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My beautiful sword

A/N: I don't know much about sword so please forgive me for this. The sword forging was also made up by me because there is no information on how spiritual swords are made in MDZS universe.

Days before the Sword Appreciation Day, the students involved are taught to draw an array needed to summon their spiritual sword. They used black ink instead of their own blood for practice. This is one of the few magic arrays that can be taught in Cloud Recesses because they don't encourage such practice. 

 Finally, it is the day! The elders gave their speech and all the student who is forging their sword today are all nervous. The twins especially, Xiaoyi could be seen sweating hard from her palms. "It's time for the third year students to perform the forging of their spiritual sword." Their names were called one by one. Teacher Jihu is there to help pluck a needle onto the index finger of those who are forging a sword today. (Of course it will be sanitized after usage every time)

When it was Yonggao's turn, he drew the array perfectly and sat in a lotus position doing what's needed to forge a sword. The array shone and a sword which scabbard is covered in black and red lined with gold. The is black and also lined with gold. Yonggao took the sword in his hand and unsheathe it. The blade leans more on the darker side, a nicely done double edge as straightforward as the owner. The elders clapped for Yonggao for presenting such a bold sword. 

Zhenyin is next and he forged a delicate yet sophisticated looking purple and silver colored rapier sword, suiting his style. The twins who were up next forged a sword similar to each other. It was a decent size colored in dark gold and green. The only difference is that Xiaoye's pommel is shaped like Rose while Xiaoyi's shaped like a Chrysanthemum. Liri's up next and the sword she forged is a white colored one glittered with gold lining. The shape of her sword is similar to a claymore. No tiny details and very magnificent looking. Yenmei forged a dark blue and purple colored sword, the shape  similar to Liri's. It is also similar the Liri's except for the color. 

Finally, it's Mingxia's turn. Similar to everyone else, all eyes are on her. Xichen in particular feels extremely nervous because she had her golden core formed a bit later than the rest. As if time is moving slowly, Teacher Jihu lightly pluck Mingxia's index finger with the needle and Mingxia felt the little sting. It was not that bad. Mingxia took a deep breath and sat in the lotus position after drawing her array. Visualizing the shape of a sword in her mind and focusing on projecting her energy onto the array, it shone and a  sword started to emerge from the array. 

The scabbard looked like the night sky with silver linings on the pommel, rain guard, locket and chape. Extremely pleasing to the eye. She took it in her hand and lets out a breathe in awe. She unsheathe it in front of everyone and the blade is pure silver. Everyone in the room has to agree that the design on it was the most breathe taking out of all the spiritual sword presented that day. 

"This year, we are amazed that everyone managed to forge their spiritual sword. It is up to you and your dedication to cultivation that will bring out the best out of your spiritual sword. Remember to take good care of it. An Abandoned spiritual sword will turn to move on their own and possibly bring chaos to the world. Also remember to give a name to your spiritual sword as it will accompany you forever in your journey in cultivation. Last but not least, do not recklessly use your swords! Any incidents involving reckless use of your spiritual sword will cost you a heavy punishment." That speech from an elder concluded the event of the day. Everyone  excitedly rush to their dorm room, thinking of the perfect name for their swords.

Mingxia congratulated her friends before making her way to Xichen who stood up from his seat. "Congratulations Ah-Chun. You did amazing!" Xichen complimented. "Look at it!" Mingxia excitedly handed her sword to Xichen. Xichen took it in his hand and examined all the details. The sword itself is very ethereal. Lan Qiren who haven't left yet walked up to the duo. "Mingxia, you did great." He complimented. Xichen handed the sword to Lan Qiren and he also examined the beautiful sword. "Use it wisely. Don't forget to name it." Lan Qiren said as he returned the sword to Mingxia. Mingxia nodded, "I think I already found a name... It's AnShi (安世). Peaceful World." After saying so, the words appeared on the grip of the sword. "It's a beautiful name." Xichen commented. "A good choice." Lan Qiren added. 

After Lan Qiren excused himself, Xichen walked along with Mingxia to their living quarters. Huan and Xi both jumped out of the water as if they are congratulating Mingxia on her successful forging of sword. The day was amazing and is worth celebrating. Another thing to be excited about is Mingxia's birthday. It is in two days! What surprises are waiting for Mingxia?

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