Chapter 15

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MARTY MET BACK with George and Rosanna back with Lorraine. They absolutely had to work together to get Marty's parents together. "I still don't understand! How am I supposed to go to the dance with her, if she's already going with you?" George asks. "Cause, George! She wants to go with you! She just doesn't know it yet." Marty replies.

"That's why we gotta show her that you, George Mcfly are a fighter! That you're somebody whose gonna stand up for yourself!" Marty explains. "Yeah, but I've never picked a fight in my entire life." He replies. "Look, you're not gonna be picking a fight dad—dad, dad,'re coming to her rescue, right?" Marty explains. "Okay, now let's go over the plan again. 8:55, where are you going to be?"

"I'm gonna be at the dance," George replies nonchalantly. "Right. And where am I gonna be?" Marty asks. "You're gonna be in the car, with her." George answers. "Right. So okay, around 9:00 she's gonna be getting very angry with me..." Marty says, getting more and more nervous and awkward feelings about this whole plan. "Why is she gonna get angry with you?" George asks him.

"Well, George...nice girls get angry when...guys take advantage of them." Marty says, his voice trailing off as he felt more weird imagining the whole scenario in his head. Why did he get himself in this mess again? "Oh! So you're gonna go touch her on her—" George couldn't bring himself to say it, looking to the bra he was holding in his hands from the laundry he was doing.

"No, no! George look. It's just an act, right? Okay so 9:00 you're strolling through the parking lot, you see the car. And you walk up to the car, open up the door and you say—?" Marty points to George, sighing when he doesn't respond. "Your line, George!" Marty sighed.

"Oh!! Uhm, hey you! Get your damn hands off her!" George smiles proudly, then frowns. "You think I'd outta swear?" George asks. "Yes, dammit George swear!" Marty replies. "Okay, so now you walk up to me, you punch me in the stomach I'm out for the count. Right? And then you and Lorraine live happily ever after. And that's all there is to it," Marty explained.

"Oh, you make it sound so easy." George sighed, wishing he was brave enough to actually go through with this. If he could get the most popular girl in Hill Valley high school to go out with him, surely Biff and his guys would respect him enough then to leave him alone. "George, there's nothing to be scared of! All it takes is a little self confidence. You know, if you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything." He tells him.
ROSANNA WAS over at the diner with Lorraine and a couple of her friends. All she was talking about was Marty, Marty Marty Marty. Well, Calvin to her. Rosanna couldn't take it anymore. Although, she wouldn't admit it but deep down she did find Marty maybe kind of cute. "Oh Calvin Klein's gonna take me to the dance! He's such a dream boat!" Lorraine gushes. "Um, you know Lorraine, there's other options out there." Rosanna tells her.

"Well yeah, I know that gotta admit! He's an absolute dream! Those gorgeous blue eyes, his hair, the way he stands up for himself..." she says, getting lost in her own daydreams. "I know... but Lorraine, I've been hearing that George Mcfly likes you too! And he'd love to go to the Enchantment Under the Sea dance with you. I think you should give him a chance." Rosanna says.

She didn't know why, but she began to think about Lorraine's descriptions of Marty. She was right. He did have gorgeous blue eyes...and he was strong. Rosanna! What are you doing? He's a MCFLY. You can do so much better than a slacker Mcfly! She snapped herself out of her thoughts, but only was able to for now...
"This Saturday night, mostly clear skies, and scattered clouds. Lows in the upper forties." The weather man on Doc's radio announced. "Are you sure about this storm, Marty?" Doc questions him. "When could the weatherman ever predict the weather, let alone the future?" Marty replies somewhat sarcastically.

"You know Marty. I'm gonna be very sad to see you go. You've made a real difference in my life. You've given me something to shoot for! Just knowing, that I'm gonna be around to see 1985, that I'm gonna succeed in this!" Doc smiles proudly at his Delorean he invented. "That I'm gonna have the chance to travel through's gonna be really hard waiting around another 30 years before I could talk to you about everything that's happened in the past few days. I'm really gonna miss you, Marty." Doc says. Marty sighed. "I'm really gonna miss you, Doc."

"Doc, about the future—"

"No, Marty. We've already agreed that having information about the future could be extremely dangerous. Even if your intentions are good, they can backfire drastically!" Doc reminds him. "Whatever it is you got to tell me, I can find out throughout the natural course of time!" He adds. But that's just it. Marty had to tell him. He just had to, despite his best friends protests he couldn't let this happen to him now that he already knew his future. He couldn't stand to see his best friend die right in front of him again.

Marty had to tell him. He just had to. He went over to the cafe when he had a chance, and began writing a letter. "Dear Doctor Brown...on the night I go back in time, you will be...shot by terrorists. Please take whatever precautions are necessary to prevent this terrible disaster. Your friend, Marty." He read his note out loud to himself, trying not to tear up as he did.

On the back, he wrote Do Not Open Until 1985. This was it, this was his only chance to tell him, so he couldn't screw this up. And he only hoped that his parents would go out tonight to the Enchantment Under the Sea Dance so that everything can finally go back to normal, and he and Rosanna can finally go home.
A/N: hey hey everyone! Here's Chapter 15! Thanks so much for reading, please please like comment and share! Don't let this story flop y'all

DEDICATION: buffysbonsai circa1985 ponyxsunset sendnuk3s Supertrollfan1 cobracade

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