Chapter 12

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MARTY FOUND GEORGE in the school cafeteria as Rosanna tended to Lorraine. "George! Buddy!" He says as he sits down across from him at a table. "Remember that girl I introduced you to...Lorraine?" He questions, catching George's attention for a quick second. Then he immediately goes back to writing in his notebook. "What are you writing, George?" Marty asks him. "Uh, stories. Science fiction stories! About visitors coming down to Earth from another planet." He explained hesitantly.

"Get outta town! I didn't know you did anything creative! Let me read some--" "Oh, no no no--I never uh, let anybody read my stories." George replied, snatching his notebook away. "Why not?" Marty asks. "Well, what if they didn't like them? What if they told me I was no good? I don't know, I just don't think I could handle that kind of rejection." He explains. That sounded familiar. "I guess that would be pretty hard for somebody to understand." He adds. "Uh, no. Not hard at all. So, anyways, George. About Lorraine. She really likes you!" He told him as he continued writing. "She told me to tell you that she wants you to ask her to the Enchantment Under the Sea dance!" Marty lies, hoping he'd buy it.

"Really??" George lifts his head up. "Oh, yeah! All you gotta do is go over there and ask her!" Marty tells him. "What? Right here right now in the cafeteria?" George then begins to panic. "What if she said no? I don't know if I could take that kind of rejection. Besides, I think she'd rather go with somebody else." George says. "Uh, who?" Marty asks. "Biff..." He points over to Biff, whose roughly grabbing Lorraine's arm harassing her. "C'mon, Lorraine! You know you want it! You know you want it, and you know you want me to give it to you!" Biff smirks, getting into her face as she tries to shove him off.

"Shut your filthy mouth, I'm not that kind of girl!" She shouts as she slaps him. "Well, maybe you are and you just don't know it yet." Biff smirks. "Get your meat hooks off of me!" Lorraine protests. "You heard her!" Marty shouts, storming over to Biff.

"She said get your meat" He gave a nervous smile, not realizing how much bigger than him he was. "So what's it to you, butthead?" Biff said, as Marty didn't respond. "You know, you've been looking for a fight!" That was it, Marty grabbed Biff's collar as he grabbed his. Both their fists were raised, as the other students were chanting for them to fight. Until Biff noticed Mr. Strickland.

" know, since you're new here, I'm gonna cut you a break. So why don't you make like a tree, and get outta here." Biff says, pointing to the door.

", Lorraine. Has anyone asked you to that Enchantment Under the Sea dance yet?" Rosanna asks as they begin to head over to a diner with her and her friends. ", not yet. But I'm kinda hoping that maybe, oh I don't know, Calvin Kline could ask me?" She says, her cheeks turning a rosy pink. "Calvin Kline? Whose that?" Rosanna questions. "You know, your friend? The one with blue eyes, light brown hair...oh he's such a dream!" Lorraine gushes. It takes Rosanna a moment to realize that she was talking about Marty.

"Huh--OHHH, I know exactly who you're talking about!" She replies with a smirk. She's never gonna let Marty live this one down. Ever.

"George!" Marty shouts, seeing his father begin to run away. "Why do you keep following me around?!" He argues back. "Look, George! I'm telling you, George! If you do not ask Lorraine to that dance, I am gonna regret it for the rest of my life!" He exclaims, chasing him down. "But I can't go to the dance! I'll miss my favorite television program, Science Fiction Theatre!" George explains. "Yeah, but George! Lorraine wants to go with you! She told me herself, look just cut her a break!" Marty exclaimed.

"Look, I'm just not ready to ask Lorraine out to this dance, okay?! And not you, or anybody else on this planet is gonna make me change my mind!!!" George declares as he runs into his house, slamming the door behind him. "Science fiction theatre..." Marty repeats to himself, he was starting to get an idea.
A/N: Hey everyone, here's chapter 12! Let me know what y'all think in the comments! :) Thanks so much if you actually read this story! xoxo,


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