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"Sizhui." Wangji called for the boy. Sizhui smiled widely and walk up to him after his best friend Jingyi gesture for him to go. "You go first, I'll be in the dorm." Jingyi said waving at Sizhui before quickly walking away letting the two spend their time together. Jingyi understands his friend's condition but didn't treat him any differently. Not to mention, Sizhui is probably the only one who could tolerate being his close friend. Once seeing his friend went off, Sizhui continued to make his way to Wangji. "Hanguang-Jun." He greeted. "Let's go to Quiet Room." Wangji said. After seeing the boy, his face softened. 'Wei Ying, he is growing up well. Wherever you are, don't worry.' Wangji said in his mind. His grief was very much noticeable to Lan Xichen, the only person who could differentiate Wangji's stone cold face. 

At the Quiet Room, Sizhui was following Wangji to the table in the middle of the room when he accidentally tripped on a loose floor board. Wangji reacted quickly by catching him and kicking the floor board back into place at the same time. "Sizhui, are you okay?" Wangji asked worriedly. Sizhui was a little shocked, but not because he tripped but because of what he saw beneath the loose floor board, Gusu's most famous alcohol Emperor's Smile. Sizhui regains his composure after properly standing up, "Hanguang-Jun, I'm fine. Sorry for troubling you." . He decided to keep what he saw to himself. 'Hanguang-Jun with alcohol!? Whatever, he must have his reasons.' 

Wangji let's out a quiet relieved sigh. "You can sit." Wangji told Sizhui as he gestured the boy to do so while he went away to get some things. Wangji came back with some books and set it in front of Sizhui. "These are the subjects you'll be required to study soon. Have these books as references." Wangji told the boy as he began to brew some tea. Time pass by as the two converse. Wangji asking about Sizhui and vice versa. Though Wangji's sentences are short, Sizhui doesn't mind. Even though Sizhui is young but his understanding capability is indeed amazing. Sizhui has no memories of his early childhood, all he knows is the mighty Hanguang-Jun is someone that gives him a sense of comfort. This feeling is familiar yet unrecognizable to him. 

"H-Hanguang-Jun. How did you come to find me?" Sizhui hesitated to ask at first. He's been wanting to ask that question for a long time now but never mustered up the courage to do so. He partly fears that he might lose the only fatherly figure he could ever know. Hanguang-Jun panicked on the inside but he didn't show it. He swallowed the lump in his throat and said, "You were in a tree and had high fever. I took you in since." The simplified answer he gave is hopefully acceptable for the boy. Luckily for Wangji, Sizhui didn't ask further more. Then, silence filled the named Quiet Room. But not too long after, Wangji spoke, "It's evening. Let's go feed the rabbits."

Sizhui's face lit up. "Okay." He chirped. Wangji picks up his sword, stood up and Sizhui followed after. Stopping at the kitchen to retrieve a basket of carrots before making their way to the  back mountain where the rabbits reside. Once they arrive, the rabbits quickly surround the two as if they are greeting their friends. The two would always come to visit the rabbits. When Sizhui was still a young child, Wangji would always leave him with the rabbits. Sizhui giggled to himself as the memories with the rabbits played inside his mind while he feeds them the carrots. 

Wangji found the familiar pair of rabbit and picked them up. 'Wei Wuxian... Where in the world are you?' Wangji watch as the two rabbits play together. The playful one that likes to bother the quiet one. That very much reminded him of Wei Wuxian. He glance between Sizhui and the rabbits and his mind starts to think about Sizhui. 'If he knows how painful his past was, how will he react. Will he be strong enough? I know he is though.' Wangji's short monologue moment ended when Sizhui called for him. "Hanguang-Jun, the carrots are finished. Let's return before the sun goes down." Wangji nodded in agreement. 

Wangji watched Sizhui walk into his dorm before going back to his room. Another peaceful night went by Cloud Recesses. 

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