Chapter 19

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THE STORM WAS brewing more and more, the thunder clapped even louder with every passing second and the lightning flashed all around lighting up the entire sky around them. "Doc!!!" Marty called out to him.

"Come on, come on! Let's go!" Doc waved him off to the car. They were quickly running out of time. "Alright, take it up Doc! Go!" Marty shouts, tossing him the rope back. "I have to tell you about the future!" Marty yells at the top of his lungs over the storm.

"What?!" Doc shouts back. "I said I have to tell you about the future!"
"On the night I go back in time—" Suddenly, the clock tower alarms began to go off, and very loudly too. Doc covered his ears and he barely was able to make out what Marty had said.

"No, Doc!!!" Marty sighed. "Look at the time! You got less than 4 minutes! Hurry!" Doc calls out to him. Marty sighed and ran over to the delorean. "Dammit Doc, why did you have to tear up that letter?" He shakes his head. "Mcfly!" Rosanna calls. "Get in!" She says, opening his door. "If only I had more time..." Marty says to himself. "Wait a minute...I got all the time I want! I'm in a time machine! I'll just go back early, and warn him." He says to himself, hopping in the drivers side quickly.

"Geez Mcfly what took you so long??" Rosanna asked. "It's a long story Rosanna. Now let's see, 10 minutes oughta do it." He says, punching in the date on the keypad. "Time circuts on, flux capacitor...uh, fluxing. Good, alright let's go home." He says, turning the key. "About time," Rosanna comments.

When suddenly, the car wouldn't turn on. "No..." Marty panicked. "No no no no no! Come on, please please!" He says, hitting the wheel with his head out of frustration which happened to turn on the car. Rosanna looked to him as he smiled with relief. "Come on, Marty! We don't have much time!" Rosanna panics, looking at the clock. "I know, I know! Don't rush me!" He says, stepping on the gas pedal sending them off.

Doc managed to plug in the cord right exactly on time, as Marty and Rosanna sped to 88 miles per hour, disappearing into the night. Meanwhile, as they disappeared Doc came down and went into the street, standing in the middle of the two fire trail pairs. Loudly he cheered, he sent Marty and Rosanna back home, and he had finally invented something that works!
Marty and Rosanna crashed into the movie theater as they re appeared in 1985, driving away quickly. "Did it work?" She questioned. "Are we back?" "I think so," Marty smiled, looking around. "Wow! Everything looks great!" He smiled as they walked around. "Wait a minute," He frowns, upon remembering Doc. The lybian truck had just drove past them and they made a run for twin pines mall.

Marty and Rosanna watched as the whole scene happened again, until Marty was chased back in time. Once he left, present Marty and Rosanna ran down to meet with Doc. "DOC!!!" He says, flipping over his friend as he began to cry. He was too late, he lost him. "Oh Marty..." Rosanna said, pulling him in for a hug. Whoa, wait what the heck was she doing?! She didn't know why, but her heart just went out to him, seeing him all upset like that.

"It's gonna be ok, Marty. It'll be ok," She assures him as he cries into her shoulder. That's when to both of their surprise, the Doc sits up and looks at them. "Doctor Brown??" Rosanna says, making Marty lift his head. "Doc?!" He wipes his tears, looking at his friend. How the hell was he alive? "You're...alive?" He says. Doc smiled, and ripped off his suit revealing a bullet proof vest. "A bullet proof vest?" Marty says. "But...but how did you know?"

Doc pulls out the letter Marty had given, and hands it over. "The letter...but what about all that talk? About...destryoing the space time continuum or something?" Marty reminded him. "Well, I figured...what the hell?" Doc smiles, standing up as did Marty and Rosanna. He and Rosanna exchanged smiles, and Doc took them both home dropping off Marty first. "So, how far ahead are you going?" Marty asks.

"About 30 years, I figured that's a nice round number," Doc says. "Look me up, when you get there," Marty says. "I will!" Doc replies. "Marty!" Rosanna says, hopping out of the car to him. "Rosanna--" With that, to his surprise she ran up to him and kissed him passionately. Once she let go, Marty was smiling and blushing. "Wait," Marty says as she goes back to the car, pulling her in for another kiss.

"See you tomorrow in school?" She says. "Yeah," Marty waves to her as she hops back into the DeLorean. "See you guys soon! Oh also watch that re entry, it's a little bumpy," Marty waves to them both as Doc drives off to drop Rosanna home, then to go on his trip.
A/N: Hey hey y'all! We are almost complete with this story, I think one more chapter outta do it! Anyways let me know what you think of this story in the comments, thanks sm for reading! <3


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