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Is the secret finally revealed?

The next day, the ones who were involved in the incident were told to rest.

In Xicheng and Mingxia's resident, Xicheng
sat in front of Mingxia who was reading books about spiritual beasts. There isn't much to read as informations on them are really limited.

After pouring a cup of tea for Mingxia and himself, Xicheng started speaking, "Is it true that you heard what the spiritual beasts were saying?" Mingxia put the book she was reading down and nodded.

Xicheng took a moment before speaking again. "There isn't any writings about whether spiritual beasts can speak our language or not. However, there are records of a tribe that is said to be able to talk and understand these kinds of creatures."

Xicheng stood up to get a book he got yesterday. It was dusty and looks old. "This is the only book that contains information on the tribe." Xicheng handed the book to Mingxia and Mingxia immediately open it to read. While Mingxia reads, Xicheng brew some tea.

"A tribe who distance themselves from others because they thought their abilities have no use and can only cause trouble." Mingxia read the first paragraph inside the book. She furrowed her eye brows and continued to read. "This nameless tribe possess the abilities to converse with spiritual beasts. Spiritual beasts are known to dislike having contacts with human and prefer quiet and peaceful surroundings so their abilities are deemed to be useless. The tribe believes that distancing themselves from others and reside deep inside a barrier constructed valley is a must."Mingxia stopped reading for a moment and glances at Xicheng. "I don't understand. Just because the spiritual beasts dislike human contact, why would the tribe isolate themselves from others?"

Xicheng just told Mingxia to keep reading, and Mingxia did so. "As absurd as it sounds, the reason behind the tribe's decision may be related to a not so big incident from a long time ago. It was when a man decided to befriend a lonely dragon. The man befriended the dragon with the intention of using his power and... He succeeded by stealing the dragon's eggs. He hid the eggs and threatened to harm them if the dragon didn't follow his orders. In anger, the dragon went around human villages and bring the chaos as she spread the words about cruel man from the tribe."

After reading that, Mingxia felt so angry at the man. She had to know what is written next so she kept reading. "The news reached the tribe and they decided to take full responsibility. They offered the man to the dragon and the dragon asked for her eggs but what she got in return was the man killing himself in front of her. The dragon was even more enraged. She burned a whole mountain and then destructed herself after what happened."

A loud sigh left Mingxia's mouth. "What a cruel man." She grunted but continued to read the last part. "Since then, the tribe isolated themselves and kept away from the outside world by a barrier far away on the mountain that the dragon burned."

Mingxia put the book down after she finished reading and took a sip of water to calm her anger down. "I can't believe it. How could someone's greed cause such trouble. I-... I'm speechless."

Xicheng gave her some time to calm down as they quietly have some tea. After a short while, Xicheng started talking. "Perhaps what has happened was related to this." "If that's the case then aren't I?"

Xicheng detected worry inside Mingxia's voice. "Yes, but maybe... You are not the only one outside the barrier." Not knowing what else to say, Mingxia kept quiet.

A moment of silence passed before Xicheng speaks again. "I will be investigating this matter. Tomorrow, I shall talk to the teachers and restrict activities outside of Cloud Recesses. Don't worry Ah-Chun."

For which of Mingxia's worry are the words for? Xicheng himself is unsure. Although it hasn't been a problem for the past few years, it seems that we will be finding out Mingxia's origin. 'But does it really matter where she came from? I'm pretty sure that it won't change a thing. I hope...'

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