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Activities in Cloud Recesses resume as normal for the students while the teachers and people in charge are still investigating the situation from before. 

Somewhere not far away from Cloud Recesses...

"They seem to have caught on, master. What should we do?" the hawk asked the man sitting on a throne like chair. The man is bulky, has facial hair and scars all over his body. His eyes have glints of all the evil plans in his mind. His armor clattered as he stood up from his seat. " How about you two pay Cloud Recesses a visit. They are an annoying foe to fight in the future. " 

The hawk and the lion quickly move the Cloud Recesses. It was night time, the two spiritual beast effortlessly broke the protection ward around Cloud Recesses and alerted the residents there. All younger students were evacuated to the main dining hall as the seniors and adults went outside to see what is going on. The two spiritual beast emitted strong energy that pressured the people around, Lan Xichen and Lan Wangji stood in front in their fighting stance.

Mingxia is in the main dining hall along with the other students,  worried about the situation outside. Quiet chatters among small groups started and Mingxia was pulled by her group of friends to the corner of the room. "What's going on?" asked a worried Xiaoye who is holding onto her sister, Xiaoyi's hand tightly. Mingxia shakes her head as she told them "I don't know. I think it's related to the beasts we saw last time." Zhenyin hides his fear and calmly told the others to sit down as he does so. " Why have they come to Cloud Recess? " Mingxia said, voice laced with worries similar to everyone else.

While the everyone in the dining hall is worried, what they are worried for is currently occurring near the front gate of Cloud Recesses. The two beast continuously exerted energy to constantly pressure the cultivators in front of them, sneering as they looked down on them. Xicheng, who is less affected by what the beasts are doing spoke, "What business do you two beasts have with Cloud Recesses?" His voice filled with authority yet grace. He has read up on magical beasts as his daughter was involved not long ago so he knows that the beast can understand his intention. The lion beast, not liking Xicheng's tone responded with a low growl before it launched itself towards Xicheng. Xicheng dodge the incoming attack by jumping backward and the cultivators led by Lan Qiren created a barrier between them and the beasts. 

The beasts despite being a much more powerful being knows that they can't go up against the large crowd of experienced cultivators. The hawk spoke with the lion, "If we can't get to them, then let's get the kids." If in human form, you could see a very much visible smirk from the hawk. The hawk left the lion to distract the older cultivators and flew above the barrier towards the dining hall, where he has previously sensed a crowd of young cultivator hiding in. It flapped it's wings and fire starts to surround the building. The children ran out in panic only to cower between the burning building and the front gate where they could see the terrifying mystical beast. "Cry you children, it is all you could do as you've met your doom." It laughed. 

Mingxia who heard everything the hawk said felt anger building up. Within the crowd, surrounded by her friends she screamed, "Why have you come here?" demanding an answer. All she felt from the hawk is malice. Something completely unfamiliar to her but it made her feel strings of uncomfortable feelings. Why have it come to destroy Cloud Recesses when all the residents there just live in peace, chasing their cultivator dream. The hawk, sensing a slight difference from Mingxia but didn't care much. All it responded with was, "It is fun the see your faces plastered in fear." and it proceeded to laugh again. Mingxia screamed again, "This isn't funny!" At this point, Mingxia's friends and some other student tried to ask Mingxia to not further provoke the beast.

Slightly offended, the hawk dashed to move closer to the crowd, "What are you trying to do you useless little child?" Magical beasts obviously doesn't like having their authorities challenged so why have these two have someone they call master? Mingxia who squirmed out of the grips of people around her returned the look that the hawk is giving her and spoke again loud and clear, "I am trying to ask you, why have you come to our abode and destroy it's peace." That's when the hawk finally realize, this girl could hear him loud and clear.

Xicheng from the gate, saw the change in his jade amulet, it slowly turned crimson signaling anger coming from Mingxia. It was much more red than all the other times Mingxia was sulking so Xicheng know it is serious. He tried to chase after the hawk on his sword but was stopped multiple time by the pitch black lion. Wangji gave him a knowing look as he took out his Guqin. He pluck the strings a few times in a quick tune before pulling it and Xicheng readied himself. The string was released and Xicheng was launched way above the lion. He continued on his sword and flew towards the dining hall. As the lion was in shock, Wangji and Lan Qiren created a path for everyone else to move past the lion to help their Sect Leader. Some stayed to assist in dealing with the lion.

When Xicheng arrive, his first instinct was to separate the children from the beast and the burning building. He created a barrier between them with caught the hawk off guard and it flinched backward. The hawk snickered in dissatisfaction and said "We'll come back for you. I wonder how Master would react to this." With that, it flew back to where the lion is and they retreated together. 

Everyone was confused but they have to focus on the destruction the beasts has caused. The bunch of older cultivators put out the fire before the barrier was lifted. Xicheng dashed towards his beloved daughter who's knees went weak and fell to the floor. Everyone went to find comforts with their own group of people as the two had space given to them. Mingxia punched the ground not wanting to look at her father. "They said they'll come back."

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