Chapter 16

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AS DOC FIDDLED with the wiring for their mission, to send Marty and Rosanna back home to 1985 a policeman showed up. "Evening, Doctor Brown," He says. "Oh, evening officer." He replies. "What's with the wire?" "Oh, just a little weather experiment," He replies. "I see. What do you have under here?" The officer goes to lift up the tarp, and Doc catches him. 

"No, no! Don't touch that! That's some new specialized weather sensing equipment." Doc tells him. "You got a permit for that?" The officer questions. "Of course I do," The Doc replies nonchantly, climbing down from the latter. Marty and Rosanna were set in their plan, Rosanna was inside the building keeping an eye on George, while Marty was pulling up with Lorraine in the car. He wasn't so sure about going through with this though anymore the closer he got. He was nervous it wasn't going to work, and he was also nervous about being alone with his mother, who seemed to be very infatuated with him. 

If only Marty could tell her he was her son, to get her to back off. But he couldn't. That would cause some major paradox, or something like that. "Do you mind if we...park?" Marty gulped, fixing his tie. "That's a great idea. I'd love to park," Lorraine replies with a smirk. "Huh?" Marty questions. She'd love to park? Wasn't she all against that sort of stuff the last time? "Marty, I'm almost 18 it's not like I've never parked before." Lorraine replies, blushing. "What??" Marty asks. He felt beads of sweat running down his face. He wasn't sure if he could go through with this whole plan. He was feeling too awkward about this. 

"Marty, you seem so nervous. Is something wrong?" Lorraine asks, then pulls out a bottle of alcohol and takes a swig. "Lorraine! Lorraine what are you doing?!" Marty gasps, snatching her bottle. "I swiped it from the old lady's liquor cabinet," She smirks. "Yeah, well, you shouldn't drink." Marty tells her. "Why not?" She frowns. "Because...because you might...umm, regret it. Later in life," He explains. "Marty don't be such a square, everybody whose anybody drinks." She says. She then pulled out a cigarette, and lit it up. 

"Geeze, you smoke too?!" He said. Lorraine was beginning to get a little annoyed with him now. "Marty, you're beginning to sound just like my mother!" She says. Marty raised his eyebrow, he was only trying to look out for his mother. Now he kind of knew how she felt with him.  

Meanwhile, in the school, Rosanna looked at the clock and looked at George, making sure everything was going according to plan on schedule. She tried to look out the window to see if she could spot Marty, and she thinks she sees him in a yellow car. Perfect, right on time. Back in the car, Marty was taking a deep breath. He was getting more and more nervous by the second. "Marty, why do you seem so nervous? Is everything alright?" Lorraine asks him. 

"Lorraine...have you uh, ever been in a situation where you knew you had to...act a certain way, but when it came down to it, you realize you're not sure if you could go through with it?" He says. "Oh, like you mean how you're supposed to act on a first date?" She replies. "Ah, yeah sort of..." Marty gulps again. "I think I know exactly what you mean." She adds. "You do?" Marty questions. "You know what I do in those situations?" Lorraine says. 

"I don't worry." To Marty's surprise, and horror even, Lorraine leans in and kisses him. Fully on the lips. Marty sat up, his eyes widened in complete horror.  Did that just happen? That just happened. What the hell is even going on here?! "This is all wrong," Lorraine says, letting go from the kiss. "I don't know what it is, but when I kiss you, it's like I'm brother." She says. "I guess that doesn't make any sense, does it?" She shrugs. 

"Believe me..." Marty sits up finally. "It makes perfect sense." Lorraine lifted her head when she heard footsteps approaching. "Somebody's coming," She says. Good, hopefully it was George--oh. Of course, it just has to be Biff Tannen. As if making out with his mom wasn't bad enough for this night. "You cost three hunderd bucks damage to my car, you son of a bitch. And now I'm gonna take it out of your ass. Hold him," Tannen shoves Marty into the arms of his goons, who grip a hold onto him tightly. 

"Let him go, Biff! You're drunk." Lorraine says. "Well looky what we have here," he smirked down at her revealing chest. It took a second for her to realize until she went to escape the car. "Oh no you don't! Get back over here!" Biff shouts, going to grab her. "Stop it! Stop it!" She shriekes. "Leave her alone, you bastards!" Marty shouts. "No no no, you're staying right here with me." Biff smirked. "You guys, take him in back I'll be right there." Biff ordered his goons. 

They did so, lifting up Marty and carrying him as they searched for somewhere to leave him. "Right in here!" Skinhead says, as they throw Marty in the trunk. "That's for messing up my hair!" Skinhead sneered as they slammed the trunk. "What the hell are you doing to my car?!" Starlighter yells, hearing the noise. "Hey, beat it spook! This don't concern you." 3-D retorts. "Who are you calling spook, Peckerwood?" Marvin Berry snaps back, as he and a few other men step out of the car. "Hey, hey listen guys. Look I don't wanna mess with no reefer-addicts, ok?" Skinhead said, as a few of them chased the guys away. 

"C'mon! Open up! Let me out of here!" Marty shouts, banging on the trunk. "Lorenzo, where are your keys?" Berry asks his friend. "The keys are in the trunk." Marty says. "Say that again...?" Marvin says. "I said the keys are in here!" 
A/N: Wow, sorry this chapter was so late for last week y'all! Wolf's Bane will be a little delayed as well, so either today or tomorrow it should come out! But hope you guys like this chapter even though it's just based off the movie xD


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