姑苏蓝氏家 规和剑术

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Gusu Clan Rules and Swordsmanship

The first class for the new batch of disciples just started and the struggle is real. The Gusu Lan Clan Rule Introduction session is filled with students dozing off, day dreaming and sneaking playful glances at their friends. Teacher Jihu has been gritting his teeth throughout the class. 

"Now that everyone seem to have memorize the rules, let's all recite together in unison. If I hear anyone who messed up they will have punishments ahead of them." And so the reciting begins. Not even reaching the fifth rule, there's already a student mumbling incoherently, trying to follow the others. In the end, those who messed up are to copy 5 sets of the Gusu Lan Clan Rule for each time they recited wrongly. The only ones who are excluded from this are Mingxia, Yenmei, Liri, Yonggao and lastly Zhao Zhenyin. The twins had to copy 10 sets each as they said two rules in the wrong order.

"Those who receive punishments are to hand it up by the next three class. That aside, today I will be giving a brief explanation about swordsmanship. You will be taught practically by Hanguang-Jun himself in the second half of the year. So for now, please make sure to take note of what I will be saying in class." Teacher Jihu said in a strict tone, sending small glares at everyone in the classroom. "Let me ask, does anyone in this class know what are the TWO type of swords?" Teacher Jihu asked, emphasizing the word two.

Yonggao proudly raised his hand but Teacher Jihu pointed towards a boy at the back who also raised his hand. "Zhao Zhenyin, yes. What are the two types of swords?" The boy stood up and cleared his throat before starting, "Since Teacher Jihu mentioned that there is two, it must mean spiritual sword and non spiritual sword. It is most definitely not the sword classified in shapes because there's too much to even count! Very interesting actually." Teacher Jihu smiled as he is satisfied with the answer he received. "Thank you Zhao Zhenyi, please take a seat." The bit gave a little bow and sat back down.

A displeased looking Yonggao seem to have a plan of bad intentions cooking up in his mind. With his fist clenching underneath the table, his anger is quite obvious as his face gloomed for the rest of the class.

"Spiritual sword is a sword belong to someone who bonded with weapon spirit. They recognize their owner and will only unseath for them. Their strength represent their master's spiritual power." Teacher Jihu explained and everyone listened in awe. "Amazing isn't it?" Teacher Jihu said and everyone agreed.

"But not everyone can own one. Only those who managed to conjure their golden core can own one. As everyone knows, golden cores are best to be conjured at a young age. Golden core creating will be exposed to you this year and you will start to train to create your own golden core as well so I hope everyone would pay attention to class." Teacher Jihu said. The lesson continued with non spiritual sword introduction and what should and shouldn't be done with a sword. 

Mingxia listened attentively as the class goes. She even managed to help out the struggling twins sitting behind her. The class ended in the afternoon when lunch are given out. Students are allowed to roam freely around their living space. The group of five decided to visit Mingxia's fish. 

"Zewu-Jun had to go out of town for work, so I am left here by myself. Senior Sizhui and Senior Jingyi might come and visit because they usually takes care of me when Zewu-Jun is gone." Mingxia learned to call Xichen by his title when she is with the disciples because she found that Sizhui also did so with Hanguang-Jun despite him being his adoptive father. Sizhui explained to Mingxia as "It is a form of respect "

They arrived at Frost Room. The first thing they could see is the pond where the her dragon fish lives. The kids excitedly walk closer to see the fishes. "Mingxia, what's their name?" Liri asked. Sudden wave of realization hit Mingxia when she remembered that she haven't named them yet. She scratched the back of her neck as she replied, "I actually haven't named them yet." 

Xiaoyi pursed her lips before speaking, "Why don't you name them now?" and Xiaoye wiggled her brows as she said "Yeah, we can help if you want." Mingxia smiled. "Sure." Mingxia chirped. Just before anyone could speak, a voice interrupted. "Why not Huan 欢 and Xi 喜?" They turned to find Zhao Zhenyi who seems to just caught his breathe, as if he was running. Mingxia's eyes lit up, I like that name. The bigger one shall be named Huan and the smaller shall be named Xi!" Thank you for the suggestion." 

They were about to start a conversation when suddenly, Lan Yonggao appeared with his two friends. "Oi, running to hide with the girls, are you even a man?" A huge wave of trouble could be seen coming.

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