Chapter 10

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THE DOC FOLLOWED Marty and Rosanna to where they hid the Delorean. "There was something wrong with the starter when we first arrived so we hid it, here." She explained as they approached the vehicle. "After I fell off my toilet...I drew this!" The Doc exclaims, showing a picture of the flux capacitor design from his notebook.

"The flux capacitor..." Marty states, turning it on inside the car. The Doc's eyes widened and a grin appeared on his face. "It works!!! HAHA! It WORKS! I finally invent something that works!" He cheered happily. "Bet your ass it works!" Marty said. "Well, now we gotta figure out a way to sneak this thing back to the lab! We gotta get you home!"
"Okay Doc this is it." Marty says as he rewinds the tape to the exact moment which Doc was speaking. "Good evening, I'm Doctor Emmett Brown, standing on the parking lot of—"

"Thank God I still got my hair! What am I wearing??" Doc asks. "Well, this is a radiation suit." Marty explains. "Radiation suit, of course! Cause of the fall out from all the atomic wars. This is truly amazing! A portable television studio. No wonder your president has to be an actor, he's gotta look good on television!" Doc exclaims in amazement, as he examined the video camera.

"Whoa whoa, this is it!" Marty stops the video. "No no no no, this suckers electrical. But I'm going to need the 1.21 gigowats of electricity I need to power it up!" Doc says. "What did I just say??" Marty rewinded it again.

"1.21 GIGAWATTS!" Doc exclaimed in horror, running to the opposite side of the lab. "Doc?!" Marty questioned. "Doctor Brown?? What's wrong?" Rosanna asked as well. "1.21 GIGAWATTS! Oh great scott!" He groans as Marty and Rosanna follow him around the lab. "What the hell is a gigawatt?!" Marty asks as he continues to follow his friend.

"Where'd he go??" Rosanna asked as they then found him in the living room, sitting on his chair. "How could I have been so careless?! One point twenty one gigawatts! Tom, how am I gonna generate that kind of power?! It can't be done! Can't!" Doc began to freak out. "Look Doc, all we need is a little plutonium." Marty said calmly. 

"Oh, I'm sure that in 1985 plutonium is available in every corner drug store! But here in 1955, it's a little hard to come by!" Doc sighed. "Marty, Rosanna I'm sorry but I'm afraid you guys are stuck here!" He continued. Their eyes widened in complete horror, did they hear him correctly. "Whoa, whoa stuck here?! Doc! We can't be stuck here! Especially me, I can't be stuck here!" He protested. "I have a life, in 1985!" 

"I'm not so sure about that one but go on." Rosanna commented, earning a glare from Marty. "Hey!" He glared at her. "Doc, please," He then turns back to his friend. "You're my only hope!" The Doc shook his head in response. "I'm sorry, Marty but the only power source capable of generating one point twenty one gigawatts of electricity is a bolt of lightning!" He explained. 

"Wait a minute, what did you just say?" Rosanna asked. "A bolt of lightning! Unfortunately, you never know when or where one's gonna strike!" "Well, we do now!" Rosanna smirked, as the both of them looked at her confused. "What do you mean--? How do we know?" Marty asked her. Then, realization hit him. "OH! YES! Right!" He exclaimed, pulling out the flyer he received earlier that day from the old lady on the street. 

The Doc sat up, snatching the paper. His eyes widened and he smiled a bit. "This is it--This is the answer! It says here that a bolt of lightning is gonna strike the clock tower precisely at 10:04pm next Saturday night! If we can somehow...harness that wave of electricity...then next Saturday night, we can send you two back--to the future!" Doc exclaimed. 

"Okay, alright Saturday's good! Saturday's good, I can spend a week in 1955. We could hangout, you could show us around--" "Marty, that is completely out of the question! You must not leave this house! You must not see anybody or talk to anybody! Anything you do could have serious reprocutions on future events, do you understand?!" Marty froze. Crap. He's already spoken to his mother before. Well, Doc doesn't need to know that. 

"Uhm...yeah, sure. Okay." He said. "Marty, have you interacted with anybody else besides Rosanna and I today?" Doc asked him. "Umm, yeah well, I might have...sort of ran into my parents." He said hesitantly. "Great Scott! Let me see that photograph of your brother!" Marty handed Doc the picture as he placed it under a light. Him and Rosanna both looked over to see. 

"Just as I thought, this proves my theory! Look at your brother!" Doc said. "His head is gone..." Marty said. "It's's been erased," Rosanna adds. "Erased...from existence." Doc looked at them, as they both look at each other. This was not good. Not good at all. 

A/N: Hey hey, everyone! Here's chapter 10 of Curious Things as promised for the day! Hope y'all like it so far, lmk what you think in the comments! Thanks sm for reading! <3


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