被丢的小孩, 被他捡起来。

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The Child was thrown, So he picked her up.

It's been a year since the Yiling Patriarch, Wei Wuxian's death. Lan Xichen is worried about his younger brother, Lan Wangji who is serving his punishment for defending Wei Wuxian. That made Lan Xichen grew a kind of hate for Wei Wuxian for causing his younger brother such pain.

《Around Noon》

Lan Xichen were visiting Caiyi Town when he decided to walk back up the mountain instead of mounting his sword. Just as he reached the foot of the mountain, which is surrounded by trees he heard crying noises. Lan Xichen followed the sound and was shocked to found out the source. There a baby was, left beside a tree with nothing more than a dirty thin cloth wrapped around her chest to her legs. Let's not forget that Xichen walked into the forest for quite a distance from the main trail to follow the sound. The baby looks like a newborn, not older than a week as her skin is still quite reddish and her figure is very small. Xichen's eyebrows furrowed, feeling outraged because it seems like the baby was abandoned there to die.

Lan Xichen picked the baby up and lulled her to sleep before quickly making his way back to Cloud Recesses. He brought the baby to Frost Room. And requested for a clean blanket, two towels and a basin of water. The things arrived minutes later and Lan Xichen took off the dirty cloth from the baby. He gently used the wetted towel to wipe the baby clean and carefully used the dry towel to dry her up. He wrapped the blanket around the sleeping baby and place her down onto his bed. He sat next to her and start to think of what to do next. The thought of taking care of her crossed his mind and it stayed. Although he would need to consult about this to his uncle since she's a newborn, unlike the kid that Lan Wangji brought back who's around 3 years old.

Xichen picked up the sleeping baby and made his way to his uncle's room. Lan Qiren was shocked beyond words to see his eldest nephew brought back a newborn out of nowhere. Lan Xichen greeted his uncle without putting his hands out because of the inconvenience of holding a baby in his arms. "Xichen, what's going on?" Lan Qiren asked trying to keep calm. "She was at the foot of the mountain with nothing but a piece of dirty cloth. It seems that someone threw her there. So I brought her back and cleaned her." Lan Xichen explained while trying to keep his voice as low as possible, not wanting to wake up the baby in his arms. Lan Qiren could only sigh. "What's your plan?" Lan Qiren asked after a few seconds of pause, preparing himself for the worst. "I want to take her in." Lan Xichen said still in a low volume. Lan Qiren groaned internally but kept his poker face. "Then make sure to discipline her well." Lan Qiren stated in a strict tone. Lan Qiren agreed to this because he trust his eldest nephew more. Also, the newborn would grow up well under the teaching of the Lan family so why not give it a try.

Lan Xichen couldn't explain the surge of happiness that washed through him when his uncle agreed. He smiled brightly and thanked his uncle but before he could excuse himself, his uncle asked "What's her name?" Lan Xichen thought for a while and answered "Lan Chun (蓝纯). Uncle, how about you give her a courtesy name?" Lan Xichen suggested. Lan Qiren slowly nodded since he did brought this upon himself. "Let me see her." Lan Qiren asked to look at the baby clearer. Lan Xichen didn't hesitate and let his uncle hold the baby. For the first time in forever, Lan Qiren felt the need to protect and shower the baby with love, similar to when he took care of both his nephews but much gentler. He examine the baby's face and muttered "Mingxia (明霞)." "Lan Mingxia sounds good." Lan Xichen commented. "Here, go and get her stuffs. Let her stay with you in Frost Room." Lan Qiren gave Mingxia back to Xichen and let his nephew excuse himself.

After asking one of the servants to look after Mingxia, Lan Xichen himself immediately went down to Caiyi Town to buy everything Mingxia might need and even asked for advices on how to take care of a baby girl. This news immediately spreads all over and in less than a day, the whole town knew about Lan Xichen and a child. The questions from the aunts around town are answered with "Yes, I just adopted a daughter." And it made some young ladies squeal over him. Blame himself for ranking 1st for the best looking male cultivator. While some people is sceptical about it and still question as to why would a busy man add more things to be responsible for since he is a Sect Leader.

Quickly taking everything back to Cloud Recesses, he learned how to prepare milk from one of the servants and how to take care of the baby. He even appointed an aunt name Aunt Yang (杨阿姨) to be Mingxia's babysitter to take care of her when he isn't available.

《In the middle of the night》

Lan Mingxia cried the moment she woke up. This made Lan Xichen jump out of his bed and quickly pick her up from her crib. He tried the stop her crying by rocking her and humming a soft tune but it didn't work so he quickly figured that she must be hungry. He set the crying baby back into her crib and went to warm up the pre-made milk. Once warm enough, he immediately went back to pick Mingxia up. He brought the milk bottle tip to Mingxia's mouth and watch the cute baby drink her milk. Thankfully, it did stop her crying. Once she finishes the bottle, Mingxia starts to let out small giggles and squeals as Xichen makes incoherent cooing noises. The mighty Zewu-Jun at this state can really shocked the whole world but that's the effect of a child to basically any parents that loves their children and from that day onwards, Lan Xichen is the parent of Lan Mingxia and he swore to take care of the little bundle of light in his arms.

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