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My movement is unique
It's not common
1 2 5 to 7
I'm a Dancer of the darkness

Irene Bae was a goddess, and she knew it. But more importantly she owned it. Everything about her she owned with a sense of sophistication and confidence through any given situation. It was something he always found endearing especially on the first night they had met, the way she danced around in a red tango dress, hair flowing untamed against her form, quite like the fire in her eyes. She had everyone captivated the minute her body moved, her movements razor sharp, as she strutted around with ease, a small menacing smirk on her face, and eyes claiming everyone ruthlessly. And as he sipped on his drink, he was in a trance, eyes fixated and adamant to not leave even when he tried to will himself the other way, he found that he could not.

My whole body twists snap snap
I'll go closer to the bed
I steal your heart and rule

He was an assassin sent by the organisation JYP to end her. To end the SM goddess, a rival. But just with one look, she moved closer, taking the breath out of his lungs as she walked closer. How they ended up in a bedroom, he couldn't remember. One minute she was dancing around him, eyeing him like prey and the next they were entangled in a dominating kiss, tasting the very depths of each other. She pushed him back, straddling him slightly, and moving her hips slowly in a teasing manner. He gripped them harshly, feeling the smirk that graced her lips as she kissed along his neck. He knew she could hear his pulse thumping relentlessly and he knew with in a second glance that she had monstrously stolen his heart dominating it with just one night.

One lighting, why are there two shadows?
I think something else inside me opened its eyes

He felt her move against him, his eyes half opening to watch the goddess in front of him as her hair brushed down against her bare back, her hand raking through it and shaking it a bit, she stood up, her warmth disappearing in a matter of seconds as she stood up slipping into her dress, yet he was taken back by the two shadows that illuminated under the sunlight that dipped in through the closed blinds, he watched as she bent down placing her heels back on and walking towards the mirror, touching her reflection with a small smirk. He could see her eyes from where he was, and he could see something awaken in them, and with the eye liner and mascara they emphasised that very look to the point he felt himself shiver against his own skin. He watched as she twirled around, catching the way her hair flew as she did, her steps heading towards him as he shut his eyes, pretending to be back in his deep slumber. She trailed her manicured nail against his jaw slightly, caressing it gently before trailing down his neck and resting it against his Adam's apple before trailing it to his chest, scratching him slightly. He winced, his eyes remaining closed. He felt her lean closer, her lips against his before moving to plant a final one against his forehead and leaving. And the minute she did, his eyes opened, and he released the breath he hadn't realised he had held.

I'm a little monster, make me afraid
I torment you, I only make you dream of me

His mission was simple. To kill her. Yet the opposite seemingly happened. He could tell she wasn't a normal woman. Far from the ones he had dealt with in the past, because all his tactics ultimately seemed to fail in her presence. The first being to in still fear. He found it absurd. But JYP always wanted things done his way, and so he followed. Step 1: make her afraid. Yet all she did was smirk in his presence. As if she found it amusing at what he was trying to accomplish. And it was that very fact that made him blush slightly, as he rubbed the base of his neck under her intense stare. And their second encounter ended with her shaking her head and laughing. When he reached home, the darkness of the house surrounded his heart, and as he closed his eyes trying to find a moment of peace, all he could dream about was her. Of her eyes, of her magnificent body. And he felt like he had reached heaven on Earth.

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