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Two years has passed yet again. The now nine year old Mingxia and her friends are still studying hard. The batch of students in Mingxia's class are all exceptionally good students. They could be called the golden year if they continue to improve like this. Or maybe it is because they are enough good teachers to bring the best out of everyone.

Mingxia's birthday is closing in and Xichen who is busy still managed to prepare gifts for Mingxia. No big celebration will be held but they are certainly a number of people preparing gifts for her. 

While the group spends a free day given to them by accompanying Sizhui and Jingyi, who's on groceries duty (more like going to town to buy rabbit foods and maybe some sweets) they found themselves to be standing in front of a stall that  has an interesting game to play. It is... a bubble blowing contest! Whoever can break the record of the owner's bubble size gets to keep a plant that only blooms after it is properly cared for after 5 years. For now, the showcased plant is still a few sizes smaller than how it should look like when it blooms.

Zhu Xiaoyi and Zhu Xiaoye seems pretty eager to win back home such a plant. Though it may seem like a scam for kids, a senior disciple under the Linchen Zhu clan who claims to be Xiaoyi and Xiaoye's cousin came and he confirmed the plant species but said it quietly so no one will come to win the plant away from them. The owner made it clear that the only way to get to the plant is by winning him so there will be no buying the plant away. 

Now that a recognizable face has arrived, the twins seemed more eager to win the plant. Xiaoyi and Xiaoye took turns, paying the required amount to challenge. Everyone else also gave it some tries but to no avail. It was about the 20th try for Xiaoye when she gave it all she got and blew a bubble just 0.5 bigger than the owner and took home the plant. Everyone cheered and the twins followed their cousin home for a little bit to send the plant. 

As Mingxia and the rest finishes their shopping, they walked back to cloud recesses. The walk up the mountain was quiet because it's quite tiring. The young ones have a hard time catching their breathes as they arrive at the front gate. The sooner they learn how to fly on swords the better. After some time, they finally went back to their respective rooms except Mingxia who went with Yenmei and Liri to their dorm room. They unpacked the stash of sweets they bought and some other random items. One of them is a book filled with sword designs. That's when the topic of sword forging came to mind. 

"Hey, you know that only cores that's up to a standard can create a spiritual sword right?" Liri said before continuing, "Do you think mine is strong enough?" Yenmei nodded, "I think it is. Didn't teacher Jihu said we will be taught how to forge one soon?" Mingxia then excitedly cut in, "Yes! It's the annual sword appreciation day. That time, students of three years will all be given the opportunity to summon their sword in front of the elders to show the potential of the students. People from previous years who haven't done it yet can also sign up." Mingxia excitedly explained. 

Just as she finished, the twins have arrived. Xiaoyi chirped, "We're back! Father has set the plant  in the perfect place so there's no worries. There will be a festival for when the flower blooms as well." Xiaoye then continued, "It'll be sometime before that but we are definitely going together when that happens." The girls cheered and had a short chat before Mingxia leave to go back to her room. 

Once she arrived, her father is still isn't there yet. She went to take a shower and sat by the pond where her fishes are. Both Huan and Xi are having fun together. Weird thing is, it's been so long but they haven't laid any eggs yet. Xichen said it's fine and Mingxia just agreed, since the two are already happy with each other. It wasn't long until Xichen finally came to sight. "Mingxia, it's getting colder and darker, let's go inside." Mingxia stood up and happily ran into Xichen's arms. "Father! I miss you." Mingxia snuggled into his embrace. Xichen chuckled lightly and carried the little girl inside. "Let me go get clean first. In the mean time, read a entertain yourself with this. Xichen pulled out a book entitled "Gusu's swordsmanship" An in depth about the swordsmanship skills used in Gusu.

Mingxia did just that and read the book while Xichen went to take a shower. Once he finished, he came to pick up Mingxia to have dinner. At the dining hall, everyone ate quietly as usual. After dinner, the elders would usually talk among themselves. This time, they brought up the Sword Appreciation Day and questioned Yonggao's opinion on it as well as Mingxia's. Yonggao proudly said that he will definitely not disappoint them while Mingxia said she's excited to see the result of it. 

The day ended like that and Sword Appreciation day is less of a day away...

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