Red carpets and Award shows

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Jackson stood on the red carpet surrounded by his boys, Mark to his left and Jinyoung to his right, as the cameras flashed back and forth, blinding them slightly. He sighed loudly, the boys half turning to him, before facing back to the media that stood in orderly rows. He looked around. Korea screaming for them. Something they had always wished for, they had finally achieved. They became the most senior group of JYP with the prospect of taking over in less then six months. They had respectively worked so hard over the years, and their personal lives had ultimately suffered the consequences.

Yes they were all married, yet they spent more time apart from their other halves then together, but Jackson was the one to suffer that the most. His wife, was none other than Irene Bae. Red velvets Irene Bae. Korea's it girl. The queen of Asia. And he was nothing but humbled to have her by his side. Their journey had never been easy. The distance sometimes became too much but the love they shared for each other was strong enough to override anything else. Jackson knew he had asked her to sacrifice a lot with him not being there, he sometimes wondered if she would one day get up and leave but he also knew that her love was immense. And that she would never walk away from him unless he did first. And he wouldn't. He hadn't. They treasured what they had when they were together and the moments they shared ; even if they were scarce they were enough to survive until the next time. It was hard; with him constantly working in between China, Korea and the States they only really had time to communicate through messages and calls. She was his wife, and he loved her so much, despite the distance. He knew she had a life of her own besides him and he grateful for that. She had succeeded the previous CEO of SM and she was doing a phenomenal job. She brought a new wave of music under her rule. An era that became known as the golden era, she worked her ass off, not only for the artists under her wing but for her own girls and for herself. She signed contract after contract, making SM's name shine internationally. His wife had done that single handily, and god was he proud of her.

He had only just touched down back in Korea, and all he wanted was to see his wife. It had been three months since he  last held her in his arms. It had been three months she told him that she was pregnant. That's right, they were the first to expect their bundle of joy, and not being with her and his baby was hurting his heart. He just wanted to love her senselessly. He let out another breath, his eyes dropping with a solemn look. He loved the idol life. He was built to be in the spotlight and shine he did whenever he was, but he found great resentment for it at times like this, when all he wanted to do was be with his family before he had to leave again. The whole world knew they were married. That she was his, and he hers, and yes whilst there was some backlash most people bowed down to their love. They were epitome of sacrifice and respect. Korea's power couple, because whenever they were together, they burned with their love surrounding them. Everyone looked up to them, striving for the same level of success, wishing for a story similar to theirs. He could hear the questions about his wife, but honestly he didn't want to answer, he just wanted to see her. To hold her. To love her. And this award show was hindering all of that. They were moved off moments later, an uproar deafening as his wife stepped out alongside her sisters. He could see JB, Bambam, Mark and Jinyoung visibly smile and become lighter with glimpses of their wives and the same look was reflected in his eyes when his eyes met hers. She smiled brightly at him, wanting to run straight into his arms, but they couldn't. Not right now. She smiled tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear before looking back at him. He pointed at her before making an okay sign, telling her she looked stunning. And she did. Dressed in a tight body con black velvet dress, she looked amazing. But his worries soon over flowed. He had told her assistant before to not let her wear tight materials, it wasn't good for the baby. She caught the look, inconspicuously pulling at the stretchy material. He relaxed slightly as they walked off, the girls walking on. Jackson's hand went to grab hers. And he watched from the corner of his eyes as she smiled. He stood besides the boys, watching on, his eyes doing an in-depth sweep over the form he had spent nights worshipping. He smiled at her softly, his eyes softening as well, as it locked onto the love of his life. He smiled. But soon it fell again, watching her walk in heels that were extremely high. God her feet must be aching. He had told her not to wear them. And he had also told her assistant to be mindful of that. He cursed under his breath. He was firing her at the earliest. He watched on as the cameras flashed mercilessly and all he wanted to do was rush up to her and carry her home. He was sure that this wasn't good for the baby. He watched as she was handed a mic, answering the questions that were thrown back to back. And through out it all she remained relentless. A quality he had always loved about her. She made eye contact with him again, before finishing off. They walked off the steps, the girls being mindful of Irene and for that he was grateful.

The award show started soon after and both groups had already received their awards for the evening. And now it was time for them to perform, which was happening back to back. He watched his wife on stage, singing along to the lyrics of songs that were their greatest hits and god did she look stunning. But still he was worried. Even if she was three months pregnant he didn't care. He just wanted her to relax yet here she was busting out choreography that was physically draining. He watched on until finally it ended, and he swore he had never been this happy to see her stop performing. He rushed backstage to the steps as the girls moved off, smiling at him before going to their respective halves. She was the last down and her heel got caught in one of the wires that hadn't been tucked away properly. She surged forward, and Jackson had ran to her catching her with ease. He let out a breath he didn't know he was holding, as he held her tightly making sure she was okay and safe, his hand resting on her stomach. He could hear his brothers and her girls having a go at the crew and for that he was grateful because if he had lost her or their baby he would sue all of their asses. She smiled up at him, kissing his cheek, trying to reassure him that she was okay, and reluctantly he left to go perform, turning to see her girls fussing all over her.

They had respectively returned to their seats, the stadium become more and more humid as the night progressed and Jackson's eyes kept flashing to hers every now and then for his own self reassurance. Soon it began to drag on. Jackson desperately wanting to go home. The stars were all called up on stage and his eyes kept going to hers again. He saw from the corner of his eye as someone pushed past someone else causing Irene to fly forward slightly. But before anything could even happen he was there holding her up properly. He was seriously getting pissed of now and he turned to see that his brothers had navigated him through the crowd. Jackson lay his hand on her waist, pulling her into his chest as she rested her head against it, wrapping her arms around his torso. "I'm pregnant not disabled you know." He looked at her, moving some of her hair away from her face. "I know. But I'm not taking any chances." Irene knew it was futile, and so she remained quite. Her eyes watching around as the night was finally drawn to a close with an ending photo. Jackson bent down, irene taken back for a second, until he slipped her feet out of the heels she had been forced to wear, her hand rested in his shoulder blade as he did, and when he had removed them he stood up from his crouched position, handing her the shoes before sweeping her up bridal style. All eyes were on them, and Irene was failing miserably to conceal her blush whilst he moved on like it was nothing. She was his wife. He was entitled to do this. He watched as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders burying her head in the crook of his neck as he walked her off the stage carefully. He looked towards his boys signalling he was going home as they nodded in understanding. "Let's get you and baby home." He said, leaning into peck her lips before carrying her to his car.

The End.

Authors note:
Hey guys it's been awhile since I last updated this, so here is a fluffy one shot for you all. I hope you enjoy it. Lots of love to you all. Stay safe x

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2021 ⏰

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