MAMA 2017

318 11 51

It had only been a month since the night in Vietnam. And now they sat almost millimetres away from each other. They hadn't spoken since that night. Their schedules had been packed, yet Irene couldn't help but feel hurt. She thought he was different. She thought he'd be the one. The one to kiss the pain away, the one to hold her as she stood in front of the world yet she realised how wrong she was to increase her expectations. No matter how much of a gem of a character he was, he had a reputation of a player amongst them. And she gave in. God she gave in over and over again. She tried to brush it off, trying to finish it under the excuse that it was his work yet it was the same thing that brought pain to her heart.

She let out a sigh, the girls shooting her a look of concern. She flashed them a small smile before grabbing a blanket and placing it on her legs. She felt like they were playing musical chairs, their seats being changed to suit the angle of the cameras at specific times, but majority of the evening she spent sitting behind him. Her eyes subtly moved inconspicuously, aware of the cameras that were pointing in their direction.

He looked amazing in a black suit, his favourite colour she noted, with his hair half styled. His suit hugging his form, highlighting his broad shoulders. She smiled softly to herself, before returning her gaze back to the performance in front of her.

Jackson could feel her eyes. He wasn't stupid. And as much as he wanted to look at her, he tried to remain as focused as he could on the scene in front of him. He knew he had let her down. He had gotten so busy to the point he hadn't responded to her messages. And he could now see how it looked. He had made her believe that he didn't care, he proved the player reputation in her eyes and he knew it was going to be awfully hard to prove otherwise. He moved forwards slightly, to look towards Jinyoung on his left who moved to grant him a view of the goddess herself, he moved back quickly just as her eyes were about to turn to him, his eyes quickly dropping back to the scene in front of them.

Irene moved her arm back slightly not realising their similar stances as she was adamant not to pay him anymore attention. Of course that went out the window. She cursed herself. Her eyes were like magnets for him, they were attracted the minute they knew he was near and the magnetic pull was something she had no control in denying or repelling. A camera zoomed in on them, Irene looking down and not realising until Yeri softly jabbed her. She raised her head ever so slightly and passed a small smile that had the crowd screaming. The girls laughed around her, and she could have sworn from the corner of her eyes that he turned to sneak a look. Her smile dropped with the camera leaving, her ice queen exterior painting itself back on as she continued her thoughts. They were signalled to come up for their performance and so they left their blankets in their seats before moving backstage.

And with her gone, Jackson could now turn to see her unoccupied seat. He let out a deep sigh, Jinyoung passing him a small smile, the others doing the same. They had noticed how his mood was completely off and they knew the exact reason why. He passed them a tight smile back as the audio for peak a boo played. He smiled softly remembering the first time he had heard it at the bowling alley with the boys, her singing voice completely catching him off guard as he rubbed the base of his neck with a shy smile, he wished he had called her or messaged her to congratulate her, but he hadn't, especially when she had bothered with him. He sighed, the camera zooming in on her with the uproar deafening. He couldn't help but smile. This was the power she held, and he remained captive within it. He bopped to the tune, his eyes never falling from her goddess like form, and he felt a sense of pride rush through him, pride that he knew in this moment in time he was not entitled to feel. She wasn't his, and that was because of his own mistakes. He watched as she completed the choreography effortlessly and again with her ending she had everyone awe struck with such simple and subtle movements. He clapped slightly, him and the boys standing out of respect before taking their seats again. Jackson turned his attention to the hosts as the girls took their seats opposite to them this time out of orders from the directors.

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