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I  met uncle! Uncle is very handsome!

A week after the date, Lan Wangji is finally able to get out of the back mountain from his punishment. He first went to the ancestral hall to pay respect then to his uncle's room.

Once he was about to leave the ancestral hall, he saw his brother walking towards him. Lan Xichen smiled widely and greeted "Wangji, it's good to have you back." Lan Wangji just bowed and replied "Brother." To greet him. Xichen understand his brother's ways so he just shrugged the coldness off. "Are you heading towards uncle's room?  Let's go together." Lan Wangji just nodded followed by a short "Mn." As a response.

The Twin Jade of Gusu made their way to Master Lan's residence and payed respect. Old Lan invited them to have tea and so they sat in front of Lan Qiren and drank tea quietly. After a few minutes, they started conversing about the latest news and updated Lan Wangji.

In the midst of talking, a small figure appeared by the door with her hands at the back hiding a piece of parchment. "Mingxia, come in." Lan Qiren said as he recognized the figure. Mingxia walked into the room and greeted Qiren and the Twin Jade of Gusu cheerfully. "What's going on?" Lan Qiren asked in a tone that shocked Lan Wangji.

Mingxia went up to Qiren and showed him the parchment she had in her hand. On the parchment, there's the sentence written "My name is Lan Chun, Courtesy name Lan Mingxia." Lan Qiren nodded in approval and complimented "Mingxia, your writings are nice." Mingxia happily thanked Lan Qiren and went up to her father to show it as well. "Well done!" Lan Xichen also complimented.

"Ah! You came just in time." Xichen suddenly gasped. "Mingxia, that is your uncle. Introduce yourself." Xichen turned Mingxia to look at Lan Wangji who is sitting on the opposite side of Lan Xichen. Lan Wangji is currently very shocked and Lan Xichen can see through his cold icy face. Mingxia bowed respectfully to Lan Wangji with her hands in infront of her just like how Lan Xichen had taught her. "Nice to meet you Uncle. I am Lan Mingxia." Mingxia chirped. "This is my daughter." Xichen happily introduced. Lan Wangji was speechless as always. "Handsome uncle! Look!" Mingxia happily showed Wangji the sentence she wrote. Her writings were indeed nicer for someone her age. Wangji only responded with "Nice writings."

To avoid Mingxia from causing trouble, Xichen had asked Aunty Yang to occupy her with basic writings and readings. Aunty Yang seems to be able to keep Mingxia interested in studying.

After thanking Wangji Mingxia excused herself skipping out of the room. Lan Qiren didn't stop or warn her shockingly. After Mingxia left, Xichen began explaining about Mingxia. Speaking of children, Wangji asked about the child he brought back, Lan Sizhui and he was told that the child is in great care. He is with the other children disciples.

Upon finishing their tea, they had excused themselves from Qiren's room. Wangji went to see Lan Sizhui while Xichen went to settle his work for today and Lan Qiren went to check on the older disciples.

Among the younger disciples in Orchid Hall that are now studying, there sat Lan Sizhui. Lan Sizhui sat at the very front, looking really focused on whatever he is writing. After class was dismissed, he walked out with his friend Lan Jingyi. They were heading for their room to change for sword practice when he saw Lan Wangji standing not far away from the Orchid Hall's front door. Sizhui made his way there with Jingyi following and they bowed in respect. "Hanguang-Jun." the now nine year old greeted. At first glance, everyone could see that the boy is taught well. As for his friend, Jingyi seems to be a bit more fierce and rude.

Jingyi had left the father and son soon after greeting Lan Wangji. "How have you been?" Wangji asked the younger. Sizhui smiled and answered "I've been well." Wangji nodded in response. Knowing that the younger boy had class soon he dismissed him after saying "Come to Silent Room after you have finished class." And Lan Wangji himself made his way back to Silent Room.

Once he arrived, he sat beside his old table and took out his Guqin, Wangji. He placed his finger on his Guqin, the very familiar starting note that he played non stop for the past years. The song Inquiry starts to play as his grief and sadness starts to emit around the room, adding the tears that started to pour out of his eyes soon after. Searching for a certain soul, asking others to find him . Wei Wuxian who died three years ago when he fell down the cliff at Nightless Sky.

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