could be after the Doc at this hour? "Who do you think?! The Lybians!!" Marty and Rosanna turned their heads to see a van speeding towards their direction, with a man holding some kind of strange looking weapon standing out of the roof of the van. "Oh, sh*t!!" Marty cursed, grabbing Rosanna as he pulled her down.

"Marty?! What's going on?? Who are those people?" Rosanna questioned, staying close to Marty for protection. " know how the doc got the plutonium and all?" He said. "Yeah...?" She replied, raising an eyebrow. "He kinda didn't do his part of the deal and now these guys, Libyan terrorists are after him." He told her. "WHAT?!" Rosanna gasped, and Marty glared at her, shushing her. "Okay first of all, NEVER tell a woman to be quiet--" "Get down!!" Marty interrupted her, keeping her as low as possible.

Shooting began around them, and Doc tried to hold off their fire with his hand gun. Marty then turned around to look over the corner when he saw Doc standing there, aiming his gun for the terrorists. His eyes widened when it was out of bullets and he dropped it on the ground, putting his hands up in surrender. Marty and Rosanna's eyes widened as they watched the Doc be shot by the terrorists.

"NOOO!!! YOU BASTARDS!!!" Marty screams in horror, stepping out in front of them. His heart was racing now and so we're his thoughts. They just killed his best friend. Right in front of him! Rosanna followed his lead, and her eyes widened as did his when the terrorists aimed their weapon for them.

His eyes widened, then he closed them, turning his head as Rosanna clinged onto him, waiting for it to just be over with already. When nothing happened after he already pulled the trigger, Marty quickly looked around for a way of escape. He thought he was going to faint from relief. "Marty, the Delorean!" Rosanna pointed out. "Yes!!! Come on!" He said, taking her hand as he pulled her into the car.

They quickly shut both doors and Marty stepped on the gas without giving it any second thoughts. "Go!!" He heard the terrorist shout behind him. "Hurry, they're gaining us!" Rosanna pressured Marty. "I'm trying!!" Marty shouts, stepping on the gas. He speeds up, looking out the rear view mirror to see the terrorist aiming another weapon at them, but this time one that was way bigger than the last.

"Sh*t!" His eyes widen, and he suddenly jerked the car. Rosanna held on for dear life at the sharp turn. "What the hell, Marty?!" She freaked. "Sorry! Hang on to something!" He says as she grips tighter onto the car. He then steps on the gas, going faster and faster as it reaches towards a speed of 80 MPH.

"Come on, come on!!" He was nearly there; then had to turn again. This time, he sped up and reached 88 miles per hour. Light flashed around the front of the delorean as they accelerated, and just before they could crash into the phone booth, they disappeared into thin air, leaving a pair of fire trails behind them and began their adventure.
A/N: hey guys! I'm so sorry it's been forever since I've updated this book, but here it is!!! Please let me know what y'all think in the comments ! Thanks for reading! :)
~miyagifang ❤️

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