Chapter 2

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Marty looks up at her in somewhat surprise, and Rosanna smiles. "You don't have to go, I override that detention slip. If my uncle has a problem with that, then he can come talk to me about it." She said confidently, smiling. Marty smiled back. "Awesome, thanks! Oh hey, I gotta go anyways. I'm late to the Doc's, you wanna come with me?" He offered.

Rosanna thought for a moment, almost forgetting about her friends. Well, she can hangout with her friends any other time. She would rather hangout with Marty right about now. "Ok, sure. I'd like to meet Doc Brown. He seems really cool actually, despite what my Uncle says about him." She rolled her eyes with a smirk, and Marty smiled. "Alright, cool! Let's go, we're probably already late as it is." Marty explained as Rosanna followed him out of the school building to Doc's lab.
Rosanna had always wanted to be close friends with Marty, but her reputation prevented her from it. But this time she was curious, curious to see whether this Doc Brown character was as crazy as her Uncle and friends liked to make him seem or if they were just making up rumors about him.

"Rosanna? Where are you going?" Rosanna stopped in her tracks, when she heard a voice ask behind her. She turned around to see her boyfriend, Sean. "Umm, oh I wasn't going anywhere..." She lied, but Sean didn't buy it. "I mean it. Where are you going?" Rosanna sighed in defeat, there was no point in trying to hide it from him, he was going to find out anyways. "I'm going over to Doc's lab. I wanna meet this Emmett Brown guy." She explained.

"Wait a minute, you're going to doctor brown's lab? Uhm, Rosanna no you're not!" He said defensively. "Okay first of all, you can't tell me what to do. I'm going there, I don't care what anyone else says. I want to see if those rumors about him are really true or if they're just rumors." Rosanna explains, folding her arms as she raises her eyebrow at Sean.

"No way! It's dangerous there, you have no clue what goes on in there, Rosanna you're not allowed to go! Come with me to the diner instead," Sean pleaded with her, but Rosanna was stubborn. "I'm going, Sean. And there's nothing you can do about it! I'll be back." Rosanna shook her head, her blood boiling as she left. Why did her friends and boyfriend always have to do this? They don't know the Doc. Who knows, maybe he's a really nice guy? She wouldn't know if she doesn't go find out.
She had always secretly bet that they were just making up rumors, now she gets to truly see for herself. "Doc? Hey, Doc! Hello? Anybody home?" Marty Mcfly asked as he had let himself inside his friends lab with the spare key he always kept hidden under his mat for Marty to use whenever he wanted to come in.

Marty tipped up his skateboard against the wall as he stepped further inside to explore around for his friend. "Einstein? Where are you, boy? Where's the doc?" He continued to call out, however to still receive no response. Rosanna arrived to the address to Doc's lab that she had found after searching him up in the books at the library, stopping at the door. "Hello?" She softly knocked, though the door was cracked open slightly.

Marty paused in his tracks, turning around when he thought he heard a familiar voice. "Doc...?" He questioned, though the voice didn't sound like Doc's. But maybe Doc was with whoever it was that was outside. "Marty? Is that you?" The voice asked again.

"Huh? Rosanna?" Marty questioned, coming towards the door. He hesitantly went to open it, and revealed Rosanna standing there, on the doorstep of Doc Brown's lab. "Oh, hi Marty." Rosanna smiled sheepishly. "Hey, uhm, what are you doing here?" Marty asked her as he let her inside. "Umm, well, is Emmett Brown here? I'd like to introduce myself if he is." Rosanna said, looking around the lab in shock.

"Whoa...this guy's committed." Rosanna mumbled to herself, Marty smirked a little as it was loud enough for him to hear. "Yeah, he definitely is. I just don't know where he is right now." Marty explained with a shrug as he stepped over some newspaper piles on the floor. "Well, where do you think he could be?" Rosanna offered, looking around.

"Honestly, you never know with the Doc. He's all over the place...I don't know where he could be now." Marty explained, and right then he noticed his guitar amp. He smirked, and picked up his guitar, heading over to it to plug it in. Rosanna walked around, moving around random papers that were thrown as she explored the lab.

Suddenly, a loud blast was heard from the amp and Rosanna whipped around as Marty was now buried under the book shelf, piles of papers all over him from the blast. "Marty!!" Rosanna gasped, quickly making her way over to him. "Are you ok?? What happened?!" She reached for his hand and helped pull him up.

"Whoa...rock and roll!" He smirked, as Rosanna pulled him up. "Thanks," he coughed as he looked around at the more mess he had added to Doc's lab. Doc wasn't going to be too happy when he learns what just happened. "Also, I was not here when this happened. None of this was me." Marty said, making Rosanna smirk.

Suddenly, the phone rang, making him flinch a little. He looked around for where the ringing was coming from when he finally found the phone. "Uhhh, hello?"
"Marty? Is that you?" The voice on the other line questioned. "Hey, hey Doc where are you?" Marty replied, his eyebrows raised a little bit.

"Thank God I found you! Look, can you come to the Twin Pines Mall tonight at 1:15 am? I made a major scientific breakthrough and i'm going to need some assistance!" Doc explained excitedly. Rosanna came to stand next to Marty as he spoke to his friend, Doc on the phone.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute Doc! 1:15 in the morning?!" Marty repeated. Why would the Doc need him that early in the morning? What was going on? "What's going on? Where have you been?" The teenager questioned his friend. "Working." Doc replied.

"Where's Einstein? Is he with you?" Marty asked, dragging the phone cord through the pile of papers as he tried to get out of it. Rosanna copied Marty's move. "Yeah, he's right here." The Doc replied. "You know, Doc you left your equipment on all week..." Marty said sheepishly, turning back to see the mess he made. "My equipment? Oh, that reminds me, Marty. My amplifier. There's a slight possibility of overload, so DONT turn it on!" He explained.

Marty sheepishly turned around to see the broken amplifier, and tossed the keys onto a nearby desk. "Yeah...I'll keep that in mind."
"Good. I'll see you tonight. Don't forget, Twin Pines Mall." The doc reminded Marty. "Right. Twin Pines Mall, 1:15. See you then."
"What was that all about?" Rosanna asked, once he finally got off the phone.

"I guess I'll see at Twin Pines Mall tonight." Marty replied with a shrug and grabbed his skateboard, ready to go home.
A/N: And finally, here is chapter 2 of this fanfic! this is super fun to write but forgive me my plots might not be EXACTLY like BTTF since I haven't seen the movies in a while, but hope you enjoy it! also if you like this story, you'll also like Last Christmas, my Cobra Kai fanfic and my Daniel LaRusso Imagines! Thanks so much to all those who actually read this and took the time to comment!!! 🥰🥰🥰

hamiltonwrites 🥰🥰🥰

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