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In Cloud Recesses with new friends

While Mingxia was guiding her new group of friends around Cloud Recesses, they met their seniors who's class just ended. Mingxia waved at Sizhui and Jingyi who happens to pass by them. "Senior brothers." the five greeted. Sizhui smiled and greeted back gracefully while Jingyi had the oh so tired expression. "How was your orientation?" Sizhui asked the group and the twin answered in unison, "It was scary but we are fine." Liri answered with "It was great! Though we met that rude classmate." Mingxia said "It's better than I've expected." and Yenmei simply just said, "Not bad. "Jingyi raised his brows and tell the group to answer one by one next time and Liri and the twins apologized in a worried tone while Mingxia giggled as she apologized. Yenmei just took a deep breathe. 

As time passes by, Mingxia found herself being babysat by Sizhui and Jingyi. The two... well mostly Sizhui taught Mingxia the basics such as the rules and some other facts she needed to study for the entrance exam. As that happens, they began to bond. Jingyi would expose some of his bad habits to Mingxia and Sizhui would always correct him. The two seniors would sometimes take care of the girl as Aunty Yang who used to be Mingxia's babysitter retired from old age. Mingxia has also grew fond of the duo. 

Before anything can happen, another senior disciple walk up to them. It was Liu Guanyu, Yenmei's older brother. "HuiHui!"Guanyu chirped his sister's nickname. "Brother." Yenmei answered. Once Guanyu is standing next to his sister, he gave her a little pat. "Sizhui, Jingyi, this is my sister, Liu Hui, courtesy name Liu Yenmei. And you all must be her classmates. Hi, I am Liu Guanyu, Yenmei's brother." he smiled. Despite being siblings, their personality is obviously different. Yenmei is more quiet and Guanyu is more talkative. The younger greeted Guanyu and introduced themselves to their seniors. 

Since the seniors are currently on recess. They spared some time, touring the group instead of Mingxia because Sizhui reasoned with, "It's better to have seniors around." And so, the seniors tour begin. Jingyi suggested to bring the juniors to the back mountain nearby the forbidden area. Sizhui, at first heavily disagreed but later changed his because Guanyu, Jingyi and the juniors ganged up on him. They walk pass the bamboo forest that acts as a cover for the cold spring and the abandoned Gentian House to the back mountain. 

The juniors except Yenmei, squealed excitedly at what they saw and ran to the cloud like group of bunnies. "This is where Hanguang-Jun keep his rabbits." Sizhui explained but the others seemed to be too distracted with the cute animal. After a while of playing, Sizhui suggested to go back and all obeyed. While walking back with Jingyi leading, he was too busy talking to focus on the road that he was about to hit the mountain wall. Sizhui actually noticed the path they took was a bit unusual. 

Instead of hitting the wall, Jingyi disappeared into the wall and had to be pulled back out by Sizhui. "This is the cave under the cold spring. Only those with cloud pattern sewed headband can enter." Sizhui did the explaining again. This fact was told to Sizhui by Lan Wangji. He was told to not tell anyone randomly but the situation beg to differ. "Anyways, we really need to rush back. We still had class to attend and I suggest the juniors to study for tomorrow." 

"Sizhui is right. As sad as it sounds, you kids still need to study. I heard that Teacher Lan Jihu is really scary." Guanyu said with a funny scared expression. Jingyi had to cut in saying, "Have you forgotten how he had to replace our teacher for the day last year and had us recite the importance of swordmanships!"The twins now looked scared for real. SIzhui noticed this and place his hand on Jingyi's shoulder shaking his head. "Teacher Jihu just wants to make sure we studied well. You will be fine as long as you do so." Sizhui assured and smiled brightly. 

The twin relaxed a bit as Mingxia spoke, "That aside, lets go to the library. Seniors, any tips for our first class?" Sizhui quickly replied "Just familiarize yourself with the rules and you will be fine." The juniors nodded in understanding. Guanyu clasped his hand together and said, "Then lets take them to the library first then go to class." and everyone finally did went back. The juniors to the library and the seniors to their class. 

"I already memorized the rules. If you need any help just ask." Mingxia said and everyone started to memorize the rules. Yenmei who already memorized them helped too. By the time dinner came, Mingxia went separately from the other who're heading to the dormitory and called it a day. Excited to meet at tomorrow's class.

At night, in the Frozen room, Xichen tucked Mingxia. "How was your day, Mingxia?" Mingxia smiled widely and answered, "It was amazing father. I made new friends." she said before yawning. Xichen chuckled and pat her legs. "I will be going to Qinghe for a few days. My sworn brother Nie Mingjue has passed away." Xichen told Mingxia and she just lets out a sigh. "Alright father. You don't have to worry though. I will be fine so you have to too." she said, her voice slowly became low as she is falling asleep. Before she does, she asked Xichen to sing for her and he did. 

The sweet voice of Lan Xichen filled Frost room as he sang his daughter's favorite song. Mingxia smiled to sleep, going to her sweet sweet dream land. Xichen finished the song, gave Mingxia a kiss on the forehead before heading to sleep himself. 

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