Chapter 17

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𝕊𝕠𝕟𝕘 𝕊𝕖𝕝𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟: 𝕁𝕠𝕙𝕟𝕟𝕪 𝔹 𝔾𝕠𝕠𝕕𝕖 𝕓𝕪 ℂ𝕙𝕦𝕔𝕜 𝔹𝕖𝕣𝕣𝕪
MEANWHILE, BACK AT the dance Rosanna saw that it was 9:00pm. Which meant it was time for George to pull his little stunt. "George!" Rosanna called out. George looked up and around everywhere, finding who was calling his name. "Oh, hey Rosanna! I thought you weren't coming to the dance?" He asks her. "Well, I was forced to. But anyways, I think it's your time," She points out, looking up at the clock. "Time for--oh! Right! Thanks!" He says once he realizes, and bolts out the door.

George found the car that Marty described and he grew more and more nervous approaching it. Ok, George. This is it. This is your only chance to win Lorraine, don't screw up. He told himself as he flung open the door. "Hey you! Get your damn hands off--her..." George's voice trailed off as Biff Tannen turned around. Of course. Out of all people, this wasn't apart of Marty's plan. "I think you got the wrong car, Mcfly," Biff tells him. "George! Help me, please!" Lorraine cries out. "Just turn around, Mcfly. And walk away. Are you deaf, Mcfly? Close the door and beat it!" Biff warns him again.

But George wasn't taking it this time. He's had enough of Biff, and for once he wanted to stand up to him. He thought of what Marty told him earlier, and took a deep breath. "No, Biff. You leave her alone!" He says. "Alright, Mcfly." Biff says, coming out of the car. "You're asking for it. And now you're gonna get it," He says with a smirk. Biff grabbed George's arm and twisted it around his back, close to snapping it. "Biff! Biff stop it, you'll break his arm!" Lorraine shouts.

Meanwhile, Marty just managed to escape the trunk. "Give me a hand, Lorenzo," Marvin says as he tried to unlock his trunk. "Ow! Dammit! I sliced my hand!" He hisses as his hand starts to bleed. "Whose are these?" Marty asks, as Starlighter raises his hand. "Thanks a lot!" He says, racing off to see if George was where he was supposed to be. "Excuse me!" Marty says, pushing past the crowd. Yes, right on time. George then glares at Biff, forming his hand into a fist. He then threw a punch for Biff's jaw, knocking him straight out cold. George's eyes widened and Marty cheered from where he watched.

He looked surprised, even Lorraine looked at him shocked. "Are you okay?" George asks, reaching down his hand to help Lorraine back up. "Who is that guy?" A woman asks as they walk past. "I think that's George Mcfly." He replies. Marty then runs back over to the men near the truck, remembering that Marvin, the lead guitarist sliced his hand. "Hey guys, you gotta get back in there and finish that dance!" Marty panics. "Hey man, look at Marvin's hand. He can't play with his hands like that, and we can't play without him." Starlighter tells Marty, shaking his head.

"Yeah, well look Marvin. Marvin, you gotta play. See that's where they kiss for the first time and if there's no music they can't dance, and if they can't dance they can't kiss, and if they can't kiss they can't fall in love and I'm history!" Marty explains, nearly running out of breath. "Hey man, I'm sorry but the dance is over. Unless, you know someone else who can play the guitar?" Marvin says.

Back inside, Marty began to play. "This one's for all you lovers out there," Marvin says into the mic as Earth Angel begins to play. Rosanna looked up on stage and was actually surprised to see Marty, playing up there. He was actually good. She watched in a little bit of a shock, and Marty noticed, smirking down at her. She looked away when they made eye contact, pretending she hadn't been staring.

"George, aren't you gonna kiss me?" Lorraine asks. George gulps, and replies "Um, I don't know..." Then, some other guy jumped in and shoved George out of the way. "Scram, Mcfly! I'm cutting in!" He smirks, grabbing ahold of Lorraine and began to dance with her. George sighed, and thought this was it. It was over. He's lost her. Rosanna looked over to George, seeing him walk away and exchanged looks with Marty. Until suddenly, Marty fell to the ground on his knees.

"Hey boy, you alright?" Star-lighter asks, as Marty begins to sweat. "I-I can't play—" he says, struggling to lift his fingers to play on the guitar again. "George!!!" Lorraine shouts. Marty then looks at his hand, seeing it begin to fade. Oh no...he was disappearing from existence! "George!" Marty mumbles, struggling to get up.

"What are you doing, George?! Go back to her!" Rosanna says to him. "You can still win her!" She says. "You're right, I can!" He suddenly says, then goes back over pushing the kid away. "Excuse me!" He smirks, shoving him off. He grabbed Lorraine again and they smiled, Marty felt himself being revived again as he started to play once they had finally kissed.

                I'm just a fool, a fool in looove,
                             with youuu!
At the end of the song the audience cheered, Marty and his brother and sister were back on the picture. He's successfully completed his mission.
A/N: sorry these chapter updates were so late, you guys! I've just had busy busy weekends lately! Thanks sm for reading! ❤️

DEDICATION: writercute77 buffysbonsai circa1985

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