Wangji's Daily Life 1

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Tranquility that embraces Cloud Recess does not reflect the craze of loneliness and longing inside Wangji's mind. In search of Wei Wuxian's traces, had Wei Wuxian's body was found he wouldn't held up hope but there the body didn't lay.

Strumming the tune early at dawn and late at midnight he hoped. Hoped that the one he wishes the see would respond but alas that is to no avail. Wei Wuxian had left only his artifact and the gruesome title in this world. No traces of life from him anymore. However, this man, this man adorned in blue and white pained day and night since the incident. Torturing himself at the thoughts. Thoughts on how he could've saved the latter.

"Wei Wuxian, where are you?" He thought to himself. No words expressing any of this. Wangji has never uttered words on this even when drunken in sorrow, he only kept the thoughts in his very own mind and the only expression ever existed is through the Soul Searching Tune that he strums every night and his precious GuQin.

Spending time on his own during dawn and after after dusk, he spends his morning and noon teaching as per request from his dearest brother. He is asigned to teach swordsmanship and cultivation arts. The more physical side of learning. Very effective are his teachings thanks to his stern look and reputation.

As the group of students swung their practice swords his eyes glances at one. The one that he picked up on a mountain. The one who hid inside a dead tree. The one who has relations with the person he awaits for. Lan Sizhui.

I named him Lan Sizhui. Sizhui... To remember, to recollect, to long for. Sizhui is doing so well, he is to become a model student. If you had seen his progress... Wei Ying... Would you have given him praises? He learn so fast, so witty too. I'm afraid his playfulness is no more as he imitates my strictness on himself. Wei Ying you need to come back. I will wait for you. Come back to see Sizhui grow, come back and see me too. Wei Ying... Where are you? Where do I need to look? In order to find you?

Once the older one's end their class, Wangji gets a bit of an afternoon break. He took up a walk to the back side of Cloud Recess where the frozen caves are, where the rabbits reside. He made his way into a hut there and took a seat as rabbits, bunnies, the ball of fluff hop their way to him. He picked up the black furred one and cuddled it in his arm. Giving it nice pats while his mind replayed the moment where these bunnies are to finally reside here permanently all thanks to the effort of one pesky variable.

The break is over, Wangji flew his way down to the training field and waited for the younglings to arrive. The young student of Cloud Recess are obviously new to harsh ways of cultivating. Wangji wouldn't let them have it easy because at his age, he didn't. It proves to be effective but don't worry, Wangji may be harsh but not evil. As he teaches more, Wangji is able to understand that everyone has different affinities. As in some people are more suitable with certain elements than others. That's what makes it challenging to teach many at  once.

Wangji took his time and had seperated students into teams with similar affinities. Younglings these days are getting more and more unpredictable. But in the presence of the stern Lan Wangji, no one is causing any massive trouble.

In Wangji's class, Mingxia is doing particularly okay. She is active in learning. Wangji had no problem teaching her.

Without Wei Wuxian's antics, Wangji feels his life duller than before meeting him. But he lives every day with the hopes of finding him. That is the daily life of Lan Wangji, he who longs.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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