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The people at heart.

The three of them are currently in Lan Qiren's residence. The two fishes are on the table in front of Mingxia, still in their little tank. Lan Qiren cleared his throat and starts to speak, "How was the meeting?" Xichen then answered "It was quite good. No large problems have occurred for now." "Mingxia, how was Lanling?" Lan Qiren asked after a short hum and nod to answer Xichen. "Lanling was great! The market was so big, there's also a big garden there. It was so beautiful." Mingxia said excitedly. "That's great." Old Lan simply answered. "What about those fishes, Mingxia-ah ? Are you planning to keep them in the tank forever?" 

The shocked Mingxia glance between her father and grandfather. "I-i can keep them?" she stuttered earning light giggles from Xichen. Lan Qiren let's out a sigh, "These fishes have good spiritual energy. Keeping them can be good for cultivation." He reasoned.  With that, they agreed to build a pond for the two fishes near Xichen's current room. The building process was quite short and the pond is finished within 2 days. Mingxia was really happy to have her fishes nearby. 

Lan Wangji who had been out to help people just came back the day after. That day, Xichen invited him for afternoon tea. "Wangji, how have you been?" he asked his younger brother. "Still good." Wangi simply replied. "Ah, where did you go?" Xichen was used to his brother's lack of words and he would always try to struck a long conversation. Not to mention, he rarely sees his beloved brother nowadays. "Yiling." Hearing his brother replied, his heart clenched. 'Wangji-ah, he caused you so much pain. Why are you still holding on?' Xichen thought. "The child you adopted, he is studying well. I was watching them sword practicing the other day, he indeed have skills." As if something heavy was lifted off Wangji's shoulder, Xichen felt that his brother is slightly relaxed after hearing what he said. "Sizhui he- as long as he is fine." Xichen responded with a hum. 

Silence filled the air as the two enjoys the herbal tea of Gusu. Not long after, a small figure walk into the room with a stack of books . "Father, U-uncle, sorry for disturbing." Mingxia was at the library studying. She suddenly felt like studying in the comforts of her room.She has been learning Chinese characters by reading story books. "Mingxia, let me see those books and come, greet your uncle." said Xichen as he puts his hand out, gesturing Mingxia to come to his side. Mingxia did so and bowed, "Uncle." Wangji give her a slight nod and lets out a short "Mn." 

Xichen smiled before taking the stack of books from Mingxia. "Aiya, what are these?" Mingxia looks down to the floor and quietly mumbles "The story books from the Library Pavilion. I'll return them after I've finish reading them." Mingxia said the second sentence in a defensive tone. Xichen just chuckled and Wangji kept his poker face. "Go inside and continue, if you need anything I will be around today." Xichen returned the books to Mingxia and pats her shoulder. Mingxia bowed to the twin jade of gusu before making her way to her prepared study table near her bed. 

"Brother, half of the books she held were adaptions of the monkey king." Wangji stated in a questioning tone. "She loves the story since she was a baby. She would cry at night and ask me to sing the lullaby I've written inspired by the story." Xichen's smile widens as he reminisce the past. Mingxia grew up... and she will continue to do so. The past will stay as memories, both good and bad. "Wangji-ah, are you perhaps-" Xichen was going to ask about Wei Wuxian because he always hears the Inquiry being played both when Wangji was punished and afterwards.

"Brother, what did you want to ask?" Xichen just shook his head, "Nothing." Deciding to change the topic, Xichen quickly said "The class is ending soon, do you want to visit Sizhui?" Without saying anything more, Wangji just nodded. The Twin Jade went out of Xichen's residence and Wangji noticed the newly built pond. He was about to ask when he first came but was later distracted. Wangji took this chance and ask "Brother, the pond..." "Ah... When I was in Lanling, these fishes caught Mingxia's eye. Jin Guangyao then bought them for her. Their energy is good so we decided to built a pond just for the two." Xichen explained.  

Wangji looked at the two fishes, swimming happily together, an image of Wei Wuxian smiling appeared in his mind. Xichen could see the sudden sadness that rushed over his brother. "Now, let's go to see the juniors." Xichen snapped Wangji out of his thought and lead the way to where the juniors are at. 

"Sect Leader Lan, Hanguang-Jun." Everyone greeted the two. "Sect Leader, the class is almost over. Is there anything you need?" said the teacher.  Xichen just smiled and shakes his head lightly. "We are just visiting." Xichen replied while Lan Wangji, looks around to find a certain disciple, his adopted son, Lan Sizhui. Once he saw him, he gave a not so obvious nod.  Sizhui just smiled widely at him. Jingyi who noticed the presence of the Twin Jade of Gusu gulped in nervousness. 

The class was dismissed and Xichen left to check on Mingxia, leaving Wangji to spend time with Lan Sizhui. Xichen knows that the only other person Wangji cares about right now is the child he adopted. He wouldn't share the origin of the child when begging Lan Qiren to let him adopt the little boy. Xichen was first worried about him but later just let it be for he understands that the child must be someone who he also put closely in his heart. 'Wangji-ah Wangji, your mind is getting harder to read day by day.'

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