Chapter 1

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a/n: hey everyone! special thanks to Mikefox61 for allowing me to use this plot from her plot shop book! it's been a minute since i've written about bttf (haha no pun intended there!) ive been binging the movies in between waiting for season 3 of cobra kai so here we go!

Song Selection: Raspberry Beret by Prince
Being a Strickland definitely isn't like how anyone thinks it is. Rosanna may seem like she has it good and easy, but in reality she doesn't. She walked down the hallway of Hill Valley High to her next class, Honors Biology. She stopped at her locker to grab her necessary textbooks, when her best friends came by. "Hey, Anna! Wanna come to the mall with us after school today? We're getting our dresses for the dance," Katy, her closest best friend asked.

"Can't, I gotta study for my next biology test." Rosanna gave a sigh, and Katy rolled her eyes. "Aww, come on Anna! You've been studying all week, don't you want a break to come hangout with us?" She prodded her best friend, hoping she would agree. Rosanna thought about this for a little, then decided, screw it. She needed a break, why not?

"Alright, pick me up after school. Then we can go." She said, and her friends squealed in excitement, beginning to head back to next class. "Ok, we'll come get you at 3! We're almost late for class!" Katy exclaimed, looking at the clock on the wall. Rosanna smiled slightly, she was excited to finally be able to hangout with her friends, since she hasn't in the longest time.

She closed her locker to get back to her next class, when she heard an all too familiar voice in the hallway behind her. "Mcfly, you should drop out of this school at this point since with the way you're going, you're never going to amount to anything in life." It was her uncle again, doing his favorite pass time, bullying the students that go to Hill Valley High, especially Marty Mcfly.

Marty stayed silent, knowing damn well that if he argued back the principal, he would have detention for probably two months with what he had to say to the man. But he did scowl a little when he was shoved. "Slacker! Detention, tomorrow after school." Strickland handed him a little pink slip, which is what he got pretty much every day. "What for?!" Marty protested, snatching the paper from Strickland's hand.

"For being the slacker that you are! And now, for that attitude of yours, too! You really need to get both things sorted out, Mcfly! I think that Dr Brown is having a bad influence on you. You should really stop hanging out with him." Strickland walked away before Marty could argue back. Strickland could pick on him all he wanted, he didn't care, but when he picked on his friend, Emmett Brown, that was the last straw. Doc had nothing to do with Marty's behaviors, he wished he would stop finding a way to bring the Doc into every argument they have.

"Perfect!" Marty huffed angrily, slamming his fist against the locker before making his way over to his next class. "Marty?" Rosanna approached the boy from her class. "Oh, hey Rosanna." He sighed, still pissed from her uncle. "I'm sorry about him," She apologized. "Nah, don't be." He replied. "It's not your fault." He sighed, reading the detention slip he got in his hands. "Can I see that?" She asks, pointing to his detention slip. "This? Oh, sure." Marty hands it to her, and she rips it up.

Marty looks up at her in somewhat surprise, and Rosanna smiles. "You don't have to go, I override that detention slip. If my uncle has a problem with that, then he can come talk to me about it." She said confidently, smiling. Marty smiled back. "Awesome, thanks! Oh hey, I gotta go anyways. I'm late to the Doc's, you wanna come with me?" He offered.

Rosanna thought for a moment, almost forgetting about her friends. Well, she can hangout with her friends any other time. She would rather hangout with Marty right about now. "Ok, sure. I'd like to meet Doc Brown. He seems really cool actually, despite what my Uncle says about him." She rolled her eyes with a smirk, and Marty smiled. "Alright, cool! Let's go, we're probably already late as it is." Marty explained as Rosanna followed him out of the school building to Doc's lab.

A/N: Hey hey! Here's the first chapter of my fanfic and wow this came longer than expected! I wish my last christmas chapter 8 came out to be this long lmaooo anywayssss what do ya'll think of it so far?? Let me know in the comments below!!!


Hamiltonwrites <3

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