Chapter 14

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MARTY MET WITH ROSANNA afterwards, and they went back to Doc's lab

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MARTY MET WITH ROSANNA afterwards, and they went back to Doc's lab. "My God they found me—I don't know how but they found me—RUN FOR IT MARTY!!!" Marty heard an all too familiar recording as he and Rosanna came inside the lab.

He heard it a second time, and he and Rosanna exchanged looks. "Doc." Marty speaks up. "Oh, hi Marty. I didn't hear you come in," Doc shakes his head, turning off the video camera. Fascinating device, this video unit..." Doc says, examining the camera. "Listen, Doc. You know, there's something I haven't told you about that night we made the tape..." Marty begins. Rosanna wouldn't admit it, but she did feel bad for Marty, especially after seeing his expression after he said that.

"Please, Marty! Don't tell me! No one should know too much about their own destiny!" Doc protests. Though he did want to know, it would be better off for his own good if he didn't. Or so he thinks. "You don't understand!" Marty replies, becoming a little annoyed now. All he wanted was to save his best friend, yet he refused to listen to him. This was frustrating Marty.

"I do understand!" Doc argues. "If I know too much about my own future then I could endanger my own existence! Just as you endangered yours!" He warns Marty. Marty sighed and decided it was best just to not argue him. "You're right, you're right." He sighed. "Let me show you my plan for sending you two home. I'm sorry for the crudity of this model, it's not built to scale," Doc says as he lifts the tarp off of it. "It's good, Doc. It's good." Marty assures him, patting him on the back. "Thank you," he replies.

"Okay now, we run some industrial strength through this electric cable from the top of the clock tower down spreading it over the street between these two lamp-posts." Doc explained.

Marty nodded, waiting for him to continue. "Meanwhile, we out-fitted the vehicle with this big pole and hook which runs directly into the flux capacitor. At the calculated moment, you and Rosanna start off from down the street, driving towards the cable accelerating to eighty eight miles per hour. According to the flyer, at precisely 10:04pm lightning will strike the clock tower. Sending you back to ninteen eighty five," Doc explains.

"Alright, now watch this!" Doc says, taking a wind up toy car. "You take the car, and wind it up. I'll simulate the lightning," Doc says, going to the other end of the display. "Ready—set—release!" Doc exclaims, and Marty does so. The car speeds past exactly as hoped, hitting the correct targets. But then, it sped off the table and into a trash can, lighting it on fire.

Doc gasps, and grabs an extinguisher to put out the fire. "You extol me with a lot of confidence there, Doc." Marty says. "And you're absolutely sure this plan is going to work, doctor Brown?" Rosanna questions. She was having slight doubts about this. "Oh, of course! Of course, as long as you hit the target just as the lightning strikes the clock tower, then everything will be fine!" He assures her.

"But don't worry. I'll take care of the lightning, while you two worry about the rest!" Doc adds, putting back the extinguisher. "By the way, what happened today? Did your pop ask her out?" Doc asks Marty. "Uhh, yeah...I think so," he replies hesitantly. "What did she say?" Doc asks eagerly, when suddenly the door knocks. Doc and Marty exchange looks, as Doc goes over to lift the curtains just a bit to see who was there.

"It's your mom!! Quick, cover the car!" He exclaims, as the three of them throw over the sheet just before letting her in. "Hi, Marty!" Lorraine blushes, surprised that she actually found him. "Hi Rosanna, oh I didn't know you were here too," she says. "Yeah, hey Lorraine," she smiles and waves, stepping aside as she comes over to Marty.

"Lorraine! How did you know I was here?" Marty asks, taking a couple steps back as she comes a little too close to him. "Oh...I followed you," she replied. Marty wasn't sure but he thought he had saw her blush. "Oh, uhh, Lorraine. This is my Doc—uhh—Uncle. Doc Brown," Marty introduced. Rosanna snickered a little at his screw up, earning a glare from him.

"Hi," she smiles. "Hello," Doc nods back. "So um, Marty...this may seem a little forward but, I was wondering if you...if you'd ask me to the Enchantment Under the Sea Dance?" She asks nervously. "Uhm—" Doc and Marty exchange worried looks. Oh no, this wasn't good. "You mean—you mean nobody's asked you?" Marty questions. "Umm, no. Well, not yet," she looks to Marty with a smirk.

He gulps, and takes a step back. "What about—what about George?" He asks her. "George? Mcfly? Well, yeah I mean he's cute and all but...well, I think a man should be strong. Strong enough to stand up for himself, and protect the woman he loves," she smirks, as Marty's eyes widened. Was she implying that...? "Don't you?"

"Uhhh—yeah..." Marty replies hesitantly, trying to ignore Rosanna's smirk. She was never going to let him forget about this. But they needed a plan, a plan to get George Mcfly to ask her out to that dance. And FAST.
A/N: hey hey everyone! Actually I was able to get this chapter out on the correct day I had it planned for! Anyways hope y'all like this chapter! Thanks sm for reading and please lmk what you think in the comments!!! ❤️❤️❤️


DEDICATED TO: circa1985 ,
buffysbonsai  ponyxsunset

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