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But It's only the orientation day!

Another year passed and Lan Mingxia is finally attending class officially. She was really excited when she passed the entrance exam on her first try. Xichen was very proud of his daughter. "I passed!" Mingxia skipped around happily and Xichen just chuckled at her behavior. "Ah-Chun, here's something for you." Xichen took out a box he hid under his bed and hand it to Mingxia. Mingxia took the box and sits down on Xichen's bed. She placed the box on her lap and opened it to see the Gusu Lan Sect's student robe. "Mingxia's eyes widen and it shone in excitement. "Dad, I'm going to become an awesome cultivator like you. I'll study hard!" she cheered while hugging her newly obtained robe. "I know you will." Xichen said as he pats her head. 'My baby is really growing up...' Xichen thought to himself. 

The custom of separating male and female cultivator had already ended years ago. Although the number of female cultivators is definitely much lesser than male cultivators every year. On the Orientation Day, only five female cultivator including Mingxia is present. The class have 35 students in total. The one to handle their class is one of the elder named Lan Jihu. Teacher Jihu is a strict teacher. His teaching style is similar to Lan Qiren's. Teacher Jihu looks like he is only skin and bones but his martial art skills isn't to be look down upon although he won't be teaching them swordmanship. Doing that would be the famous Hanguang-Jun. Lan Wangji's class are usually spent outdoors. Swordmanship, night hunting, etc, are what he teaches. 

The Orchid Hall is filled with new students this year. During the Orientation Day, students are to introduce themselves. Mingxia and the other female disciple sat in a row vertically. Mingxia who sat at the front first introduced herself. "My name is Lan Chun, courtesy name Lan Mingxia, a direct disciple of Gusu Lan Sect." All the other female students are guest disciples from other families that resides in Gusu. Namely Zhu Xiaoyi (朱小义) and Zhu Xiaoye (朱小晔) who's a pair of twins, Wang Liri (王俐日) and Liu Yenmei (刘彦媚). 

After the introduction session ended, students are allowed to socialize with each other. The five girls grouped together and Mingxia greeted them with a smile. The twins shyly greeted them while Liri smiled brightly and said, "Now that we are classmates, let's take care of each other." Yenmei who wears a stoic expression just nodded. They decided to walk around to a nearby koi fish pond.

While the five of them talked, a little group of three male students walk pass while snickering, "Hmph, can't believe they allow girls to study with us." said one of the boys. All five of the girls frowned Liri was about to speak when Yenmei suddenly grabbed the boy's collar "Why don't you let the elders of Gusu hear this instead of us." she snapped at him before shoving him away. "Calm down." Liri manage to say this time. She placed her hand on Yenmei's shoulder and confronted the boy. "Please go away. We came to study not to fight." Liri seems to be much rational for an eight year old. "Who are you to say that? Don't you know who he is?" said someone else out of the three boys.

"Who cares." Yenmei rolled her eyes. "He is the grandson of one of the Gusu Lan Sect elders! Lan Yonggao!" he said while pointing towards the cloud pattern sewed headband. Yonggao smirked and you guys better not misbehave or I can directly report to my grandfather." He threatened. Tsk tsk, six years old nowadays. Before Mingxia could step in, Lan Xichen happens to stop by. "Hello new students." He greeted with a wide smile. "Dad!" Mingxia's eyes brightened. Everyone's eyes almost popped out. 

"How was the orientation?" He asked them. Everyone didn't answer, instead they bowed and politely greeted him in unison, "Sect Leader Lan." Xichen chuckled at the action. "I came as Mingxia's father so be comfortable." He assured the tensed group of kids. Mingxia also giggled lightly. "Please introduce yourselves." Xichen said. The twins first introduced themselves. "We are guest disciples from Linchen Zhu family. " I am Zhu Ju (菊), courtesy name Zhu Xiaoyi. The older one." "I am Zhu Lan (兰), courtesy name Zhu Xiaoye, the younger one." They nervously said. "I am Wang Ya (雅), courtesy name Wang Liri. A guest disciple here. My parents are roaming cultivators." Liri chirped. "Liu Hui (慧), courtesy name Liu Yenmei of the Chenghua Liu Clan." Yenmei introduced herself with a cold face and tone. 

"Nice to meet you all. As for Lan Yonggao, I knew him already. What about you two?" Xichen turned to the boys. The one who spoke before introduced himself as Zhang Heng ( 张恒), courtesy name Zhang Jiahao ( 张家豪) from Yunding Zhang Clan and the other introduced himself as Zhang Bai ( 张白), courtesy name Zhang Xiuying ( 张秀英) who's the cousin of Zhang Jiahao. After the introduction session, Lan Xichen said, "I wish you luck in your studies. I'll have to excuse myself now. Mingxia, I'll see at dinner. I have some matters to handle." Mingxia gave Xichen a short hug, "Bye bye." She waved her hand at him as he goes. 

"Aiyo, can't believe you are Sect Leader Lan's daughter. I did hear that he adopted someone." Yonggao mocked Mingxia. Instead of fighting back Mingxia decided to ignore him and his friends. "Let me take you on a tour around Cloud Recesses." Mingxia said to her newly made group of friends. The four of them left together with Mingxia, leaving the three boys dumbfounded. Although what Younggao said did shot daggers into Mingxia's heart.

A/N: I will be writing their profiles in a separate chapter so you guys won't get confused.

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