Chapter 3

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Marty woke up at around midnight to the sound of a loud phone ringing. He immediately sat up, and picked it up. "Hello?" He answered groggily. "Marty? Is that you? You didn't fall asleep, did you?" The Doc questioned on the other line.

"Uh, Doc! No. No, don't be silly..." He gave a nervous laugh as he looked over to see what time it was. "Listen, this is very important! And oh, Marty I left my video camera. Can you stop by my place on the way and pick it up?" Doc asks as Marty sits up and forces himself awake. "Umm, yeah sure. I'm on my way." Marty woke himself up a little more, getting dressed quickly.

He then grabs his skateboard and sneaks out his back window of his room, heading to Doc's lab first as instructed. "Okay, what was it the Doc needed? Oh yeah, video camera..." Marty spoke to nobody but himself as he hopped off his skateboard, roaming around. "Marty?" A familiar voice asks. Marty flinched and gasps a little out of freight. Well, that woke him up.

"Huh...? Rosanna? What are you doing here?" He asks her as he squints his eyes, trying to see her in the darkness. "Sorry, Marty. I didn't mean to scare you." Rosanna smirked. "I just wanted to...maybe come with you? If you don't mind. I wanna meet this Doc Brown, see what he does and what he's all about," She explained as she looked around.

"Oh...uhm, well ok. Sorry, it's just that I'm kind of half awake right now so I hardly even know what's going on." Marty explained with a slight chuckle. "I think we've all been there at some point." Rosanna chuckled too, and Marty smiled at her. "Oh, right! Camera, I need the damn camera. That's why I'm here. I keep forgetting," Marty said, letting himself inside then to his friend's lab.
Rosanna followed Marty inside as he quickly snatched up the camera. Rosanna then went back to her bike as Marty to his skateboard. "Alright, follow me."
"Where are we going?" Rosanna asked, hopping onto her bike. "Twin Pines Mall, that's where the Doc wants us to meet him." Marty explained, beginning to skate off as Rosanna followed him on her bike. "Is that him?" She questions as Marty stops by the mall's sign, looking out into the distance.

"Yeah, that's him. Let's go." He nodded, and lead the way. Rosanna followed on her bike, getting off when they got down. A happy dog raced over to greet Marty, and he bent down to pet it. "Einstein! Hey, boy! Where's the doc, boy?" Marty spoke to the dog as he barks, patiently sitting next to Marty as he pets him. Rosanna smiled and reached out her hand for the dog to sniff, Einstein walked up to her and jumped around excitedly as she pet him. "Awwh! He's so cute, such a good boy, Einstein!" She smiled genuinely, continuing to pet the dog.

Suddenly, the back of the giant truck in front of them opened up ever so slowly, as what looked like a Delorean pulled out as well. "Marty!! You made it!" Doc Brown chirped as he noticed his best friend was there. However, his eyebrows furrowed when he noticed Rosanna. "Whose this?" He questioned, pointing to the girl.

"Oh! Sorry Doc, uhm, this is Rosanna. She's in a few of my classes." Marty introduced her. "Rosanna Strickland, it's a pleasure to finally meet you, Doctor Brown." She said, and the two shook hands. "Strickland...? As in—?" "Yes, my uncle is Stanford Strickland. You might know him as the principal of Hill Valley High." She explained.

"Oh yes, of course of course." He said, fiddling around with his equipment. "So, what kind of experiment are you working on tonight, Doctor Brown?" Rosanna asks, pulling over her bike. "Oh, I, well..." Doc debated with himself on whether he wanted to tell her too, he figured he might as well since she's already here.

"What you are about to see, you must promise never to tell anybody. Is that clear?" Doc suddenly changes his tone of voice to be more stern, and Rosanna and Marty exchanged looks. Rosanna nodded, and Marty wondered what kind of experiment the Doc was planning that had to be this secret. "I—yes, sir. I promise I won't tell anyone." Rosanna promised.

"Yeah, so what is the experiment anyways, Doc? You've got a Delorean?" Marty asks, following his friend to the car as he checks it out. "Bare with me, Marty. All your questions will be answered soon, roll the tape. Roll the tape!" He said, and Marty quickly picked up the camera, beginning to record. Rosanna then began to wonder if this was such a good idea after all.
A/N: here's chapter 3!!! let me know what y'all think in the comments! :))) thanks so much if you actually read this, i appreciate you! stay safe and have a wonderful thanksgiving everyone!

hamiltonwrites ❤️🥰

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