Chapter 13

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THAT MORNING AROUND one am, Marty snuck into his father's bedroom. He figured out a way to get him to ask Lorraine to the dance. Slowly but gently he placed the walkman headphones over his dad's ears. He raises the volume, and placed in the cassette tape. George then begins to wake up, staring at Marty in his radiation suit. "Who are you...?" He asks, immediately interrupted by the loud noise of the blasting music.

"Silence, Earthling!" Marty speaks. "My name is darth vader! I am from planet volcan!" George's eyes widened in horror as he looked over to his comic book on his desk.
"MARTY!!!" George raced over to Marty and Rosanna who were talking by the gas station together. "Hey! George, buddy! What were you doing all day?" Marty asked as he struggled to open his soda bottle. "I overslept, look I need your help! I have to ask Lorraine out to the dance but I don't know how to do it!" He explains.

"Alright listen. Keep your pants on, she's over in the cafe. God, how do you do this? What made you change your mind, George?" He asks as he continues to struggle with opening the bottle, ignoring Rosanna's smirks.

"Last night, Darth Vader came down from Planet Vulcan! And he said that if I don't ask Lorraine, that he'd melt my brain!" He explained in a panic. "Wow! That's some pretty heavy stuff, all that happened in one night?" Rosanna gave Marty a smug grin. "Yeah, I can't believe it either!" George replied. "Yeah well uhm, let's keep this brain melting stuff to ourselves, okay? Nobody else had to know about that..." Marty tells him.

"Oh, yeah, yeah." Says George, getting himself ready to go talk to Lorraine. "Hey, isn't that Lorraine over there? Going into the cafe?" Rosanna points out. "Alright yeah, there she is, George! Just go in there and invite her," Marty nods, telling George.

"Okay...but I don't know what to say!" George panics. "Just say anything, George. Whatever's natural, anything that comes to mind." Marty tells him. "Nothing's coming to my mind!" George replied. "It's a wonder you were even born!" Rosanna smirks to Marty, who silently agreed with that. "What? What??" George questioned. "Nothing, nothing nothing. Look uhm, just tell her that she's the most beautiful girl you've ever seen in the world, that destiny brought you together," Marty says. "Aww, Marty you're so sweet!" Rosanna teased him. "Not you!" He retorted, rolling his eyes. "Damn, alright then!" Rosanna smirked playfully. 

"Anyways," He glared at Rosanna before focusing his attention back on George. "Uhh, what are you doing George?" He asks as he begins to write in his notebook. "Writing this down, this is good stuff!" He says. "Yeah, okay." Marty says. "Let's go," He says, as they head into the diner. "Will you take care of that?" Marty asks George as they sit down at the bar. "Right, Lou. Give me a milk. Chocolate," He says. He then sees Lorraine, and takes a deep breath. "Lorraine..." He gulps. "My density, has brought me to you..." He says. "What?" Lorraine asks, confused. 

"I--I mean my destiny...what I meant to say was--" "Wait a minute, don't I know you from somewhere?" She smiles. "Yes! Yes! I'm George! George Mcfly, and I am your density. I mean, your destiny," He says. "Awwh!" Lorraine gushes. Marty was starting to feel relief, it was working! When suddenly, the entire room stopped as the door swung open. "Hey, Mcfly!" A familiar voice shouts. Marty looks over to see Biff and his gang, and sighs. Of course, right when this was going to happen. "Hey, Mcfly, I thought I told you never to come in here." Biff states, as the entire room goes silent. 

"How much money you got on you?" He asks, as he and his gang step forward to him. "Well, how much you want, Biff?" George asks shyly, slowly taking out his wallet. Marty's had just about enough of Biff. He sticks out his leg, for him to trip over and land face first down on the ground. 

Some people around them gasp, as Biff stands back up. Biff glares at Marty, making him grow a little more nervous than he was before. "Alright, punk! Now--" "Whoa, whoa Biff what's that?!" Marty points behind him, and as the idiot turns around and falls for it, Marty throws a punch to his jaw, knocking him down crashing into Lorraine's table with her friends. Marty decided that he should probably get out of there now, and made a run for it, knocking down Biff's friends while he had the chance. 

He burst out the door, and saw a kid on some kind of skateboarding box. "Hey, hey kid! Kid, stop stop stop!" He pulled the kid off, "hey!" he shouts as Marty snaps the box off, creating a skateboard. "You broke it!" The kid whined. "I'll get it back to you, alright?" Marty says, looking over his shoulder to see Biff and his gang racing over to him. 

"Get back here!" The kid's friend shouts as he begins to skate away. "Wow, look at him go!" The other little boy says as he watches Marty in amazement. Rosanna ran outside to see, also watching Marty in amazement as he rode off. "Get him!" Biff shouts, as he and his friends run even faster after him. Marty continues to skate off as fast as he could, swerving holding onto the back of a blue truck. "Whoa!!" Marty shouts as he lets go, just before he could crash into another parked car. He then ends up on the sidewalk, crashing into a woman and knocking over all her papers everywhere. "Hey!" She yells, as Marty quickly gets up and skates off again. He felt bad to just leave her, but he had no other choice. 

He then ended back up on the same truck again, as Biff's car sped up towards him now. "I'm gonna ram him!" Biff smirks, his bumper gently hitting into Marty as he swerves himself out of the way. Marty's eyes widen as he sees a manure truck coming up. He then saw an open space in Biff's car, and climbed up on it running through. He hopped off onto the skateboard on the other side, as Biff and his goons stared at him with their mouths gaping open in shock. 

The last second, they then noticed the manure truck, and crashed right into it. "SHIIIIIIT!" Biff and his goons yelled, as they crashed and a pile of manure came down all over them. Marty smirked to himself, as a crowd came outside to see what that crash was all about. 

Marty then found the little boy in the crowd, and handed him back the skateboard. "Thanks a lot, kid!" He says, before heading off. "I'm gonna get that son of a bitch!" Biff promised, spitting out manure that got into his mouth. "Where does he come from??" Lorraine's friend asks. "Yeah, where does he live?" Her other friend questioned. 

"I don't know," Lorraine smiled. "But I'm gonna find out!" 
A/N: Hey hey everyone! Sorry this chapter was delayed! I just figured I could still keep updating my stories cause I love them lol so hope y'all enjoyed this chapter!!! :)

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