Finding you

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Requested by @UrwahTahir  hope you like it ;)
Prompt: Coffee shop

She walked into the same coffee shop that she had been going to for the past three years. Every single year it was for the same reason. To find a moment of peace away from the lime light that followed her like a shadow wherever she went. She grew to love this place, the peace that it offered her now tormented and battered soul, the people who talked to her like a normal person and not some big shot who had it all, to even the picturesque view that lay across from the large windows. She had heard the quote "Make peace with your broken pieces." And over the years that diminished within her sights she had scavenged the world to find it. She had gone from Korea, to Singapore to Thailand and to other depths of the world, and it baffled her that she only seemed to find a momentary peace in China. Why? She didn't know. Maybe it was the people who loved her differently? Or maybe it was because her heart had been here all along? Yet the minute she closed her eyes, the troubles that had been following her suddenly vanished into thin air like they hadn't just been running after her. She smiled softly wrapping her arms around herself whilst pulling the strings of her hoodie. She sipped on the warm liquid, allowing her thoughts to wonder. Much had conspired over the years. Both personally and within the dynamics of the group. Red velvet had taken off further with the return of Wendy to the group, after the success of the subunit they had reached out into the US market and had the privilege of working with many US artists, a dream that Irene knew Wendy had always had. They worked tirelessly and endlessly to match those around them before swiftly taking over. They had worldwide names, being signed under worldwide brands, and now the world that had once taunted them lay at their mercy. They were deemed the Queens of music, with the trends and concepts they tested and trailed and everything they touched turning to gold. Personally, the girls had diverged to channel themselves in making a wider name. And she? She had been the most successful. Hitting the silver screen with a film in 2020, a year designed to test them, she had swiftly debuted as one of the best actresses, signed to many dramas and films after. Her modelling career had taken a sharp turn with other high end brands adamant to sign her as an international ambassador and her responsibilities hadn't just stopped there. Being a leader wasn't an easy job. But behind every successful woman is a tribe of equally successful women who help to carry the burden. Yet Irene had always been the type to go through things alone. It was habit she had fallen into at a young age. If you want something done do it yourself, don't rely on the fact that others may pick it up for you because when they don't you'll be left to deal with the brunt of it. The words of a wise woman who Irene had learnt lots from. Her strengths as a leader was letting her girls walk in front, whilst she led from behind. She made sure to watch over them carefully leading when they needed her and offering them shoulder of comfort that she had never had. She took the fire for her members learning how to handle SM as they danced around her tune with the power she was encapsulated with. Yet her heart had grown lonely over the years. Cheated, abused and played. She had her share of relationships, and each one left her more hurt then the last. She supposed that was why she was here again. She thought maybe, just maybe things would be different with him and he turned out like the rest. Worse even.

A waiter walked over to her handing her a small red velvet cake. The smile on her face was one that she couldn't fathom. She looked up. "I didn't order this." She spoke. He smiled at her warmly. "I know you didn't. But he did." Irene's eyes followed to where the older man had pointed and her breath caught in her throat. "Hey Joohyun." Her eyes widened further. Her voice failing her as he smiled at her warmly. "Jackson?" His smile grew. "The one the only." He thanked the older man, shaking his hand and bowing slightly as he walked towards the chair across from her. "Is it okay if I..?" He trailed off, as she looked at him not quite believing he was in front of her. She nodded. "Of course." And she could have sworn her heart skipped a beat at the smile that he passed her. He looked at her intently as she gently pushed the plate to him. "I ordered it for you." He spoke pushing back towards her. "Why?" "Because you looked like you could use some cheering up." She chuckled tenderly. "Well it worked." He smiled back at her. "What brings you to China?" He asked. "Trying to find some peace." She responded as his eyes searched hers. "Well I'm glad that you chose China for that." She smiled, trailing her hands against the rim of her tea mug. "It's the only place I've been able to find some peace." He watched her carefully. "Joohyun are you okay?" She felt her cheeks flush slightly. "Yes of course." She passed him a strained smile, one he caught in an instant. "I thought we were friends?" "We are." She spoke, her words rushed. "Then tell your friend what's bothering you? Is there something wrong with your stay? Is everything okay at the hotel." He continued shooting his questions and Irene felt the corner of her lips pick up in a soft smile as she let him. "Jackson." She cut in, her angelic voice calling out to him. "Everything is fine here. I was looking for an escape from Korea and yet my thoughts had just wondered back that is all." He smiled at her. "I heard about what happened with you and V. I'm sorry." She chuckled bitterly leaning back in her seat. "Why are you apologising? You weren't the one who broke my heart." He looked at her as she shuffled. "But still. It felt like the right thing to say." She turned back, her eyes shooting into his. "Your heart is too pure." She spoke. And he smiled back. "You're giving me a compliment?" He placed his hand to his heart in a dramatic action. "Can I get that in writing?" She laughed, his own smile brightening as he watched the carefree woman slip out. She shook her head slightly. "God only you can make me laugh like this." He smiled winking at her slightly. "Power of the Wang." She laughed again, shaking her head slightly, her thoughts transporting her back to the time where she stood beside him in white dress whilst he adorned a sharp suit consisting of red and black, the way she laughed that night, she had never felt that energy with anyone else. And she wished that she had been braver that night. "Hey." He called. "Did I lose you?" She shook her head. "No just got lost in thought again." He looked at her with a mischievous smile. "Penny for your thoughts." "Is that all I'm worth." His gaze softened. "Your worth more than life." Their eyes met, and Irene felt the words fall from her lips. "I was thinking back to the night we worked together." "Ah." He spoke. "A beautiful night." He spoke. She looked at him, silently asking the question. "I had the world's most beautiful soul standing by my side the entire night." "What San-e?" She teased. He attempted to glare at her only for his laughter to cut through. "How did you know?" He shot back, as the two continued to laugh. "I don't think i ever got a chance to thank you properly that night." "And you don't have to." He spoke, waving it off humbly. "I'm glad I was with you, because if I had been seated elsewhere and not by your side I would have been more uncomfortable." She smiled at him. "Thank you." She found herself say, as they moved on to talk about work, the two laughing and joking like they hadn't been away from the confides each other for the past three years. And suddenly there was a sudden shift. "So no girlfriend?" He smiled, "Was that a proposal to take the spot? In that case I'm flattered." She laughed slightly. "Seriously no. I'm waiting for the right one." She smiled at that. "And what about you?" He shot back. "Wow is that your way of signing up to the post." He laughed back. "Honestly, I don't think I can get back into one. I've been hurt too many times." He watched her closely. "You're scared." He stated, she passed him an almost painful look. "We aren't afraid of heights. We are afraid of falling. We aren't afraid of love, we are afraid of heartbreak- of anguish, of being alone. We aren't afraid of intimacy, we are afraid if we show our whole selves to this world that they won't like it. That once we are open we maybe left. We aren't afraid of flying Jackson we are afraid of what will happen if things go wrong. I've been hurt so many times. I can't take that risk, not again." He leaned forward slightly, his hand grasping hers in his own larger calloused one. "I hope you risk it again." He spoke. "I hope you fall so you can see that the jump wasn't as big as what you thought, I know what it feels like Joohyun. I've been exactly where you're standing right now. And all I can tell you is that no matter how much you wish you could, you cannot control how another person feels or what they chose to do. Just because someone fails to see your worth it doesn't make you unlovable. It simply means they aren't for you. You should never have to spend your days or nights for the matter wondering if you're good enough for someone. Because you are. You're enough for the right person whenever he comes along. Have some hope Joohyun. It will save you." She looked at him. "Who hurt you?" "My own expectations." "I'll kill her for you." He chuckled. "I know you would. But I've learned to come to terms with it, and I can tell you're past the threshold of that. You'll be okay. I promise." She smiled at him as he continued. "I hope you find it Joohyun. The kind of love that makes you want to be a better person, the kind of love that believes in you and supports you, that stands by your side. I hope you find someone who quickly becomes your favourite thing, someone who makes the fall less fearful. I hope you find someone who shows you just how deeply you can feel, just how deeply you can love. I hope you find something real because nothing is more beautiful than loving someone who loves you back. Nothing is lore beautiful than loving someone who builds you a home in their heart." She smiled at him as he looked down to his phone. "Would you like me to drop you off?" She shook her head. "I'll see you around then." She nodded standing to bid him goodbye as he pulled her into his chest. He kissed the top of her head as he stepped back. "Don't be a stranger okay?" She nodded as he passed her a smile before turning to leave. And she stood letting her thoughts consume him. Her heart was telling her to trust him, but it wouldn't be the first time that, that foolish muscle there in the middle of her chest had betrayed her, yet her mind seemed to play the words he had just spoken back to her, and with that thought she ran out the coffee shop, because what was love without its risks.? "Jackson!" She called, watching as he turned confused. She jumped into his arms, causing him to stagger back slightly as his hand moved to secure her waist to keep them both up. "Joohyun?" He questioned, yet the words died on his lips as hers met his in heated passion. He held her closer forgetting about the risks that lay in this and finally just allowing the moment to happen. She pulled away shortly after. "I found him." She spoke. "I found the right one." He smiled back at her, "Good." He spoke as his lips ghosted hers again. "When are you heading home?" "My home is right where you are." He smiled at her softly caressing her face tenderly. "Good because I don't plan to let you go that quickly. Not when I've been blessed with finding you again." And for the third time his lips met hers.

The end.

Authors note:
Hey guys hope you enjoyed this one. Do let me know what your thoughts are about this one. Did you like the concept? Next one coming on Saturday is another request and the other one that I am working on is also request. If you have more don't hesitate to ask, I'll get to them as soon as I can. Lot of love and best wishes to you all. Stay safe x

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