Chapter 4

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"Yeah, it's a Delorean, right?" Marty asks as he and Rosanna study the vehicle that was placed out right in front of them. "Never mind that, never mind that now! You got the camera?" Doc questions Marty as he lifts it up. "Yep!"

"Good, good! Roll it!" He instructed as he made Einstein come over to him. "Alright, I'm ready!" Marty smiled as did Rosanna who folded her arms while she watched. Marty began the recording, and Doc stood up proudly next to the Delorean. "Good evening, I'm Doctor Emmett L. Brown, and I am standing here at the parking lot of Twin Pines Mall, it's a Saturday morning, October 26th 1985, 1:15 AM and this is temporal experiment number one!" He introduced himself, then went to go grab Einstein.

"C'mon Einey, hey hey boy, go get down! Get your seatbelt on! That's it!" The Doc snapped in Einstein's seat belt as he sat in the Delorean's driver side. "Whoa whoa, okay..." Marty spoke to himself as he and Rosanna got on a better angle for the video camera. "Please note, that Einstein's clock is in precise synchronization with my control watch. Got it?" Doc asked Marty, to make sure.

"Right, check Doc." The teenager replied, aiming his camera a little better to see it. "Good," The Doc nodded, then got up as he closed the door of the Delorean. "Have a good trip, Einstein! Watch your head!"

The Doc then pulled out what looked like a giant remote, and Marty asked, "You have this thing hooked up to the—" When Doc pressed a button, the car turned on and that had answered Marty's question already. "Car?" He finished. Rosanna smiled, really excited to see what this thing was gonna do.

"Watch this!" The Doc smiled happily, and Marty aimed his camera. "Yeah, k. Got it." He replied. "Not me, the car! the car!!!" The Doc shouts, making Marty jump. "Oh! Right! Sorry!" He quickly aims his camera's focus back onto the Delorean. The Doc then runs over right in front of the Delorean, and Marty and Rosanna followed.

The Doc pulled another lever on the remote then smirked. "Now. When this baby hits 88 Miles Per Hour, you're gonna see some real shit!" He smirked proudly. Marty looked at his friend with concern, unsure of what exactly was about to happen. But there was only one way to find out. He focused the camera back onto the Delorean, and the Doc pressed a few buttons on his remote as it seemed to have started up the car more, making it roar to life.

"Whoa..." Rosanna said to herself as she watched, standing a little closer to Marty. The Delorean then started moving towards them, and Marty wondered if maybe he should move out of the way, just in case. It started speeding faster and faster, and Marty cursed, "Sh*t!" as he took Rosanna's hand as he tried to jump out of the way, but the Doc looked at him and he stayed where he was. What the hell was the Doc trying to do? Kill them?! Marty took a deep breath, trying to trust that his friend knew what he was doing.

"Doctor Brown! The car is speeding really fast towards—" Rosanna was interrupted when the car suddenly made three loud booms, and disappeared right in front of them, leaving two pairs of fire trails behind. Marty and Rosanna stared with their eyes wide, in complete shock. "What the hell?!" Marty spun around, picking up the license plate. "Doc, you disintegrated Einstein!!!" Marty panicked, wondering what happened to the Doc's pet.

"Calm down, Marty! I didn't disintegrate anything!!!" Doc explained with a wide smile as he checked his watch. "Well what just happened?! Where'd the car go?!" Rosanna questioned as she looked out into the distance astonished. "I mean, not that that wasn't cool or bad ass or anything because it definitely was but, where did they go??" She asked the Doc as he checked the time on his watch.

"You guys, don't worry! Einstein and the car are completely intact!" Doctor Brown explained happily. "Well, where the hell are they?!" Marty breathed as he still tried to comprehend what had just happened around them. "I think the appropriate question is when the hell are they?" Doc smirked, looking out into the distance.

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