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Jackson was tired, his body aching with the strain he had put on it the aches finally catching up to him. He tensed slightly, cracking his neck after the long flight he had just endured to set foot back into Korea after weeks of being abroad for his solo endeavours. He was grateful to be back in the city he had learned to call home, his heart aching to be with his friends and her. But she was flying out. A hit and miss. Something not unfamiliar to the two but rather the reality of what they shared. She would be back in a day or two for which he was grateful for, at least he would have some time with his girlfriend no matter how small the moment it would be, it was was enough to keep him going until the next time. He sighed, adjusting the bag on his shoulder before handing it to the security guard that stood besides him, watching as Jackson's eyes momentarily closed.
He loved his fans, they were some of the most important people in his life, his success, his fame, and his love to do what he did, stemmed from such people and he couldn't help be grateful to each and everyone of them. But their was always a flip side to the coin. The anti fans. Got6 stans that hated him for the fact he had a solo career, a bigger name for himself. They hated his energy and at one point there was a time that he was deeply hurt by the words that were hurled in his direction simply for doing something he loved. But over time, he learned that he couldn't please everyone, nor was it his job to. His family was Got7. For them it was seven or nothing, they were a family, an indisposable family that lived on a thick foundation of brotherly love. Love that manifested over the years, deep undertones of respect with in them, and so he faced the hate bravely, until he no longer cared about what those people thought. He knew that in order for them to hate, they had to be watching his work and for that he was grateful. He always would be. He placed his cap on his head, bracing himself for the swamp of fans who waited in anticipation for his arrival, and with one step forward, the camera flashes blinded him with an instant, the crowd of masses of people surrounding him as he navigated his way through, some RedVelvet stans waiting further up for the girls to arrive. He smiled slightly looking down, his mood picking up before instantly dropping with the anti fan that stood blocking his way. "You don't deserve your success!" He heard, a sense of silence looming as people took out their phones to record the ordeal. He bowed his head, taking it. 'It's okay Jackson...few more moments and then we will be gone.' He said to himself, his head still bowed as he listened to the comments, his mind somewhat drowning them out until he heard what was said the fourth time round. "I hope your family dies!" He could hear small gasps from around him, an instant bomb set to kill activated as he took steps forward, the guards trying to protect him. "Say that to my face again!" He called out to her, his tone angry and deadly as people watched the scene with wide eyes, he pushed himself forward, the young girl testing his patience. "Come on..." he called. "Say that to my face again."

Irene and the girls had walked into the airport, Irene looking at their tickets as she counted the passports to ensure that they were all there. Relief flooding her knowing she hadn't lost any. She looked up, the mass amount of people apparent, flashes going off in another direction. "Say that to my face again!" She heard a manly voice shout deadly. Her and the girls froze. Her eyes catching sight of Jackson. Her boyfriend. Her steps faltered as she handed the girls the passports in rushed movement before running towards him pushing through the crowd. She saw him, the anger flashing through his eyes as the anti fan she had suspected hurled her abuse regarding his family to him. Her eyes widened watching as he tried to push forward. She grabbed his arm tenderly, Her hand rubbing his chest in small circles, as she reached up a hand to his face turning his line of sights towards her. "Anyia (No) Jack...calm down..." she spoke softly, she blocked his path lightly pushing him to create some distance in the scene. She took his hand in hers offering him a smile before signalling him to come with her, grateful for the fact that her security along side the police had worked to reduce the crowd surrounding them. "Your not even talented! Your music is crap and everything you do is for show!" This time Irene's eyes flashed with anger. She turned back. "And who the fuck are you?" She questioned, her words like daggers as she glared at the younger girl. "This man works so goddamn hard to make and do what he does and your standing in front of him saying such horrible words...why are you here if you don't like him? Why have you taken time out of your day to stand here just to hurl your filthy words at him? He doesn't deserve them. He is talented...he makes his own music from scratch, produces the concept alone, the choreography alone, the beat, the lyrics alone. He set up a brand for himself alone, and to top it off he's an athlete. And what are you? Your standing here because your jealous of another persons success. Dragging someone down doesn't make you look better. So watch your words." She said sharply, her eyes glaring  back to the girl as Jackson placed a hand on her waist. "Rene it's fine-..." "No it is not fine. You work so goddamn hard, you barely sleep because you sacrifice that time to work on something for your fans, you place your health secondary to your commitments always putting your work first, I'm not going to listen to the shit that's coming out of her mouth because you do not deserve that." She exclaimed, her chest heaving slightly, as he looked at her with warmth in his eyes. "I'm fine Babygirl..." she looked at him taking his hand in her own the two beginning to walk away. "Getting your little slut to fight your battles Jackson?" The two heard. Jackson's features turned deadly again. And within seconds hell broke out, Irene's hand connecting with the side of the girls face. "Listen up." She said addressing everyone who had seemingly pieced the crowd back together. "If anyone has anything hateful  to say about Jackson again you will go through me. He's a gem of a person. He protects and he loves with no expectation of those things back. You..." she pointed at the anti fan. "Are the very reason why we have lost so many idols to suicide. It because of people like you who don't realise that your words have consequences that we have lost so many amazing people because people such as yourself can't watch what your saying, I will not allow this to happen to him. If that makes me his slut fine. I don't care. Get out of here." She seethed finishing off, whilst watching as she scurried off in humiliation, the crowd disbanding out of respect for the idols. Irene looked at him. "Are you okay?" She asked tenderly. He kissed her lips with no word of warning. "YAH!" She screeched slapping his chest slightly, "we are in public-" "I love you." He cut in, watching as his girlfriend smiled at him. "I love you too." She responded. "Irene we need to catch the flight." Called out her manager. She nodded looking back at him. "Are you going to be okay." He nodded with a smile. As she tiptoed to plant a secret kiss to his lips. "I'll call you okay?" He nodded. As Irene signalled to the girls who came over wrapping their arms around Jackson in a greeting. "She got lucky Kuya. If Rene wasn't so goddamn scary we would have all gone psycho and killed her. The little-" Jackson shook his head, ruffling Yeri's head. "Now now kiddo no bad language. But thank you." He said smiling at them warmly. "Go catch your flight, I'll talk to you all soon." The nodded as Irene and Jackson's hand fell apart at the very last second, her feet scurrying to catch up with her members. Jackson watching with a small smile. She turned mouthing 'I love you' before leaving. He smiled, before turning to walk out to his car, finally grateful to get home.

Irene landed in japan approximately two hours later her phone going off with a message as soon as she turned it back on.

From Jack ❤️
Thank you for today. You didn't have to step in but still I'm grateful you did. I love you Babygirl, get some rest x

She smiled at the message.

From Babygirl 💖
Never thank me for that....isn't that what you said to me after San-E? We are a team jack. I'll always fight for you. I love you bub, please get some rest as well xxx

He smiled, he loved her so much. And this just cemented their already thick foundation. They would protect each other.

The end

Authors note:
Hope you enjoy this one. This actually happened the airport and all I'm saying is that if I was there i would have thrown hands. Let me know what you think in the comment section below. Lots of love and best wishes to you all. Stay safe xx

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