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Time will not stop

And so the year has passed again. The new students has grown familiar with the daily habits of a Cloud Recesses student. The classes that Mingxia attend is getting a bit more harder but still is bearable for their age group.

This year, they are finally going to learn how to form their own golden cores. Teacher Jihu once said that not everyone will he capable of forming a golden core and that fact has been the worries of all cultivators, including the young students. Mingxia of course is very worried that she won't get one. She wanted to be as powerful as Xichen.

With the swordsmanship class, they train to have a nice vessel for a good quality golden core. But of course, since they are still young they are only advised to be as healthy as they can be and not push their little body. The whole year will be dedicated to helping them form a golden core. Lan Qiren in particular is especially interested and is keeping tabs on Mingxia's class. Most of the students there seems to be have a stable progress. Especially Lan Yonggao and surprisingly, Liu Yenmei. Their progress is said to be exceeding expectations.

Day by day, each of them pray to get their golden core. With the trainings they received everyday, they hoped that it is enough. The first ones to form their golden core are Yonggao and Yenmei, of course. Then the rest started to form their own golden cores too. Oh, the happiness. You could see those who have formed their golden core feeling extremely happy. While those who haven't felt the desperate to train harder so they could also form their golden core.

Mingxia's friend, all of them had formed their golden core. The last one to form them are twins. Mingxia got frustrated. The year is nearly ending and only Mingxia is left.

That day, when everyone is starting at her, waiting to see is she has formed her golden core she cried. "Why can't I get it right?" Little tear drops escaped her closed eyes one by one. Teacher Jihu told the students to go practice stabilizing their new formed golden core away from Mingxia and went up to her. "Everyone will earn their right in their own time, with the effort they have put in." Teacher Jihu told her. "Maybe it's the environment. Don't worry, we will find the best way to help you form your core. Out of all the students we have, there's plenty who couldn't form their golden core. But they still learned to fight, to protect."

That eased Mingxia's mind a little. She took a deep breathe and continued to focus. The day is ending soon, the sign of Mingxia's golden core is still unseen. Once the she finished the schedule for the day, she went to her room. Xichen, like always, will come by and ask her about her day. Mingxia told Xichen and once she got the part where Teacher Jihu talked to her, an idea popped into her mind. "Can I try it here?" Xichen chuckled and nodded, "Sure." He opened the window and the door to let more air in for that moment.

Mingxia sat down to a criss cross position and placed her hand, on close to the middle of her ribcage and one close to the belly button. She took a deep breathe and like how she was taught, focus the spiritual energy to one point. Let them gather to evolve to a golden core. Xichen sat down facing her and blow a tune as support. Streaks of pink light surrounds Mingxia, that is the surrounding spiritual energy that is available for merging. It starts to enter Mingxia, to her vessels and gather towards the middle of the lower ribcage where the golden core would be. After it is done, a wave of air blew out from Mingxia. This happened to everyone who had formed their golden core and Mingxia could only imagine how that felt but now, she knows exactly how it felt.

The tune stopped and Xichen smiled at Mingxia. He could feel the energy that surrounds Mingxia. It felt slightly different from a normal golden core, as if the end of it is not only in Mingxia. "Let's get some rest. You must be very tired. Xichen said to Mingxia. Mingxia opened her eyes and she had a very wide smile plastered on her face. She gave Xichen and big hug, "Thank you! I finally did it!" Before going to her bed. "Goodnight, father. You get some rest too." Mingxia waved as her eyes start to get droppy. Xichen closed all the windows and doors before kissing Mingxia goodnight and went to rest.

His heart felt at ease after knowing that Mingxia finally formed her golden core. He received news that she has been getting frustrated about it and is not doing well in class because of it. He was worried that Mingxia might be pushing herself a bit too far as he noticed before. He'll just have to check on that tomorrow morning. Xichen couldn't sleep that night so Frost Room was filled with a calming tune, and a Xichen who thought of the events that happened these past months. All the way from the death of his sworn brother, Nie Mingjue and Jin Guangyao who rose up the rank and became the current Lanling Jin Sect Leader before finally thinking about Mingxia who grew up. That thought never left his mind, how he still remembered the moment when he first held the little baby. This repeats every night and Xichen would always wonder, how much more will Mingxia progress. How will she become in the future, since time will never stop for anyone. We will just have to treasure the present and await the future with the lessons we learnt from the past.

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