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Shopping around Caiyi Town

It's been two years and Lan Mingxia grew a lot. Aunty Yang still babysit her but a bit lesser since Mingxia isn't as troublesome as before anymore.

《Night time》

Both father and daughter are laying down in Frost Room. Lan Xichen is patting Mingxia's thigh while singing a lullaby, trying to put her to sleep. Disliking the current song, Mingxia quickly whined and muttered "Monkey." Addressing the song about the famous story Journey to the West. Ever since Xichen shared the story to her, she's been obsessing over it. Xichen chuckled lightly and whispered a fine before moving on to sing the requested song as Mingxia snuggled closer into her adoptive father's embrace. Slowly, Mingxia slip away to dream land while Lan Xichen finishes the song as he reminisce these past two year's events.

When Mingxia said her first word...... It was pass midnight when Lan Xichen just finished feeding the little baby. Mingxia was spitting incoherent words until she finally said "Mamamama" and keeps repeating it until it turns to "Baba." Hearing these made Xichen's heart flutter in happiness. "That's right Xiao-Chun. It's your baba."

To Mingxia's first step...... Xichen just finished his work for the day and went back to Frost Room. Upon entering, he was greeted with the sight of Mingxia standing beside the table while gripping on the edges as Aunty Yang stood beside her. Mingxia saw him and immediately let go of the edges and slowly walk up to Xichen without any support. Xichen was so happy to finally see his baby girl walking. His happiness burst out even more when Aunty Yang told him that that was actually her first step.

《Early Morning》

Lan Xichen woke up to Mingxia's call "Dad! Morning! Wake up!" as she shook him awake. Knowing the cause of Mingxia's excitement, Xichen just chuckled. "Alright. Let's take a bath and eat breakfast first." Xichen said as he pick up the toddler to do what he just said. After a bath, breakfast and telling Aunty Yang today's her day off, the father and daughter duo sets off to walk down the mountain heading to Caiyi Town.

Lan Xichen just have to patrol around the town for today. He took advantage of the situation and brought Mingxia along with her. Mingxia was very excited. Lan Qiren heard about it and didn't oppose. At heart he was very worried, he just didn't want to show it. Lan Xichen finds it amusing that his uncle finally has someone that can soften him.

Lan Xichen held Mingxia's hand at all times as they walk down thee mountain. Just as they saw buildings not far ahead, Mingxia started to jump around in excitement. "Caiyi Town! Caiyi Town! Caiyi Town!" She cheered while throwing her free hand up in the air as the other is still in Xichen's hand.

The sounds of vendors promoting their products and children's laughter are heard clearly as the father and daughter finally entered the town. The town's folk immediately recognized the famous Zewu-Jun and greeted him with respect. "Aiya Zewu-Jun, this must be your adopted daughter. She's very cute." Most town folk complimented as they saw the child Lan Xichen is holding. Mingxia had a smile on her face. Her hands are almost full from the little gifts she received from the generous town folks. They stopped by a small shop, selling baskets. The shop owner even gifted Mingxia a small pouch with floral design sewed onto it.

Lan Xichen had rented a boat and the duo are now riding the boat along the river, passing many vendors that greets them cheerfully. Mingxia was laughing and Xichen had a wide and warm smile plastered on his face. The excited child waved at everyone that their boat passed, making the town folks that saw this smile. Not to mention a bunch of young ladies following in groups. In which their squeals could be heard from a distance.

The boat ride was over and it's time for Xichen and Mingxia to walk back the Cloud Recesses. They were taking their time, stopping at some shops here and there. Before continuing their journey home, they stopped by a carpenter store. The workers there also greeted Lan Xichen with respect.

"Sect Leader Lan, what has brought you here to our carpenter shop?" The one who seems like the boss around there walked up to him. "I would like to order a bed. As the Lan had always had their beds." Xichen told the carpenter. "Very well. We'll have it done in two days." The carpenter proudly said and Xichen paid them before leaving.

As the father and daughter continued their journey home, a sweet yet bitter scent attracted little Mingxia. They had stop by the source of the scent. "Welcome Sect Leader Lan. This is called chocolate. A sweet made from these giant beans called cocoa beans." The vendor immediately starts promoting his product. "Here have a sample." The vendor said as he handed Mingxia a small piece of the sweet. Mingxia glance at Xichen and once she got the approval, she took a bite. The newly found taste satisfied her taste bud. She gave the remaining piece of sample to Xichen "Father, I want it." Mingxia shyly asked, pulling Xichen's sleeve. Xichen chuckled. The taste of the sweet is indeed nice so he bought two bars. Mingxia took them and place them into the basket with the other things they've got.

With that, they set off to Cloud Recesses. Mingxia is holding onto a basket while Xichen holds another. The two walk back up the mountains and arrived safely. Lan Qiren was standing on the front tower seems to be observing but in reality, he was actually awaiting Mingxia and Xichen's return.

The day was indeed wonderful for the father and daughter. Xichen is a busy man so being able to spend a whole day with his beloved Mingxia seems to be happening once in a blue moon. The day they spent will definitely be memorable.

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