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Lan Father isn't here, let grandfather come take care.

It's been a month and Lan Xichen do find it hard to take care of both the Lan Sect and Lan Mingxia but he managed. Especially when he has Aunty Yang to help take care of Lan Mingxia for him. Lan Xichen would wake up from Mingxia's cries pass midnight and would start to feed her, change her diapers and watch over her until 5 in the morning when he would get ready and start dealing with his Sect. Aunty Yang would also start working at 5 in the morning. That's when Mingxia would be asleep. Little Mingxia would wake up around noon and Aunty Yang would feed her. After that, Aunty Yang would bathe Mingxia. Nearing night time, Mingxia would be fed again before going to sleep. Lan Xichen would stop by the Frost Room as soon as he finishes work for the day and rest for a bit while watching Mingxia sleep before bathing and joining dinner. After Lan Xichen make sure he finished everything for the day one last time, he would fall asleep as soon as he got to his bed because he knows that he'd have to wake up early to start to next day.


That's how it had been for the pass weeks but today is different. Lan Mingxia would usually cry when she's either hungry or uncomfortable. This afternoon, when Aunty Yang tried to feed her she would push away the bottle, when Aunty Yang tried to change her she would cry louder. Lan Qiren obviously had enough and personally went to Frost Room. The sight of Lan Mingxia squirming around and crying in Aunty Yang's arms greeted Lan Qiren as he enters.

Lan Qiren sighed and signaled Aunty Yang to hand Mingxia to him. Aunty Yang obeyed and handed Mingxia to him carefully. Lan Qiren cradled Mingxia and cooed "Enough, no more crying." Lan Mingxia's cries lessened as Lan Qiren continued. Aunty Yang was shocked at the scene but kept quiet. After a while, Lan Mingxia ended up sleeping in Lan Qiren's arms. He placed little Mingxia into her crib and went out of the Frost Room.

A few minutes later, Lan Qiren came back and handed Aunty Yang a packet. "Put this in the incense burner." Lan Qiren told Aunty Yang. She took the packet and did so. After a while, the room started to smell like lemons. Lan Qiren figured that it would help since he is also using it hence why he is covered with the smell of Lemon and Sandalwood. "I'll send a box of them every month. Use it everyday." Lan Qiren ordered before going back to his room.


Lan Xichen finished his work and went back to Frost Room. A familiar scent hit his nose as soon as he walks into his room. "Did Uncle came to visit?" Lan Xichen asked Aunty Yang. Aunty Yang nodded and handed him the packet that was given by Lan Qiren earlier. "Master Lan asked to lit this up everyday. He will be sending more later." Lan Xichen just nodded as a sign of understanding. "You may leave now." Lan Xichen politely told Aunty Yang. Aunty Yang bowed and left Frost Room. Lan Xichen went up to Mingxia, who's sleeping in her crib peacefully. He smiled softly before taking his flute out and played a calming tune.

Dinner finally finished and Lan Xichen went back to Frost Room. He re-added the packet into the incense burner before checking up on Lan Mingxia and lastly made his way to his bed and sleep.

《Pass Midnight》

Lan Xichen woke up yet again from Lan Mingxia's cries. He picked up the bottle of milk and quickly re-heated it. "I heard that you had a fit." Xichen said as he picks up Mingxia from her crib. Mingxia could only blink and play with her fingers. Xichen chuckled at the small action. He picks up the heated milk bottle and held it up in front of Mingxia's lip where she would immediately drink from it.

"When you are older, dad will take you to places like Lanling and Yunmeng. Go shopping at Caiyi Town. Uncle might disapprove but dad doesn't want you to be stuck here all the time." Lan Xichen said as he sway gently and watch Mingxia finish her milk. Once Mingxia does so, Lan Xichen held her up, letting her face rest on his shoulder as he Pat her back lightly to help Mingxia burp.

The Sun is rising and it's already 5 in the morning. As if on cue, a set of knocks sounded from the door of of Frost Room. Thinking that it was Aunty Yang, Lan Xichen opened the door only to find who he recognize as one of the servant for his uncle holding a box. "Sect Leader Lan, Master Lan sent me to give you this box." Just as the servant finish talking, Aunty Yang came. "Sect Leader Lan, let me." Aunty Yang said as she bows and took the box. Lan Xichen thanked them and told Aunty Yang to set the box on the table.

"Sect Leader Lan, let me take over. You should go get ready now." Aunty Yang advised. With that, Lan Xichen lay the already sleeping Mingxia down in her crib and went away to get ready. After doing so, he stop by Frost Room for a few minutes to check on the peacefully sleeping Mingxia before leaving to fulfill his duty as a Sect Leader, leaving Mingxia under the care of Aunty Yang.

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