Chapter 8

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MARTY AND ROSANNA chased after Marty's father down the block, until Marty couldn't see him any longer. He looked around, and Rosanna looked up in tree. "There he is!" She points out when a leaf falls on her head.

Marty then looks up, what the hell was he looking at with binoculars? Marty looked over, and saw in a window what he was staring at. "He's a peeping Tom!" Marty mumbled in disbelief. George then slipped as he climbed further up the tree branch, and fell into the road. Marty gasped, and noticed a speeding car. "GEORGE!!" He cried out, running into the street.

He lunged himself at him, tackling George out of the way, but just as he went to stand back up, he got hit by the car. "MARTY!!!" Rosanna shrieked, running over to him.

"Hey, who are you??" The man who came out of the car asked Rosanna, as George got up and ran away. "STELLA!!! ANOTHER ONE OF THESE DAMNED KIDS JUMPED IN FRONT OF MY CAR!"
"Mom...? Mom? Is that you?" Marty asks as he wakes up, feeling a cold cloth gently being pressed on his forehead. "There there now. You were asleep for a few hours now." The woman replies. It sounded just like his mother to him, so it had to be.

"Oh man...I had a horrible night mare. Doc was there, and I got sent to the past..." He explained. "Well, it's alright now. You're back in good old 1955."
"1955?!" Marty exclaimed in horror, sitting up. Could this possibly be?! The lights flicked on, and Marty shrieked. "You're my m—you're my mo—" He stared at her in total shock.

"My name's Lorraine. Lorraine Banes." She says. "Yeah I know. But you're so ah, so uhm...thin!" He gulped. This was happening right now. Okay, calm down Marty it's just your mother. This was happening right now. "Just relax now, Calvin. You've got a big bruise on your head!" She says, leaning forward to reach it. However he scoots back, and realized his pants were missing.

Embarrassed, he covers himself. "Where are my pants?!"
"Over there, on my hope chest. I've never seen purple underwear before, Calvin." She blushed. "Calvin? Why—why do you keep calling me Calvin?"

"Well that's your name isn't it? It's written all over your underwear! Oh, I guess people call you Cal." She said. "Actually...people call me Marty." He replied, feeling his face turning red of embarrassment and awkwardness. As if this moment could get any more awkward for him. And where was Rosanna?? The time he needed her—she wasn't even around!

"Hey uhm, Lorraine?" Marty says. "Yes?"
"Where's Rosanna? Umm wasn't there a girl with me? About my age," he explained. "Oh, yeah! She's downstairs talking with my parents. Why?" She questions. "Oh, thank God! No, I just thought I lost her."

"Why? Is she your girlfriend?" Lorraine asks. "Huh? No! No. No definitely not. Not now, at least."
"Oh..." Lorraine smiles, and Marty looked confused. "Lorraine! Are you up there?!" Someone shouts. "Oh God, it's my mother! Quick! Put your pants back on!" She says, tossing him his pants.

Thank God. Marty got dressed back up quick. "So tell me Marty, how long have you abandoned ship for?" Lorraine's mother asked. "Excuse me?" Marty asked, confused. "I guess you're a sailor. The life preserver." She replied.

"Coast Guard..." he replied. "Sam, here's the young man you hit with your car. He's alright, thank God!" Lorraine's mother says to her husband. "What were you doing in the middle of the street? You could've—"

"Oh don't listen to him! He's in one of his moods! Sam, you quit fiddling with that thing and come eat your dinner! Now let's see, this is Milton, Sally, Toby, and over there is little baby Joey!"
Marty goes over to the crib to see his uncle. "So you're my uncle Joey. Better get used to these bars, kid!" He smirked, reaching a finger inside.

"Yes, Joey just loves being in his little play pen! He cries whenever we take him out, so we just leave him in there all the time." Lorraine's mother explains. "Well, listen I really gotta—" "sit here Marty!" Lorraine pulls out a chair for him, as he falls into it next to her and Rosanna on the left of him.

"What happened up there? You look traumatized-" Rosanna said. "You don't even wanna know—" He told her, awkwardly smiling back at his mother. "Hey let's make this fast, so we can get the hell out of here." Marty whispered to Rosanna as she took another bite of her food. "Oh yeah, I'm one step ahead of you." She said.

"What was that, Marty?"
"Oh, uh nothing!" He lied to Stella. "Look at it roll! Now we can watch tv while we eat!" Sam smiled as he brought the tv set into the dining area. "Oh hey, that's a nice looking tv!" Rosanna complimented. "Thank you sweetheart, we just picked it up this morning!" Stella said as Sam changed the channel, to an episode of the Honeymooners.

"It's our first television set. Do you have a television, Marty?" Lorraine asked. "Oh yeah, we have two of them." He says. "Wow! You must be rich!" Milton smiles. "Oh honey, he's teasing you! Nobody has two television sets!" Stella says.

"Hey, hey I've seen this one! I've seen it-this is a classic! It's the one where Ralph dresses up as the man from space!" Marty exclaims. "Oh yeah! I remember that one, my parents watch this show too!" Rosanna added. "What do you guys mean you've seen this one? It's brand new..." Milton comments.

"Uhm..." Marty and Rosanna exchange looks. "We've seen it on a...rerun."
"What's a rerun?" Milton asks. "You'll find out." Marty gives another awkward smile as he takes another bite of his food.

"Uh listen, do you know where Riverside Drive is?" Marty asked, pulling out the paper of Doc's address. They needed to find the Doc, and FAST. "It's uhm, the other end of town. A block past maple." Sam says. "A block past maple...isn't that John F Kennedy drive?" Marty recalls. "Who the hell is John F Kennedy?" Sam looks up confused. "Mother, with Marty's parents out of town, don't you think he'd oughta spend the night? After all, dad almost killed him with the car." Lorraine suggested. 

Spend the night?? Oh now Marty HAD to get out of there fast! "Oh, no that's okay--" Marty tried to object. "That's true Marty, I think you should spend the night. After all, you're our responsibility." Stella added. "Oh I really don't know..." He replied. "Yeah, we have somewhere to be soon. Thank you for the offer, but Marty really needs to come with me." Rosanna spoke up. "And he could sleep in my room..." Marty jolted up when he felt his mother squeeze his thigh. His own mother! 

"We gotta go! Alright, uhm it was nice seeing all of you! But I'll see you all later! Much later..." Marty says as he and Rosanna left, slamming the door behind them. "Lorraine, you ever have a kid who acts that way I'll disown ya." Lorraine's father said just after Marty left. Marty needed to get back home, and fast. But there was only one person who could do that for him. And he and Rosanna needed to find him quick. 

A/N: Hey hey everyone! So sorry for the delay on this chapter, my apologies! I haven't been feeling well mentally lately and I finally got the motivation to update this chapter, so here y'all go! Enjoy, thanks for reading! Let me know what you think in the comments! <3


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