Chapter 7

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Song Selection: Mr. Sandman :)
MARTY AND ROSANNA walked around the town square, looking at everything in awe and wonder. This isn't real. There's just no way this is all real! Marty thought to himself as they walked down the sidewalks. "Marty? Are we really...back in time?" Rosanna asked as they crossed the street. "I'm not sure, I think so. I hope not. This is probably just a dream, and we're gonna wake up any minute now." He replied. Marty's mind was all over the place, he was so lost, confused and scared. Nothing like this has ever happened to him before, he didn't know how to feel or act.

When they crossed the street, Rosanna accidentally bumped into a man on the sidewalk. "Sorry!" She apologized. He only looked at her, and tossed out a newspaper he was holding in his hand. Immediately, Marty went to grab it to read the date. It read; November 5th, 1955. His eyes widened when he read that date, and blinked just to make sure it was real. Yep, it was. "How...?" Marty said to no one really but himself.

"Alright...uhm, oh perfect, a coffee shop right over there. Maybe they have a phone I can call the Doc on," He told Rosanna. "Good, cause honestly this place is freaking me out! Even though it's Hill Valley, but still! We're in the freaking 50s!" She said. "Yeah, I feel you. Come on, let's go," He said as they crossed another road to get to the cafe.

When they got in, they looked around for anyone who could help them, when an older looking man stepped up to the bar.

"Hey kid, what'd you do? Jump ship?" He retorted. "Huh?" Marty replies, distracted. "Well what's with the life preserver?" The man continues. Life preserver? Marty thought, then looks down at his vest. Oh, he must think his vest is a life jacket. "Oh umm...I just wanna use the phone." He says hesitantly.

"Yeah, it's over there in the back." The man replies, pointing in the direction. "Thanks!" Marty says, racing over to the phone booth. Rosanna took a seat at the bar and ordered herself a coffee as she waited for Marty. "Emmett Brown...Emmett Brown..." Marty mumbled to himself as he goes through the list of contacts in the phone book.

"Great! You're alive!" He says relieved, as he then dials up the number. "Come on, come on answer!" Marty mumbled to himself as the phone kept ringing. After a little while longer, he decided to give up. He hung up the phone, and pulled out the piece of paper with Doc's information on it, walking over to the man behind the counter.

"Excuse me, do you know where 1640 Riverside—"
"Are you gonna order something, kid??" The man rudely interrupted. "Huh? Uhm...sure. Give me a Tab." He says. "Well I can't give you a tab unless you order something!" The man argues. "Fine, give me a pepsi free," he says, taking the seat next to Rosanna on his left, and now a kid on his right who seemed to be the same age as him.

"If you want a Pepsi pal, you're gonna have to pay for it!" The man snaps. Marty rose an eyebrow in confusion. Rosanna was really close to saying something to the man, but she then figured what was the point of arguing with someone of the past. "Uhh, alright. Then just give me something without any sugar." Marty says, folding up the paper and placing it in his jacket.

"Any luck with getting in touch with Doc?" Rosanna asks in a whisper kind of tone almost. "No, he's probably not home right now since he isn't answering. We're gonna have to just go over later and see if he's around." Marty says, as the man places the coffee in front of him.

It was silent for a little, until the door swung open. "Hey, Mcfly!" An all too familiar voice yells. Marty, Rosanna and the guy next to them all turn around at the same time.

"Biff??" Marty says, his eyes widening. "Hey, guys!" Marty looks over at the man who nervously responded. No way. Could that be...his father? "That's not Biff Tannen!" Rosanna gasped. "I think it is—" Marty says quietly in surprise.

"Hey you got my homework finished, Mcfly? You Irish Bug?" Biff snaps, as he and his gang surround him. "Well, no...I figured since it's not due until Monday..."

"Hello?? Hello? Anybody home?! Think Mcfly, think! I gotta have time to recopy it! Do you realize what would happen if I turn in my homework in your handwriting? I'd get kicked out of school! You wouldn't want that to happen, would you? Would you?" Biff grabs George's collar after he hesitated to answer.

"Well now of course not Biff, I wouldn't want that to happen." George sighed in response. "Right, right." Biff smirks, then turns and notices Marty and Rosanna. "What are you two lookin at, buttheads?" He remarks. "Hey Biff, get a load of this guys life preserver! The dork thinks he's gonna drown!" Biff's goon Skinhead says, as Marty pulls away when he grabbed him.

"Yeah," Biff laughs, then turns back to George. "So, how about my homework Mcfly?"
"Uh, yeah ok. I'll do it tonight then run it on over first thing tomorrow morning." He says. "Hey not too early I sleep in on Sundays. And oh, Mcfly. Your shoes untied," he smirked. George looked down, falling for it. He laughs loudly, and hits him on his chin. "Don't be so gullible, Mcfly! Remember, tomorrow morning for my homework!" He says, as they finally leave. "Ok, I've got something I wanna say to those boys if they ever come back!" Rosanna said.

Marty stared in amazement, that's his father. He was just about to speak to him, when someone else came over. Say, boy, why do you let those guys push you around like that?" He says. "Well, they're bigger than me." George shrugged, taking another sip of his drink. "Well, you're gonna let yourself be pushed around like that for the rest of your life? I mean look at me, I'm not staying around in this slop house! One day I'm gonna make myself something, I'm gonna be somebody!" He says. "Hey, that's right, he's gonna become mayor!" Rosanna says. "Yeah, I'm gonna be--mayor! Now that's a good idea! I can run for mayor!" The man smiles. 

"A colored mayor, that'll be the day!" The man from the counter laughs. "Just you wait, Lou! I will be mayor! And I'm gonna clean up this town!" He argues his boss. "Good! You can start by sweeping the floor." Lou hands him a broom, as he glares in return. "Mayor Goldie Wilson." He then smiles. "I like the sound of that!" 

As he walked away, Marty looked over and no longer saw George. He then looked out the window and saw him leaving. "I think that's him on the bike! He's leaving," Rosanna points out. "Sh*t. Hey, dad! George!!! You on the bike!" Marty calls, running after him. This is going to be interesting.


A/N: Hey hey everyone! Here's the next chapter!!! Sorry I've been so busy but finally had the time to sit down and write this out! Lmk what yall think in the comments, thanks for reading! <3


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