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Time to go home

It's been four days since the meeting and Mingxia had so much fun in Lanling. Sect Leader Jiang had brought Jin Ling back to Yunmeng earlier. Mingxia was kind of sad because she didn't have anyone else to hang with. Despite Jin Ling's bad temper and tendency to be arrogant, he's actually not that bad.

Like when Mingxia showed him her new fishes, he was kind of jealous that he doesn't have something as cool but then he replied with "My uncle will get me something like that too. Maybe even something better." And that made Mingxia chuckle.

"Mingxia, your Xiaoshu has invited us to have tea before we go." Xichen told Mingxia who's now tapping on the glass tank that her fishes currently stays in. Mingxia heard her father and excitedly made her way towards her father. Xichen chuckled knowing that Mingxia is really bored since Jin Ling left. "Let's go" Xichen held Mingxia's hand and the father and daughter duo made their way to a pavilion near Jin Guangyao's residence.

Once arrived, a nice scent filled their nose. Jin Guangyao saw the two and stood up from his seat. "Er ge, Mingxia. You both came just in time, the tea was just brewed. Let's enjoy it before I send you off." Guangyao gestured them to the seats. The two sat, Xichen across Guangyao and Mingxia next to the two." Guangyao served the tea and the scent burst in front of them. "This tea mix smells so nice." Xichen complimented. "Of course Da ge. This is a herbal tea mixed with strawberry. We try to keep the sweetness of the strawberry so the bitterness from the herb wouldn't be as strong. Everything in this tea mix is processed from our farms here in Lanling. Take a sip." Guangyao explained proudly. Mingxia took a sip after her father and Guangyao. Her eyes lit up at the taste, just like when she first tasted chocolate years ago and Xichen knew that expression very well. "Xiao shu, this tea does not only have great scent but the taste is just as great." Maybe it's because the tea in Gusu only tasted either bitter or plain but this is indeed the best tea Mingxia has ever tasted. Guangyao seems to notice the contented vibe that radiates around Mingxia after tasting the tea so he excused himself to talk to the servant standing not far from them.

Not long after, the servant brought back nicely crafted box in gold and white color. Guangyao took the box from the servant and handed it towards Xichen. "Er ge, since Mingxia seems to like the tea, here's a box of them." Xichen received the box and said "A-Yao, you didn't have too." "Er ge, it's nothing much."

Sometime past and it's time to leave Lanling. "Er ge, take care. You too Mingxia." Guangyao was sending them off. "A-Yao too. Mingxia, say bye." Xichen gently bowed in return before he gestured for his daughter to say bye. "Xiaoshu, thank you for the good hospitality. We will be going now." Mingxia said as she bowed. With that the Gusu Lan Clan's people starts to head back to Gusu.

The long carriage ride finally came to a stop. By the time they've arrive at Gusu it was dusk. Waiting on the watch tower was Lan Qiren himself. Every one bowed in respect in front of the elder. "Xichen, you are finally back" said the old Lan. Xichen just smiled "Sorry for the delayed return." He apologized. Mingxia then appeared from behind Lan Xichen, "Grandpa, I'm back!" She chirped holding up the small tank containing her two fishes.

"Ah yes. Uncle, Mingxia got a pair of dragon fishes. Is it okay to build a pond near my residence?" asked Xichen. In his mind, he is actually praying really hard for his uncle to say yes. Lan Qiren who seemed slightly annoyed said "Let's get in first, everyone must be tired."

Confused, Xichen just listened. The father and daughter followed Lan Qiren to his residence and Mingxia did bring her fishes along. Mingxia's heart is racing. She's nervous. 'What if Grandpa throws away the fishes? No! It's a gift from Xiaoshu there's no way I can throw them away.' Those thoughts ran inside her mind. She was snapped out of her thought when they arrived. She held the fishes close and her hands starts to sweat despite the naturally cold temperature surrounding Gusu.

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