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Immediately after Yonggao showed up, the mood turned sour. "What do you want now?" Yenmei scowled making her way to face Yonggao. "Just saying, he cut me off in class and I think it isn't fair that he gets credit. But at last he did so he need to somehow compensate." the boy said, crossing his arms. "Nobody did cut you off. Teacher just didn't pick you. If you want to trouble yourself, why don't you go find Teacher Jihu to compensate because, he was the one who wanted Zhenyi to answer HIS question." Liri finally voiced out. Yonggao scoffed, "I still think it's not fair. What did he have that I don't? My grandfather is an elder here. Which means that I will have a place here in Cloud Recesses, unlike you outsiders."

The Jade given by Lan Xichen turned a light shade of red indicating the rage in Mingxia is starting to grow. Xichen just finished the ceremony to grief for his sworn brother when the Jade he is wearing is giving him a signal. Xichen quickly send Wangji a message butterfly, "Is there anything wrong with Mingxia?"

Wangji who is currently playing his guqin received the message. He stood up and put his guqin away before making his way to the first place he think Mingxia would be in, Xichen's resident Frost Room and he was right. The group of children came into his view. He walked up to them and the children immediately went into a polite stance and greeted him with their heads down. "Is there any problem?" Wangji asked with his typical stoic face.

No one spoke until Liri decided to, "Han Guangjun, Yonggao had accused our friend Zhenyi of cutting him off in class when it's obvious that the one that was told to speak was Zhenyi." Wangji's brows furrowed a little. "Chances given to others were never yours." Wangji recognize Yonggao and he isn't new to Yonggao's entitlement. "Your meals should be ready by now, please go to where you should be." Wangji told the children and they started making their way to the dining. No one said any other word but Yonggao's face is even more evident to be angry. He push pass the group and speed walk off to the dining hall.

"Sorry for troubling you all." Zhenyi stopped his track as he bowed to the girls. Mingxia released a sigh, "It's okay. Helping is good." The older of the twin then spoke, "Yeah, Lan Yonggao seems problematic. We also want to stop him from doing the wrongs." Everyone in the group agreed to the statement. "Let's go eat now, we shouldn't be late." Liri reminded them and they quickly made their way to the dining hall.

Back at Qinghe, Lan Xichen sighed in relief as the Jade turn back a teal shade. A passerby namely Jin Guangyao heard and stopped his track and walk up to Xichen who was pacing outside of the guest room door. "Er ge, anything more happened." Xichen shook his head in response. "Nothing, it was just Mingxia. I don't think I can let my heart rest until I see her okay."

Once they finished eating, it's time to self study and those who received the punishments are working on their sheets of the rules. Zhenyi decided to join them in the library this time. They chatted a bit as they read. Then Zhenyi found an interesting topic to discuss. "How do you think we would start to form our golden cores?" "Teacher Jihu said we will start to train forming them next year." Yenmei reminded them. "I think I know a book we can refer to here." Mingxia stood up from her seat and went to the golden core section. She picked up the book titled 《Basics of the Golden Core》. Everyone stopped whatever they were doing and grouped together to the table Mingxia is using. "Let's give ourselves a head start so we have more time to practice executing it as smoothly as possible." Liri said and everyone else spent the rest of the day learning about the basics of golden core. After finishing the whole book, they all went back. The sky soon darkens and dinner was served. After dinner, everyone went to their own rooms and hit the sack.

Mingxia missed the warmth of her father. After letting the room be enveloped in the inscent's lemon aroma as her father would do for her every night, she decided to lay in his father's bed for comfort and drift herself off to dreamland with the tunes from her memories, hoping for her father's quick return.

Xichen slept with the hopes of tomorrow to come quick so he can finally return to see his little bundle of light.

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