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What? But...

Mingxia is now 13 years old. Class has been great. This year, her class will follow their seniors to a night hunt supervised by Lan Wangji. The place they will be going to is only a valley away from the back side of Cloud recesses' mountain. The youngers walked in a group between their seniors and Lan Wangji is at the very front, leading the students.

As they stop in the middle of the woods where they will start their hunt, Lan Wangji quickly said "Make sure to move with the seniors. If there's any problem shoot the flare and wait for further instructions."

Mingxia's team consist of all her close friends since the first year of her study (Xiaoyi, Xiaoye,Liri, Yenmei and Zhenyin) and three seniors, namely Sizhui, Jingyi and Yenmei's brother. Since the seniors had been here before, they led them to a place where spirits might lurk but still count as a safe zone. There, they investigate traces of a spirit.

The seniors gave them many pointers, though most of them are textbook stuffs. Some time pass and noon is soon to come. Jingyi followed some 'odd traces' as he said and the whole group had no choice but to follow. Suddenly, they heard the sound of foot steps and wings flapping. The surrounding became hot and Sizhui felt as if trouble was coming.

They were below an edge of a cliff when a black shadow flashed above them. Landing in front of them was a lion with pitch black fur that has golden streaks visible around his mane. The seniors went into fighting stances in front of the six. From above, a phoenix like bird that looks more like hawk also approached them. Mingxia was slightly shaken as the two beasts are large compared to them. "Look at what we have here. Young cultivators... Don't they know straying too far away from their teacher is bad." said the hawks. "Now that our presences are exposed, these people will report to the authorities. We can't have people catching onto our master's plan." the lion stated

Sizhui signaled to the juniors to light up the emergency flare. Liri quickly did so and it alarmed the two beasts in front of them. The hawk flapped his wing a hot air starts to surround the group. The lion jumped up to the cliff and cracked the edge of the cliff to let it fall onto them. Their power was quite strong.

Seeing the edge of the cliff falling off, Sizhui quickly yelled for them to run. They run as fast as they could but the impact from the large piece of rock falling pushed them to fall. Luckily that is all everyone was hit with. As the crash happed, Wangji arrived. Feeling traces of odd energy, he called everyone to return to Cloud Recesses. The nine only had light injuries so they had no problem moving around.

When they arrived, they quickly got themselves treated. After getting their wounds tended, Lan Wangji accompanied by Lan Xichen went to question the students about what happened. Sizhui explained what happened and the rest nodded their heads. Mingxia wanted to say something but she wasn't sure if it is relevant or not since Sizhui did not mention anything about it.

Xichen noticed Mingxia's actions and ask for her to speak. "Mingxia, is there anything you need to tell us?" Mingxia hesitated, "They said something about their master's plan and them being exposed." Everyone in the room was confused. "Who said so?" Xichen asked to clarify. "The lion and the fire bird." Mingxia stuttered. Even Wangji furrowed his brows as he couldn't understand.

Powerful beast, or better known as spiritual beasts were animals who cultivated their power. They usually need hundreds of years to be able to complete their cultivation. Most couldn't survive due to an average animal life span according to their species. However, some could achieve their spiritual form if they succeeded their cultivation without getting harm.

Spiritual beasts could not reside anywhere near human as they easily get disturbed. Having two appear at the same time and same place should be odd. Since it is nearly impossible for people to interact with spiritual beasts, in depth information could hardly be found. Books about them are also less.

Xichen asked the others, "Did anyone else heard what Mingxia had said?" everyone else shook their heads. Mingxia looked at everyone beside her in disbelief. What had happened, Mingxia can remember clearly. How the voices from the beasts echoed powerfully. 'But I really did hear them...'

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