Chapter 6

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IN AN INSTANT the Delorean had disappeared and reappeared somewhere completely different. A scarecrow threw itself on the shield of their car, and Marty and Rosanna let out a loud scream. He finally flinged it off, and they screamed again just as they had crashed into what looked like a barn yard.

We were knocked out of it for a few seconds before regaining conciousness. "Ugh...Rosanna? Hey, you alright?" Rosanna heard someone ask just as she was helping herself back up.

"Huh...?" She looked up to see who was talking to her, and she blinked herself back to reality when she saw Marty there. "Oh. Yeah, I'm alright. I think. Are you?" She questioned Marty as he lifted his plutonium shield from his face.

"I think so. But the Delorean isn't," he replied, as they both looked over at their vehicle. "Stay here, I'm gonna go outside and try to see if I can ask for help." Marty told her, and he hesitantly opened the door of the barn, peeking out into the night. "Uhm, excuse me? Sorry about your barn—" Marty then stumbled back when he was pretty sure a gunshot had been fired at him! "It's a space alien, and it's already mutated into human form! Shoot it!!" A little boy yells.

Space alien?? The hell? Marty thought to himself, as the old man fired another one for him.

"Go, GO!" Marty shouted, racing inside the Delorean. "What?! Why?! Marty what just happened—?" Rosanna jumped when she heard another gun shot, and understood why Marty was now suddenly so freaked out. They hopped in the Delorean, and sped off, breaking the door off of the barn, and sped off on the road, accidentally knocking down a pine tree as they sped away.

"YOU SPACE BASTARD! YOU KILLED MY PINE!" The old man yells after them, continuing to fire.
"Ok, calm down, Marty calm down. It's just a bad dream. Yeah, this is all just a bad dream. I mean, that's the only logical explanation for—"

"Uhm, Marty?" Rosanna interrupted him in the middle of his pep talk to himself. She pointed to a giant billboard. He looked over, and immediately slammed on the breaks. "What the hell..." he mumbled quietly to himself, hopping out of the car as did Rosanna to go check it out. It was his neighborhood, Lion Estates, looking like it was just beginning to be built. 

No, this can't be possible! How the hell is this happening right now?! There's no way this thing really worked.  Marty thought to himself as he and Rosanna stepped out of the car to examine their surroundings. "So...this worked? Doc's time machine is real?" Rosanna asked perplexed, as she and Marty walked around. "I--uhm..." Was Marty's response. He noticed a car speeding in their direction, and raced over to catch up with it. 

"Hey! Uhm, can you tell us what's going on--" 
"STEP ON IT! GO!" An old woman yells to her husband, being freaked out by Marty's costume. Marty groaned as they drove away, and met back up with Rosanna.  "Any luck?" Rosanna asked with a smirk, after watching what happened. Marty rolled his eyes with a sigh. "No, we're gonna have to go in town. Hopefully the Doc is still here, he's our only hope right now. Come on, let's go." Marty says. 

He quickly changed out of the costume and back into his regular clothes, and he and Rosanna began to head into the town to find the Doc. Hopefully, he was still there and could help them out. Otherwise, things wouldn't end well for them. 


A/N: Hey hey! Here's chapter 6 of this story! Glad to see you guys are liking this one so far! How about showing the same amount of love for my Lonely Hearts Club fic, or my imagines books? :) Check those out whenever, comments and feedback are always appreciated ! Thanks for reading yall, have a wonderful day!!! :) <3


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