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Meeting other clans

Dinner time has come. People from the 4 great clans are seen present at the Glamour Hall. Disciples sat aligned at the back of the hall while the Sect Leaders and titled people sat in front and Jin Guangshan with his wife Madam Jin sat on their large throne-like seats.

Mingxia sits next to Lan Xichen, she's proudly wearing her headband that has cloud patterns sewed onto it. Mingxia remembered her table manner lessons, she just sat there with her hands on her lap smiling at his father and sometimes glancing around.

At the front row after Jin Guangshan sat Guangyao and next to him is a little boy. The boy is around two years older than Mingxia. He was looking down his lap but his eyebrows are creased as if he's annoyed. Sitting next to the boy is Sect Leader Jiang, the youngest Sect Leader there. He was seen glaring at the little boy next to him as if he did something wrong. Sitting in the opposite direction are people from the Qinghe Nie Sect, Nie Mingjue and Nie Huaisang. Nie Mingjue could be seen sending suspicious glares towards Jin Guangyao and all Huaisang could do is glance around awkwardly.

Dinner finally started and foods were served. The Sect Leaders then started to converse among themselves, asking about updates and any big news. It was then when Jin Guangshan mentioned about Lan Xichen's adopted daughter and Mingxia stopped eating, putting her utensils down as her attention is now towards her father. "Sect Leader Lan, heard you brought your adopted daughter here this time." Jin Guangshan said. Xichen smiled wider and nodded, "Indeed I did. I would like her to visit somewhere different. Being stuck at one place would be bad for child growth." "You are right, Sect Leader Lan. So, may we meet this wonderful daughter of yours?" Guangshan continued to ask. Xichen just chuckled a sure.

Mingxia took it as a signal and stood up. She did a small bow and introduced herself before taking her seat back, "My name is Lan Chun, courtesy name Lan Mingxia." It's very clear that the 5 year old was taught well. Madam Jin then took the initiative to ask, "Mingxia, how old are you this year?" "Madam, I just turned 5 this year." Mingxia answered. "She seems like a lovely child. Having a father like Sect Leader Lan could confirm that." Madam Jin complimented. "Thank you for the compliment, Madam Jin. Ah-Chun will be under my brother's teaching starting next year. I'm sure she'd learn more with him as well." Xichen announced.

Indeed Mingxia will be starting her classes with Lan Wangji next year. She actually asked her dad and Lan Qiren before letting Xichen asked Wangji wether she could join his classes on her behalf. It's not that Wangji is scary, it's just that he's rarely seen. After teaching his classes, he would either disappear  to his room or he would lead the older disciples to go on night hunts. So it's quite hard for Mingxia to look for him. Mingxia took interest in swordsmanship for awhile now. She's been peeking at Wangji's swordsmanship class since she was four. Sometimes, she would borrow Xichen's sword and look at it before saying, "Dad, I want one too."

The dinner resumed and it went on until around 9, which is near Mingxia's bedtime. Mingxia had finished her food earlier and all she did was trying to understand what the older cultivators are talking about but not avail. Soon, Mingxia felt her eyelids starting to become heavier. Xichen noticed this and excused himself to put her to sleep.

"Excuse me everyone, my daughter's bedtime is near, I shall bring her to sleep." Xichen stood up and carefully picks up Mingxia. Guangyao also stood up "Second brother, let me escort you to a different guest room. The one you've been using until now doesn't have space for Mingxia." Xichen smiled and replied "That would be great, thank you."

So the three went out to tuck Mingxia in. Guangyao brought the father and daughter into a larger room and in the room there's two beds. It was also near a little garden with a pavilion in the middle. The surroundings are fillid with Peonies. "Hope Second brother and Mingxia rest well." Guangyao said before excusing himself. Xichen tucked Mingxia in and the little girl is already sleeping. Having to feel the unfamiliar place, she squirms around lightly. Even though it's just a little, Xichen saw through it so he picked up Mingxia from the bed and cradle her slowly while singing her favorite lullaby. It was quite hard to put her into a deep sleep because there's no lemon scented incense leafs. Xichen settled with laying Mingxia down next to him and slowly pat her thigh just like when she was a baby as he sings for her.

The night is getting later and slowly, Xichen also fell asleep. Calm breathing sounds filled the large room along with the light rustling of the peony trees that's made from the whistling of the wind.

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