Chapter 9

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MARTY AND ROSANNA ran as quickly as they could to get to the Doc's address. This was weird, and Marty definitely didn't want to spend anymore time in the 50s than he absolutely had to. "What happened with you and Lorraine up there anyways?" Rosanna asked as they slowed down once they got nearer to the address. "Honestly, I don't even know. I think I just met my mother--as my age! And she was acting pretty weird up there. I don't even wanna think about that anymore." Marty explained, he felt a super awkward kind of tension that he never wanted to feel again. 

Marty sighed with relief as they came up to Doc's place, he figured he was probably in his lab which he built inside his garage. So they went up there and knocked on the door. Just before Marty could knock again, the door swung open, and Marty froze for a second. "Doc?" He questioned. The man suddenly pulled them both inside and slammed the door behind them. "Don't say a word! Either of you!" He told them. "I don't wanna know your names, I don't wanna know anything about you!" He continued, as he placed on a giant metal hat on his head. 

"Listen, Doc!" Marty exclaimed. "Quiet!" Doc replied. "Doc, it's me Marty!" Marty continued. "Don't tell me anything!" Doc said again. "Doc, look you gotta help us!" "Quiet, quiet! I'm going to read your thoughts!" He explained, pressing a button on his helmet on his head. Marty and Rosanna just exchanged looks. "Let's see two...have come from a great distance?" Doc asks. "Yeah, exactly!!" Marty says. "Not a word, not a word now! Don't tell me!" Doc replies, getting back into focus. "Uhm, let's want me a subscription to the Saturday Evening post?" He asks. 

"No!" Marty says. "Donations! You want me to make a donation to the Coastguard Youth Auxillary?" Doc asks in hope that this time he would be right. "Doc! We're from the future. We came here in a time machine that you invented. Now we need your help to get back to the year 1985.." Marty explained to him, waiting for his response. "My God, do you know what this means?" He said. "What does it mean?" Rosanna spoke up. "It means, that this damned thing doesn't work at all!!!" He huffed, taking it off and throwing it onto the ground. 

"Doc! You gotta help us! Please!" Marty continues, as they follow him around the lab. "Doctor Brown, please-you're the only one who knows how your time machine works!" Rosanna added. "Time machine--" Doc pauses, placing a hand on his forehead. "I haven't invented any time machine!" 

"Maybe show him some proof," Rosanna suggested. "Right, right. Okay look Doc. My driver's license, expires 1987. Look at my birthday, for crying out loud. I haven't even been born yet! And, look at this picture! My brother, my sister and me. Look at that sweatshirt, Doc! Class of 1984," Marty explained, nearly begging the Doc to believe him. Doc took the picture and held it under the light. "Pretty mediocre photographic fakery, they cut off your brother's hair!" Doc exclaims. "Doc!! I'm telling the truth, you gotta believe me!" 

"Doctor Brown, we're telling the truth, you have to believe us! We need your help!" Rosanna chimed in. "Alright then, 'future boy'! Whose president in 1985?" Doc questions Marty. "Ronald Reagan." He replies with full confidence. "Ronald Reagan?! The actor?!" Doc exclaims in complete surprise. "Then whose vice president?! Jerry Lewis?! I suppose Jane Wymann is the first lady!" The Doc shouts as he runs out of the house back down to his garage. "Whoa, wait Doc!!!" Marty shouts as he and Rosanna chase after him. 

"And Jenny Benny is the secretary of treasury!" Doc continues to mock him. "Look, you've gotta listen to me!" Marty continues to plead. "No, the bruise! The bruise on your head I know how that happened! You told me the whole story, you were standing on your toilet, hanging a clock when you fell and hit your head on the sink! And that's when you came up the idea for the flux capacitor, which is what makes time travel possible!" 

The Doc opened the garage door, and stared at the both of them. Marty and Rosanna exchanged smiles, they were finally getting somewhere. Soon, they could finally be able to go home. 

A/N: Hey hey! As promised, here's chapter 9! Let me know what y'all think! I'm trying to include the OC more in the chapter that was planned, it's kinda hard to do though since the movie mainly focuses around Doc and Marty's conversation but I've been trying! Anyways, thanks for reading! Tell me what you think in the comments! Thanks loves <3


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