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Ah-Chun what made you cry like this?

Sizhui finished his class and made his way to the Quiet Room just as Wangji told him to. He knocked on the door before entering. Wangji gestured Sizhui to sit in front of him as he poured tea. "Hanguang-Jun." "Sizhui, have you studied well while I'm not here?" Wangji asked as he placed the cup of tea in front of the younger. Sizhui smiled and answered "Very well. For now I'm allowed to study and learn basic swordsmanship." Wangji nodded in satisfaction.

The two talked for a bit and drank tea for the evening until Sizhui said that he had some work left to do and is heading towards the Library Pavilion. Wangji excused him and Sizhui left to find Jingyi to finish their homework together.
After picking up Jingyi and the things they needed, the two boys were headed to the library pavilion. Sizhui was listening to Jingyi's complaints as they were walking. Once arriving at the library pavilion, the boys set their things on two tables and started doing them.

Sizhui got up to search for a reference book when he found a toddler wearing Gusu Lan Clan's outfit, sitting on the floor next to a shelve with a book in her hand. The front cover of the book says "Journey to the West." It's actually a book consist of mostly pictures for children who just started to learn how to read.

The toddler look up from her book and she looked shocked as if she was caught stealing a candy. "I go back." She muttered slightly incoherently. She stood up and hug the book into her chest, her little sachet dangling from her waist belt as she waddles away.

Jingyi wondered why Sizhui was taking so long, though it hasn't been that long. He took the initiative to look for him. As he was about to move from the table, a toddler walked passed him with Sizhui following behind. "What are you doing?" Jingyi asked in his rude tone and the toddle got scared. She started to cry and ran out. Both boys got shocked, they then went to chase after her.

Both boys only found out that they were heading towards Sect Leader Lan's room when they saw the little toddler hugging Lan Xichen's leg with the book still in her hand and she's still crying. Sizhui and Jingyi both wasted no time and bowed in respect. "Greetings Sect Leader Lan." Both of them said at the same time sounding nervous.

Sect Leader Lan recognized Sizhui as Wangji's son and Jingyi as Sizhui's best friend because they are always together. Lan Xichen responded to the greeting and picked up Mingxia. "Two young disciples, what happened? Ah-Chun, what made you cry like this?" Lan Xichen asked as he gently rocks Mingxia and pats her back, trying to stop her from crying. "We found her at the Library Pavilion and Jingyi was calling for me in a quite scary tone hence scaring the little miss." Sizhui explained politely followed by Jingyi apologizing.

Xichen chuckled and cooed Mingxia, "Ah-Chun, these brothers didn't mean to scare you. They are good people." Xichen explained with his famous smile plastered on his face as he was amused by the situation. He sort of knew the two boys. Sizhui is one of the top students whereas Jingyi was always at the brink of failing, if not for Sizhui's help he would fail terribly.

Mingxia seems to have stopped crying but tiny sniffles still could be heard. "Two disciples, I'm pretty sure you have some homeworks to attend to. You may be excused." Xichen excused the two disciples and brought Mingxia into their room. Xichen placed his sword aside and sat on his bed still cradling the toddler. He then placed Mingxia onto his lap and wiped her tear stained face. "Look at you, just a small voice could scare you like that. How are you going to be like the monkey king? Fighting monsters everyday hm?" Xichen teased the toddler, lightly tapping on her nose tip.

Mingxia crossed her hand and huffed at his actions. Xichen chuckled more, "Aunty Yang just went down town to run some errands and you went about? What if you get lost? Dad would feel very sad." Xichen pouted at the toddler. Mingxia leaped to give Xichen a hug and Xichen Xichen caught her. "Will always stay with papa." She lightly mumbled into the hug. Xichen broke the hug and placed Mingxia to sit beside him. He took out Liebing and took off the little dangling accessory on the Xiao. He then proceeded to hang the accessory on Mingxia's belt. "Always wear it except when you take a shower or when you are going to sleep. Xichen waved his hand from the Jade stone that he wears as an accessory to the one Mingxia is wearing. The Jade stone both turned from green to light blue.

Xichen had put a little spell that shows Mingxia's mood on both the Jade stones worn by the father and daughter. It's so that he could check on her easily even when he's away. He'd make drastic measures just to protect the little girl but he does know that he'd make the girl feel caged as she grows up hence restraining himself and protect her with the best and most efficient way possible.

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